Interstellar baby care letter

Chapter 355 Delicacy opens

Chapter 355 The Opening of Delicacy and Hundred Flavors (Two in One)

The reddish-brown walls are surrounded by green creepers. The morning sun is extremely warm, and there is a hint of coolness in the air. The halo surrounds the house, which is beautiful like a picture scroll.

Approaching, there is a wooden plaque hanging high in front of the door, engraved with the words "Jiangsu Baiwei Pavilion".

The plaque is made of wood, with soft and elegant strokes, without the feeling of grandeur and elegance, but with a sense of ancient elegance and gentleness.

Instead of going in through the crowded front door, Nan Shu led Nan Jue in through the side door.

The interior has been decorated, just like the pastry shop in ancient times, but with some interstellar style mixed in the subtleties, it is not obtrusive, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

Ornaments are hung on the octagonal cabinet, the pastry cabinet in front of it is filled with pastries, and in the sake area on the other side, the ice-coloured jug is filled with brewed wine. Above the wine, delicate and delicate flower branches hang down, separated from the wine jug by a layer Bingpo's light pink flower wine is intertwined in the air, with an elegant and delicate fragrance, and it is hard to tell whether it is the fragrance of flowers or the fragrance of wine.

Wine calendula branch, full of elegance.

He Bancai and several shop assistants are busy.

It was not long ago that they found out that this store was owned by Nanshu, and it only sold food!

Nan Jue let go of Nan Shu's hand, and looked at the shop with big black eyes, his gaze stayed on the ice soul jade pot for a moment, then he looked away.

Ever since he experienced the embarrassment of secretly drinking Tusu wine, he has lost interest in these wines.

It was pastries that attracted him.

Walking to the cabinet, through the thin layer of glass on the outside, the soft, glutinous pastry is made into a petal shape, petite and delicate, which makes people very appetizing.

There were two other clerks in the store. Seeing Nan Jue standing obediently in front of the pastry cabinet, her white and powdery face was like a peach cake, rosy in the white, and the glazed eyes of two black grapes flashed. She was cute and cute. cute.

Eyes wide open, surprise overflowing in my heart, is this Nan Shu's child?
so cute!
Especially the white, tender and round cheeks, people can't wait to squeeze and feel the touch.

The coolness of the early morning gradually disappeared, and when the sun began to emit scorching light, many people gathered outside Zhenxi Baiwei Pavilion.

"The corner of Luhe Street is not a good place. The store is here, what does Nan Shu think?"

"Maybe it's because of the scenery." Across the street is the Green Lake and Embankment.

"Don't mention it, the decoration of this store is really tasteful, and the scenery on the opposite side is indescribably beautiful."

"Delicacy, the name is also good."

"Baiwei? Tsk, if it's not poisonous, I really want to taste it."

"That's, it's a pity, let's take a look."

"Let's open." It was almost time, Nan Shu looked at He Bancai.

"it is good."

Nan Shu didn't intend to show up in person, but watched He Bancai open the door and go out with a few shop assistants.

A lot of people gathered in front of the store, lined up from the street to the corner, and when He Bancai appeared, his eyes lit up.

He Bancai still spoke softly. When he saw these people, he smiled and said a few words about the opening ceremony.

"Shop Manager, do you really sell those foods?"

In the dark crowd, a rough male voice emerged.

He Bancai nodded, "Yes, this shop specializes in pastries and fine wine."

"Is it really edible? Isn't it poisonous?"

He Bancai's meek tone remained unchanged, he nodded and said firmly, "Of course I can eat it."

There is no food in StarCraft, let alone a food inspection department. He Bancai said that he could eat it. With his trust in Nanshu and the businessman's professional ethics, these customers believed it.

But it’s because the food is too fresh, and the original concept of “poisonous” is deeply ingrained. Therefore, when He Bancai said this, the noisy crowd fell silent, and most people were skeptical.

That is to say, but what if there is an accident?

There is only one life, and if you can do it without tossing, don't toss it.

He Bancai knew what these people were thinking, revealing that the shrewd eyes of the businessman flickered, and after briefly introducing the situation in the store for them, he turned sideways, and the store door was wide open, inviting these people in.

At this time, Nan Shu led Nan Jue upstairs.

After hearing the news, a lot of people came here, from the street corner to the end of the street, Baiwei Pavilion was only considered medium in size, so many people poured in, it was like a torrent poured into a narrow mouth bottle, the store was very crowded, and the scene was hot .

But even so, the people crowded at the entrance of Baiwei Pavilion couldn't help but squeeze in.

Because of the aroma in Baiwei Pavilion.

