Interstellar baby care letter

Chapter 348 The cultural master will be announced soon

Chapter 348 The Master of Culture Will Be Announced ([-])

Nan Jue's news caused a sensation. Nan Shu contacted the studio and Lu Xuan. After discussing, she began to respond positively.

On Xingbo, Nanshu searched for the user "Nanshu Big Baby" and followed it.

The number of followers who were originally pitifully small, silently added one.

It was obvious at a glance that Nan Shu paid attention to people.

And the moment Nan Shu followed Nan Jue, many netizens who followed Nan Shu popped up a prompt in the background: "Your follower Nan Shu followed Nan Jue's big baby."

At that moment, netizens had an extremely strong premonition.

Half a minute later, Nan Shu posted more.

Nan Shu V: "My son, @南瑟大宝贝."

Admit it!
Before the netizens could finish digesting the news, Nan Shu posted another blog post, "I only have one son, please ask some netizens to change their usernames, thank you for your cooperation."

Nan Shu added a "laughing and crying" emoji.

Netizens who haven't recovered from the previous blog saw Nan Shu's words, and saw Nan Shu's "cant-laugh" picture, couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

A girl at the right age, with so many "sons", may feel very delicate.

There were also some netizens who looked at the big baby Nan Jue who was "personally admitted" by Nan Shu, the corners of their mouths twitched, and they felt a slight pain on their faces.

It was undoubtedly Nan Shu's son, and the slap was quick and urgent.

But many more expressed shock and heartbreak.

Their Nanshu beauty actually has children.

And judging by his proficiency in playing Xingbo here, he is probably not young.

The mood of the netizens is complicated one by one.

The matter spread rapidly, and everyone said anything on the Internet, shock, heartbreak, face pain, helplessness...

After Nan Shu finished posting her blog, she fell silent and began to prepare for the content of the exam, as well as the daily integration and revision of historical matters.

The turmoil on the Internet also has an impact on reality, and the biggest one is Aushuang.

The classmates who were familiar with Nan Shu were fine, but many people who didn't know Nan Shu were stunned.

Nan Shu, a top figure in Emperor Aussie's Billboard, already has a child? !

Countless boys were heartbroken.

Yang Han is one of them.

He likes Nanshu. After what happened last time, Aushuang knew that there were not a few students. Now Nanshu voluntarily admits that she has a child, which adds to his "tragic record". He can feel it when he walks on the road See the sympathetic gazes from alumni and classmates.

At the same time, Nan Shu's campus interviews are also published and displayed on the campus website in text form.

Aushuang's classmates laughed at several questions.

Apart from these, Nan Shu's message and photos are also the two sections that shocked the students of Aushuang.

The former is about ideological realm, and the latter is about appearance and vision.

Neither the online nor real turmoil affected Nan Shu.

Doing your own thing as usual.

In the blink of an eye, three days have passed since Nan Jue's exposure.

The Xingbo authentication application has been completed, and because of Nan Shu, it has attracted a lot of fans. The number of usernames such as "Nan Shu is my mother" on the Internet has decreased a lot, and Nan Jue, who has proved her identity, is also very happy.

As time passed, the enthusiasm for this matter gradually dissipated.

But there is still one thing that netizens don't understand: Who is Nan Jue's father?
Could it be that the tall man who went to the entertainment city with Nan Shu and Nan Jue is that?

No one knows this.

Photos about Nan Jue and Lu Xuan still could not be released.

Especially for Lu Xuan, in the end, a line of words popped up directly on the Zhinao page, "Sorry, what you posted violated relevant laws and regulations, and has been blocked."

One line made everyone more curious about Lu Xuan's identity.

Whether online or in real life, there are speculations that Lu Xuan's identity is the president of a large group, some speculations are that of a political upstart, and some speculations that Lu Xuan belongs to a certain school lieutenant in the army...

Various identities, in short, will not go anywhere easily.

No matter how intense the discussion on the Internet is, no one has come forward to respond to this point, and gradually, netizens have given up their minds.

Forget it, so what if you know who it is, you should care about Nanshu's next exam.

late April.

Nan Shu took part in the academic examination of "Master of Culture".

With the previous experience, Nan Shu didn't find it too novel this time. After the perfect interview, she quickly finished answering the written test questions, and then handed in the paper and left the examination room.

Everything went smoothly, even the exam results.

At the end of April, candidates for the academic title of "Master of Culture" will be announced.

Nan Shu's name was impressively listed.

This time, the netizens also calmed down. They didn't rush to ask about Nanshu's grades, but quietly waited for the announcement from the official academic website—they wanted to know, what is the standard answer this time?
Will it still be Nan Shu's answer sheet?
Two o'clock in the afternoon the next day.

Academic Watch announced the standard answers to the test questions, and by the way, indicated the source—Nan Shu's answer sheet.

