Rebirth 90's wife

Chapter 1000 Didn't you see it?

Chapter 1000 Didn't you see it?

Through Wu Qiao's introduction, Chen Jingang finally got to know Li Sen.

Since it was helpful to his little girl, he wouldn't just nod like he did just now.

The three sat in the corner and chatted for a while, and the dinner officially began.

But Qiao Qiao has always been a low-key person, always at the end.

What's more, with Chen Jingang by his side, naturally he wouldn't go forward.

"You just stand behind, what news can you get?"

Chen Jingang knew the thoughts of her little girl, so she even smiled a little when she spoke.

But Wu Qiao rolled his eyes.

"I'm not here to ask for resources. It's enough to take a look here. At least, look at the four people over there."

Wu Qiao put his hand on his knee, raised it slightly, and pointed to the right side.

There were four people standing near the window on the right side, two men and two women, each holding a wine glass in their hands. At this moment, they laughed loudly when they heard the host's words to mobilize the atmosphere.

"That's last year's and the year before last's actor and actress, although I can't name them, but in terms of details, the relationship between the two actor... is extraordinary, but the relationship between the two actresses is not so good."

Hearing the little wife's explanation, Chen Jing tilted her head and looked at the other party.

"How did you see it?"

In terms of observation, in fact, Chen Jingang is more than one grade better than Wu Qiao. After all, he is a professional mercenary, a top mercenary, and his observation ability is not covered.

But why didn't he see that the relationship between those two male film stars was extraordinary.

Even Li Sen on the side pricked up his ears to listen to the gossip.


As soon as Wu Qiao finished speaking, Chen Jingang and Li Sen's eyes turned directly to those four people, more precisely, to the two male film stars.

I saw one of them looking at the other with a sideways smile, while the two raised their glasses unnaturally and took a sip of the wine.

It's just superficial eye contact.

If this is not reminded, many people will not find out.

But when someone zooms in on this scene, they will really discover what is hidden inside.

"Oh, what's the point?"

"Hey, you only noticed it once. This night, the two of them made a lot of small movements, but they managed to avoid everyone's sight very well every time."

Wu Qiao belonged to the quietest kind, the one who sat in the corner and observed people, so the two movie kings didn't realize that their small movements had already been seen by others.

"A married man, one with a girlfriend, and a public show of affection, husband, this revelation is super cool.

You said that I will threaten them with this, is it easier than those who ask for resources on the pole? "

It's just that she doesn't want to spoil her popularity.

"You, what else?"

"Look at the tall woman and the fat short man standing in the middle. Those are two directors who have been very popular in recent years. Although the films they made did not win many awards, they were all sold well."

So a lot of people want to be in their movies.

The two have been in a cooperative relationship from the very beginning, looking for investors together, building a team together, and cooperating seamlessly.

There has never been any news of a disagreement between the two. In short, everything is very harmonious.

"and then?"

"Then, you didn't even realize that the fat short man is actually a woman?"

Wu Qiao's words shocked Chen Jingang and Li Sen immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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