Rebirth 90's wife

Chapter 1073 Want to marry you?

Chapter 1073 Want to marry you?
Jiang Zhe delivered it every day, and persisted for almost half a month.

Chen Jingtong didn't care about other things, but the box was always in her arms.

Seeing this, Wu Qiao snatched it while the other party was not paying attention, opened it, and was instantly stunned.

"My God, this is an antique."

Hearing Wu Qiao's call, other people also came over, including Lian Meiying, Zhao Qian, and Jiang Rong.

There are more women in the family, and there are more gossips.

Seeing such beautiful gold ornaments, Zhao Qian couldn't help crying out.

"It's so beautiful. It looks like an old handicraft. If you look at the joints on the headgear, it's much better than the current handicraft."

The wisdom of the ancients is truly amazing.

"Sister, who gave this to you?"

Wu Qiao raised his eyebrows and asked the question knowingly.

Lian Meiying looked back at her daughter's face and instantly understood.

"Jiang Zhe asked you to apologize?"

Hearing the question asked by his mother, Chen Jingtong nodded but did not answer, then sat on the sofa and stared at the set of gold ornaments in the box.

Since the gift of gold jewelry, Jiang Zhe seldom appeared in the hospital.

As of today, the other party has not come for three days.

Hmph, that's what men do, they like the new and dislike the old.

Seeing that Chen Jingtong was in a bad mood, everyone gave Wu Qiao winks.

Wu Qiao pursed her lips and sat on the sofa with the box.

"Sister, Jiang Zhe gave you this, what, he wants to marry you?
I don't think so, I want you to forgive me for doing such a disgusting thing. "

Seeing what Wu Qiao said, even Meiying added steel, "That's right, disloyal, don't, we can find better ones."

Seeing that Chen Jingtong didn't react much, everyone continued to talk.

"Tongtong, there are many good men, it's okay, Auntie will introduce you."

Just as Zhao Qian finished speaking, Wu Qiao furtively gave her thumbs up. This sentence carries weight.

Sure enough, Chen Jingtong finally reacted.

"Auntie, forget it, I am so old, and I still have children, who wants it?"

After the words fell, I went directly upstairs to rest.

Seeing this, Lian Meiying shook her head helplessly, "My daughter obviously still loves her, but she feels that she can't get over that hurdle in her heart. Isn't this ruining herself?"

Seeing that her mother-in-law was depressed, Wu Qiao just wanted to comfort her when she heard the phone ring.

Glancing at the landline, he walked over to pick it up.

"Jojo, it's me."

Chen Jingang's voice came from the phone.

It's been a while since Chen Jingang went to the capital, but she never called home.

Although I don't know the reason, but after thinking about it, I know that it must have something to do with the big leader.

Otherwise, who would be so arrogant and dare to block Chen Jingang's way?
"Well, what happened?"

"Go to the study, I have something to tell you."

Hearing this sentence, Wu Qiao remembered that the phone was out of battery, no wonder the other party would call the landline.

"Mom, I'm going to answer the phone."

Wu Qiao quickly came to the study, took out the charger, and turned it on.

Within half a minute, the phone rang.

"Husband, what happened?"


Only three words immediately made Wu Qiao realize that something big happened.

On the phone, Chen Jingang spoke very carefully, explaining everything clearly step by step.

"So, I'll be very busy during this time, so don't worry. I've also helped deal with my sister's matter. Go and persuade her. As for the evidence, I'll have to wait a few days, but I'll interrogate people, so I won't make mistakes. .

Jiang Zhe is a really nice person. "

Afterwards, Chen Jingang hung up the phone.

And Wu Qiao sat on the ground in a daze, still thinking about the many instructions from his man just now in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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