Interstellar baby care letter

Chapter 352 Unlocking the Happy Event

Chapter 352 Lifting the Ban on Happy Events ([-])

June ushered in the most sunny day, Qin Qingbai stayed in the office, and the indoor temperature control system was turned on, which would automatically adjust the most suitable room temperature according to the surface temperature of the human body.

"Tuk Tuk."

"Come in."

It was Qin Qingbai's assistant who came, middle-aged, and walked quickly to Qin Qingbai's side, with a beaming face, "President, this is the result from the academic department."

With that said, the assistant handed him the sealed document in his hand.

Qin Qingbai put down the pen in his hand and opened the seal along the beeswax.

After unpacking, take out two documents.

Qin Qingbai opened one of them, glanced at ten lines at a glance, and after reading it, glanced at the red seal at the bottom, and laughed.

"President, is this audit correct?"

Qin Qingbai nodded, "Yes, the review is correct."

"What about Nan Shu's test scores?"

Qin Qingbai installed the file, "Of course it needs to be reassessed."

Nan Shu is also a member of the editing team, and she also contributes to the Tang Dynasty history compilation. If the academic department does not retest, let alone others disagree, even Qin Qingbai will ask them to make a theory.

Putting the packed documents into the drawer, Qin Qingbai stood up, squeezed the back of his neck, "Okay, let's announce the results to the public."

The assistant responded with a smile on his face, and walked away with wind on his legs.

Soon, Qin Qingbai, president of the Han Association, and the academic department issued an announcement.

The general idea is that "The 300 Years of the Tang Dynasty" originally compiled by the five people in Nanshu has no mistakes or omissions, and the content is clear. It is completely a history textbook.

Netizens were elated.

"Quick! Don't say anything, begging for publication!"

"Nanshu's grades are re-evaluated!"

"Hahaha, Nan Shu is mighty."

The result of "correctness" made everyone crazy. The eyes of the academic and cultural circles were fixed on the editing team. The Bureau of Cultural Affairs and the Academic Department took action again, and their purpose was only one - grinding.

Grinding the writing group!

Be sure to get the writing group to agree to include their writing in the nationally written books.

The major publishing houses are paying close attention to them and publishing a "history book", not to mention the profit, even this honor is the first for the entire Interstellar Publishing House.

The five of them got busy again, and their already extremely high prestige and status went up to a higher level.

Minister Qin Qingbai Hanxie, Dan Tongshu, Shen Yuman, and Qiu Fuming are the long-established cultural masters of the Federation, and Nanshu is a cultural master, a powerful combination with super strength.

Nan Shu also became a rookie in the cultural circle because of the history writing.

And it is a rookie comparable to a cultural master.

Although he is young, his strength is not inferior to any cultural scholar.

Write the certificates of history and culture masters, which is the representative of Nanshu's strength!

He is a cultural anchor and a master of culture.

But this is far from the end of Nan Shu.

The atmosphere on the Internet was very enthusiastic. Taking advantage of this, Jinhua Company advertised: "To thank the netizens for their support, after three days, the old-fashioned songs of Baobao and Nan Shu will be released and put on the shelves!"

It has been off the shelves for half a year, and now, it is finally on the shelves again!


Netizens are crazy!

Looking at those two words, I feel that this is the most beautiful two words they have seen during this time!
Behind the beauty, countless netizens burst into tears.

Not because of the long wait and finally got the best answer, but——"Thank you for the support of all netizens!"

This sentence was the first line of Jinhua's announcement, and it didn't say exactly what it was.

But as long as you think about it, you will understand that it is because of the dispute between them about Nanshu and the academic department.

The eye sockets became so hot.

They suddenly felt that in this world, how could there be such a warm person as Nanshu.

They tried their best to argue for Nanshu, but it was useless.

Later, it was still relying on Nanshu herself to provide information on cultural achievements, and later, everyone focused on writing history.

Even their netizens themselves forgot.

But Nan Shu still remembered.

If you don't need anything else, just thinking about it like this is already very heart-warming.

Touched, joyed, shocked.

It's hot, and so are people's hearts.

Three days later.

"Great Treasure", "Ink and Wash Jiangnan", "Wind and Wind"...all available online.

All major music platforms have launched all of Nanshu's own songs, and major film and television platforms have launched "Treasure".

Interstellar has no fireworks salute.

But the sound of blessings is warmer and more beautiful than any fireworks salute.

[Little Baby of Nan Shu's Family]: "Welcome to the return of "Great Treasure" and "Ink and Wash Jiangnan". I will cherish it this time."

[Blue Maple Leaf]: "Welcome back, I love you."

[Half wine]: "Farewell to June, hello."

The simplest words, the most touching words.

Today in June, suddenly filled with warmth.

The whole federation has a kind of welcome joy, even walking on the street, the music played on a loop is all the old-fashioned music that has been far away.

"Flying snow, flowers, and dead branches
how much money to cook tea

mist, painting, person in painting
sing a song with me

The song never ends for her

People stay for her"

All the beautiful atmosphere makes the originally simple days on the shelves vivid and unique.

But the happy events seem to be concentrated together.

at noon.

The Academic Department announced: "Nanshu's original evaluation of the main officer is invalid, and the new evaluation result is excellent. From now on, Nanshu will be awarded the title of 'Master of Culture' and a certificate of Master of Culture will be reissued!"

(End of this chapter)

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