The Baiwei Pavilion is decorated with flower branches, and the faint floral fragrance penetrates into people's noses, carrying a very faint pastry aroma.

Fragrant, faint, mixed with the elegant floral fragrance, it is almost impossible to smell it, but it is this soft pastry fragrance that seems to be absent, like a small hook, scratching their hearts, itching.

The customers standing at the door smelled a light fragrance, but the customers in the store didn't smell this kind of light fragrance.

Their entire nostrils are filled with the aroma of this pastry, which is fragrant and soft. Their eyes pass through the transparent glass, and the soft and white light hangs down, illuminating the entire glass cabinet extremely brightly. There is a row of thin diamonds embedded in the cabinet, shining brightly At the same time, the lights were chopped up.

The pastries in the seven porcelain white dishes lie quietly under the light of the fine diamonds.

The surface is as fine and white as powder, like the surface of the most delicate white pearl, with a light pink petal stuck to it, petite and light pink, extremely tender.

Unlike the pastries seen in Nan Shu's live broadcast, the pastries in front of her were no more than three feet away from her, and the strong sense of reality brought a greater sense of shock.

Soft glutinous powder, the texture is not as good as Bai Fei.

It reminds people of its taste unconsciously.

Such a petite and tender piece is not even the size of their palms, and the sweet fragrance from the wings of their noses makes the base of their tongues sweet.

If you taste it, will it be as sweet as you imagined?
Thinking about it, they rubbed their hands and looked at the pastry with anticipation.

"Is this wine?" A girl in a bright yellow shirt stood beside He Bancai, with elegant wine calendula branches in front of her eyes.

"Yes, this is peach blossom wine, also called peach blossom wine."

"Is it the peach blossom in "Tao Yao"?"

The girl raised her head, her tone was soft, her slapped face was gentle and white in the high-definition bright yellow shirt.

He Bancai laughed, gentle and elegant, "Well, it's the peach blossom in "Tao Yao"."

The girl's eyes lit up, her tea-colored pupils had a slight smile, and she responded softly, "Okay, then I'll have a pot of peach blossom wine."

Taoyao, peach blossom.

Blissful love.

He should like it.

The girl bowed her head, showing a sweet smile.

He Bancai had a good impression of this girl, so he personally took out a pot of wine, packed it, and handed it to her.

"As long as it is wine, it has the effect of making people drunk. Fortunately, the peach blossom wine has a low alcohol content, so it will not be too drunk, but it is still recommended to drink."

He Bancai explained a lot.


The corners of the girl's soft lips curled up, and there was lightness in her voice.

Beside the girl, someone couldn't help reminding, "That..., drink with caution."

May be toxic.

As soon as the words fell, He Bancai felt He Bancai's sinking gaze cast over him.

The man shut up.

If you say this in someone's store, it's not bad if you don't kick yourself out.

The girl smiled, and thanked the person who reminded her carefully, her soft voice was like a soft wind: "But this is Nanshu's store, so food and drink are definitely fine."

He Bancai's eyes fell on the girl Yubai's face, his soft voice seemed to touch his heart, and the smile in his eyes unconsciously revealed.

She was carrying the packaged wine, with a crimson ribbon wrapped around her fingertips, her slender white and tender calves were side by side, her body leaned forward, her posture was polite, and there was a softness of a little girl.

For the first time in his life, He Bancai wanted to know a girl's name.

But there were many people in the store, the girl said a few words to the man, paid the bill, and wanted to go out.

He Bancai was being pulled over by another customer for questioning at this time, and watched her walk out of the store, opening her mouth, unable to persuade her to stay.

He wanted to say, there is still peach blossom cake in the store, do you want it?
"It smells really good."

"No, what's that called... the lotus flower cake is good, just look at it and want to take a bite."

"Come on, maybe it's poisonous." The words were muffled.

"Even if it's not poisonous, I can't afford it."

A plate of pastries totals three pieces and costs 10 yuan.

Even in the first district, ordinary people have heartache, and they can only buy it with a hard heart.

"That's right, the price is sky-high."

"Hey, what is the sky-high price? Isn't the food rare?"

Nan Shu is the only one selling this in the whole interstellar world.

Most people are discussing a new thing, and there are always endless topics to talk about.

But most of them just talk and don't buy.

Ordinary people can't afford to join in the fun, and the rich dare not buy it. Two hours later, the people in the store changed after another, and even with drinks, only three copies were sold.

But He Bancai was not in a hurry, and answered questions calmly, with an excellent attitude.

When the sun shines at noon, there are fewer people in Baiwei Pavilion, but it is not so crowded, the number is still the same.

"Oh, please let me go."

