My host is the Queen of Prophecy

Chapter 953 You are my sweet medicine

Chapter 953 You Are My Sweet Medicine (24)

"Didi—" Just as she was feeling sullen all by herself, her phone rang.

is a text message.

(Do you hate them? I found something on the rooftop of Building A, but it’s not convenient to talk about it in class.——Chen Sier)

Originally, Chen Si'er didn't really want to let the other party know her identity, but she was afraid that Jin Cancan's IQ would think it was a spam message and delete it later, so she had no choice but to reveal her identity.

Jin Cancan suddenly felt a jolt in his head, and walked towards the rooftop excitedly.

She was worried that she didn't know how to relieve her psychological grievances, but she didn't expect a "military teacher" to come to her door.

It's just that she didn't expect that this 'military adviser' was Chen Si'er...

Because it is lunch break, most people are either sleeping in the classroom or reviewing their homework in the classroom.

People who like to exercise can go to the playground for two laps at most, and there is no one on the roof.

Chen Si'er held the railing tightly with both hands, closed her eyes, and the wind was still gently blowing her cheeks.

She has never gotten what she wanted since she was a child, and this time is no exception.

"Chen Si'er?" Jin Cancan squinted his eyes and saw the person in front of him clearly.

It was indeed Chen Sier.

"Yes." Chen Si'er turned around and faced Jin Cancan: "I can help you."

"You?" Jin Cancan was a little puzzled: "You were standing on the opposite side of me just now, why did you say that you can help me?"

"Hehe..." Chen Si'er sneered unhurriedly: "Think about it carefully with your brain, which sentence I said just now made you feel that you are on the opposite side of me?"

"..." Jin Cancan recalled a little bit, it seems that there is no...

"I never wanted to be on the opposite side of you." Chen Si'er narrowed her eyes: "Instead, I can help you."

"How are you going to help me?"

"Help you expose Jiang Qiansui's lies." Chen Si'er chuckled slightly: "Just now when Jiang Qiansui was paying, the delivery lady was a little confused, but her doubts were not unreasonable."

"What... what do you mean?"

"I followed up and asked about it later. She said that she was very impressed with this payment account, because the person who used this payment account was a very handsome man, and he even looked like a mobile phone. Just now Jiang Qiansui was holding It is the latest iPhone 12, and the price of this mobile phone is not affordable for ordinary people."

"You mean to say that this phone doesn't belong to Jiang Qiansui, but she picked it up?"

"Why must it be picking, can't it be stealing?"

"Oh—" the corner of Jin Cancan's mouth finally revealed an unconcealable smile: "I understand, but even if she stole the phone, she wouldn't have the payment password."

"Then you are thinking too much." Chen Si'er smiled coldly: "Many rich people pay for small and medium amounts without passwords. In the eyes of rich people, more than 1000 yuan is nothing more than small assets."

"Okay!" Jin Cancan clenched his fists: "That Jiang Qiansui made me so embarrassing, this time I must give her a good look. Let me just say, how can she have a rich boyfriend with her beauty? Seven or eighty years old All the rich old men probably despise her."

"But you know my relationship with Shi Jue, so it's inconvenient for me to intervene in this matter." Chen Si'er shrugged slightly: "I have no grudges with them, it's just that I don't like Jiang Qiansui talking like that today , it’s nothing special, why bother to look superior, there is a problem with the three views.”

  good night good night~
(End of this chapter)

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