Rebirth 90's wife

Chapter 139 You just let him scold you?

Chapter 139 You just let him scold you?
Here Niu Tingting has already started calling Sima Yan.

Anyway, after Sima Yan received the call, he drove to Shiqiao Town without stopping.

During this time, Wu Qiao had a high fever and had been resting in the tent.

It is not far from Bincheng to Shiqiao Town, less than two hours by car.

But Sima Yan came from Tiger Beach International Resort, so it took about three and a half hours by car.

To be honest, these three and a half hours are indeed a bit difficult.

Although Wu Qiao took antipyretic medicine, it didn't work. I don't know if it was too much harm to the body a while ago, the body suffered backlash, and the general medicine didn't work at all.

Occasionally, the director's curses and some staff members' comments can be heard outside.

In short, don't look at Wu Qiao resting in the tent, but in fact he didn't rest well at all.

"I'm going to tell them to shut up, why, they are iron men, and they are not allowed to get sick?"

Tian's delicate face was livid, and he was about to go out to get mad when Irene grabbed his arm by the side.

"Don't go, bear it any longer, that Xu Hang is still very good, he has been explaining to the director and others, not to mention Qiao Qiao can't do without people."

The medicine is not very easy to use, so we must switch to physical cooling.

Niu Tingting kept rubbing Wu Qiao's palms, feet, chest, and back with wine.

Tianjiao changed the towel in a while.

Aileen called Sima Yan for a while, and then went out to see what was going on outside.

In short, after more than two hours, it was already approaching noon.

The noise outside finally stopped.

Mainly when it's time for dinner.

Wang Chuan walked outside the tent at this time, "Eat as much as you want, don't let Qiao Qiao get sick, if you continue to get sick."

Irene waved to Niu Tingting, signaling her to go first.

After one o'clock in the afternoon, Sima Yan finally arrived at the seaside of Shiqiao Town.

The location is easy to find, and you can see the different tent in the middle at a glance.

"Find a place to park first, and I'll go and have a look."

Sima Yan was carrying the medicine box, before the car stopped, he said a word, took a step with his long legs, and got out of the car.

After finding a relatively spacious place to park the car, Bond also ran to the beach.

He had never met the eldest daughter-in-law before, and this was the first time. Even though most of them were joining in the fun, Bond refused to admit it, and only said that he came to help.

In the tent, Sima Yan saw Wu Qiao's face was blushing, and immediately grabbed Wu Qiao's wrist.

After a while, he took out the injection from the medicine box and gave the other person an injection to reduce the fever.

"She's in a very bad condition. I'm afraid that if the burning continues, it will cause pneumonia. Let's send her back to Bincheng first."

Sima Yan didn't expect Wu Qiao's situation to be so bad.


Before Irene could say anything, the director was already standing outside the tent and started cursing.

"How much work has been delayed by her illness, will the whole team of us be exhausted here? You must know that we have other jobs!"

Although the director is not a big name, he is also well-known. In short, the conflict has escalated this time.

I don't know if the other party was instructed by someone, but it's not forgiving anyway.

The artist's illness is not a feign, no one wants it!
Sima Yan glanced at the people in the tent with a cold face, "You just let him scold you?"

Although Sima Yan was the most out-of-shape in Chen Jingang's team, he was a person who had experienced life and death anyway, and he was scary when his face was sullen.

No matter how monstrous his face was, he couldn't hide his evil spirit.

For a while, everyone was at a loss for words.

(End of this chapter)

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