Two men squeezed in from the door of the store, finally walked to the counter, panting, and said to the clerk in a rough voice: "Ten copies of everything in your store, I want it."

Ten servings is not a small number for Zhenxiubaweige, which is "difficult in performance".

It was rare to find silence in the noisy store.

Ten copies is not a lot of money for noble people, but why buy so many?

Can't eat?

Take it back and enjoy it?
The clerk responded quickly and immediately laughed, "Okay."

"Hey, give me ten copies too."

Another man called out, urgently.

The dean specifically explained that he had to arrive early, for fear that he would run out of things in the end.

Two people in succession want ten copies, adding up to a total of twenty copies, so much?
Is it possible that these things can still be eaten?

After thinking about it, I thought it was impossible.

Maybe it was entrusted, otherwise it would cost ten copies at once, even if you have money, there is no need to waste it like this.

After thinking about it, the more I look at it, the more I think it is like this.

Most likely, the store manager saw that the business was not good, and asked two people to deliberately confuse them.

The clerk was also stunned, then nodded, "Okay, please wait a moment."

There are five kinds of delicacies, including peach blossom cake, cherry blossom cake, lotus cake, cherry blossom stuffing, and peach blossom stuffing.

The clerk acted quickly, and very quickly, all the one hundred things the two asked for were packed.

The two paid the bill neatly.

Millions just gone.

After paying the bill, the two put the bought things into Xingge, and walked out of the store happily.

Dean/Director, still waiting for his things.

After the two left, the Zhenxiu Baiwei Pavilion was more than half empty.

The others watched, inexplicably, feeling empty.

But these people seem to have made an appointment. After the two men left, several people came one after another, and they paid ten copies for each order, and paid the bill quickly after selling.

The customers who watched were dumbfounded.

Isn't it the entrustment that Zhenxiu Baiwei Pavilion found?
After all, according to this posture, they are all sold to the trustee, how can they make a profit?

After thinking about it, a few customers decided to buy it!

Isn't it just poisoning? This is the only time I've seen it. If it's a big deal, I'll go to the hospital. They don't believe that they can lose their lives.

Thinking about it, several customers came forward and directly bought a pastry and a wine.

Due to these sporadic and aggressive customers who kept opening their mouths, soon, all the items in the Zhenxiu Bawei Pavilion were sold out ahead of schedule.

The store was empty, only the faint scent of pastries lingering in the air.

The other customers twitched their mouths and asked, "There are so few things in the store?"

Except for a few proud customers, not many copies were sold.

Facing the surprised eyes of the whole room, He Bancai nodded calmly, "Actually, it's not too little."

This is still the opening today, and I have prepared a little more.

The customers in the room were stunned, isn't that too small?
"In the future, the store will only provide 10 pastries, the three kinds of pastries add up to 30 pastries, and the wine will only provide 5 servings, and the two wines will add up to 10 servings."

He Bancai's meek tone didn't fluctuate at all.

The rest of the customers felt weird.

What does this mean?
Is it because rare things are more expensive, and the daily high price is special, or because the business is not good, and the cans are broken, so they sell less?
No matter how you think about it, the rules of Zhenxiu Baiwei Pavilion have been set.

And with nothing in the store, these people left Baiwei Pavilion.

After the people left, Baiwei Pavilion closed the door.

an early closure.

He Bancai went upstairs to find Nanshu and told about the situation just now.

Nan Shu couldn't help laughing when she heard several people "each asking for ten shares".

If nothing else, these people are probably Doyle and the others.

Nan Shu laughed, "Their actions are relatively light."

If it was a little more ruthless, I'm afraid it would be more than ten copies.

Thinking about it, he also took care of her opening and left more things for her.

He Bancai listened to Nan Shu's words and adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose, but he didn't understand much.


After excluding a few acquaintances, only about twenty customers bought the pastries in Zhenxiubaweige.

It's all a plate of pastries, plus a jug of wine configuration.

He took the cup and poured out the sake, and the clear aroma of the wine overflowed.

The person who bought it sniffed his nose and got into a tangle.

I made up my mind when I bought it, but hesitated when I wanted to try it.

What if it is poisonous?This is experimenting with your own body.

But the cakes and wine are in front of you, they are soft and glutinous, clear and translucent, which is really too tempting.

After hesitating for a long time, someone sighed and packed the food.

Forget it, it’s still not easy to try.

Several other people carefully squeezed a piece of pink, white and soft pastry from the white porcelain plate, put it to their mouths, and tentatively took a small bite with a look of resignation.

The glutinous pastry lingered in his mouth for no more than three seconds, and the next moment, his expression of death-defying attitude immediately changed.

(End of this chapter)

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