Cheers and praise spread all over the Internet, and Nanshu was in the limelight.

The lively April is coming to an end.

May will be an even more exciting month.

Handling company affairs, compiling history, Aushuang courses, learning animal and plant knowledge from instructors, accompanying Nan Jue...
Nanshu's daily schedule is full.

The time is tight, and in a flash, NO.12 in May is here.

Nan Shu put down what she was doing and began to take the "Master of Culture" exam.

Compared with the previous two exams, the master of culture has several more procedures, such as interviews, competitions, free questions, and physical inspections...
The whole day is full of exams.

But no matter which exam, Nan Shu can say with confidence - I can pass.

After passing the exam, Nan Shu's daily work continued as usual, and she calmly waited for the exam results.

NO.12, NO.13, NO.14...
Netizens are waiting for Nanshu's results.

If, if Nan Shu passes this exam, then Nan Shu will be the youngest cultural master in the entire interstellar world!
Moreover, he was also the one who won three academic titles in a row at the fastest speed!

It took some people decades, or even hundreds of years, to obtain the three titles, but Nanshu was different. If they passed the exam, it took only two months.

This will be an astonishing achievement.

It all depends on the results of the Nanshu exam.

At NO.15, the official authority of the country began to publicly solicit the opinions of legal citizens aged 20 and over in StarCraft regarding the candidates for the cultural master assessment.

To put it bluntly, it is a public opinion collection.

Ask the public whether a certain candidate is eligible for the title of "Cultural Master".

Examinations are a test of professional knowledge and ability, while public opinion collection is a test of personal contribution and quality.

Both of these are necessary procedures for the exam, and you can get the title if you pass both of them.

Nan Shu's previous two exams were also "solicited public opinion".

She has no black material, and since her debut, she has spread a lot of culture to the outside world, and "collecting public opinion" has always been no problem.

It's the same this time.

Netizens are still waiting for Nan Shu to create a miracle, waiting for Nan Shu to continue to broadcast live, naturally there is no objection.

Three days later, that is, No. 18, the channel for soliciting public opinion on the entire network was closed, and the principle of openness and transparency made everyone clearly realize that Nanshu was no problem.

Public support is as high as 90.00% [-], what else can be wrong?
The rest of the time depends on whether Nanshu can pass the exam.

Of course, the possibility of passing this is also very high.

On the day when the public opinion collection ended, Nan Shu was staying in Hanxie.

In the afternoon, taking advantage of the break, Qin Qingbai joked with a smile: "Nanshu, the public opinion collection is over, and it is expected that the first 25-year-old cultural master will appear in our federation."

"That's right, congratulations first." Dan Tongshu laughed, he was delighted that the Federation could have a new cultural force.


Nanshu's strength has been contacted with them. Although they can't figure it out, they are definitely not low. Unsurprisingly, Nanshu's title of cultural master is stable.

Nan Shu closed the pen in her hand, "Thank you, but let's wait until the results come out."

She is confident, but there is no guarantee that there will be no accidents.

"Okay, let's wait for the result to come out. If it passes, we have to celebrate."

The whole network is waiting for Nanshu's results, people from Aushuang are waiting, Nanshu's friends and relatives are also waiting, even Jinhua Jinyi's staff are also waiting.

Of course, everyone has confidence in Nan Shu.

Her strength is obvious to all.

But when that day comes, netizens still can't restrain their nervousness.

May 25th was the day when the results of the "Master of Culture" exam were announced.

Everyone is waiting for ten o'clock in the morning.

The topic about Nanshu's test results spread all over the Internet again.

"Three bottles of nutrient solution, I bet Nanshu will pass!"

"If Nanshu doesn't pass, I'll live stream and eat at the table!"

"Cultural anchors are not called for nothing, and the previous "Treasure" is not for nothing. According to Nanshu's strength, it will definitely pass."

"I also believe in Nan Shu. There is no problem with public opinion collection, and the exam must be fine. Besides, Nan Shu is better than Dai Yunlin. Have you forgotten?"

Apart from the news on the Internet, friends and relatives in Nanshu are also waiting impatiently.

But everyone had a tacit understanding and didn't ask Nan Shu about the test results, although Nan Shu didn't necessarily feel pressured by it.

Just as the entire network was discussing heatedly, but Nan Shu's friends and elders were silent, ten o'clock came.

Cultural masters are equivalent to panning for platinum in silver, and very few people can pass.

Therefore, this time the list is announced, there is no dense text, only a few concise and clear names and their introductions.

Federal official academic website V: "After a team of experts carefully and accurately tested, inspected, and judged, the following candidates are determined to be cultural masters, and they are awarded the title of cultural masters. They are—"

Everyone raised their hearts and glanced at——

(End of this chapter)

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