Chapter 1159

She rubbed her neck coquettishly.

"What's the matter? Are you worried about staying at home?"

"Well... I want to go out for a walk, but I have been holding back at home for almost a month."

"Okay, arrange it tomorrow."

Chen Jingang coaxed his wife back to the bedroom, and didn't go to the glass room until she fell asleep.

In the glass room, three little boys are sitting at their small table and writing.

My hands are small, and although the posture of the pen is correct, my hands will become sore after writing for a while.

This is more difficult than the punishment of squatting.

" can I copy it ten times?"

The second treasure, Chen Haorui, was the skinniest and also the one who couldn't sit still, looking at his elder brother, pouted.

"Second brother, Dad told you to write quickly, so write quickly, and we won't be burdened by you at that time, from ten times to twenty times." This is the third son, Chen Haoxun, and the three brothers are his best.

"Second brother, younger brother is right, besides, if you weren't naughty today, mom wouldn't be so angry."

The boss, Chen Haohan, is the most fair and impartial, and raised his head to disapprove of the second brother's actions.

Hearing the boss's lesson, Chen Haorui could only lower his head and continue copying.

And this scene, Chen Jingang happened to see it.

The three children have high IQs and are precocious. In fact, he has already started training the three children without his wife knowing.

This is the responsibility of being a descendant of the Chen family.


Suddenly, the boss stood up and looked at his father standing at the door.

Chen Jingang walked over and sat in front of the three of them.

"Your mother is pregnant, can't you be more sensible? Let her be less angry and worry less.

Three little men, still bullying girls? "

The three children sitting on the chairs hung their heads, not daring to speak.

"Okay, copy nine of the Eighteen Commandments every day, and show it to me after you finish copying."

"Yes, Dad."

Seeing that the three little guys were finally being honest, Chen Jingang raised his hand to touch the little heads of the three babies.

"Your mother is working hard and is pregnant, so try not to be naughty in front of her."


The next day, Chen Jingang went out very early, because today he wanted to arrange for his wife to go out for a stroll.

Although I don't know when Li Qing's next move will be, the protection should not be careless.

Especially in the country.

So, Chen Jingang took a group of people, including several children in the family, parents of both sides, Zhao Qian, Ling Dansi, and Irene, Lu Yao and others who were free, to Dongfang Jin's island.

Ever since Wu Qiao became pregnant, Dongfang Jin basically took her place at work every day.

Will go to the company to help with some things.

That's why Irene occasionally has the opportunity to rest and even visit Wu Qiao.

There are still two days left for vacation.

Dongfang Jin's island has all kinds of traps and formations he set up.

Traps can protect people, but Chen Jingang doesn't quite believe in such mysterious things as formations.

However, this small island has not been disturbed for many years, and it does have the credit of the formation.

This is the first time for a group of people to come to a private island, especially this well-cared-for private island.

Although the weather has reached mid-December, the climate on the island is not bad.

"Oh my god, this place is really suitable for health preservation."

Ling Dansi likes this place, can hear the sound of the sea, it is very peaceful.

"Okay, we'll be resting here for the past two days."

It’s not good to be away from home for too long, so the journey of the group is limited to two days.

But Chen Jingang also promised his little wife that she would come here often in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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