Rebirth 90's wife

Chapter 45 This Girlfriend Is Good, Mom Will Support It

Chapter 45 This Girlfriend Is Good, Mom Will Support It

Lian Meiying believed in Wu Qiao, but time was really tight.

Seeing Wu Qiao and his younger brother coming with foam boxes at this moment, Lian Meiying almost didn't scream.

To be honest, she has encountered many bigger scenes than this on weekdays. Even the leaders of the country have seen it. When has she ever been so flustered?

However, today is different from those entertainments.

This is the first time that country Y sent a delegation of doctors to visit and inspect Bincheng.

It is related to the general direction of whether Bincheng can communicate with the international community in the future, but there has been a mistake in such a small aspect.

As the vice president, she has absolute responsibility.

"Auntie, I'm sorry, I came here in a hurry."

"Oh, the time I said is also advanced. There is still half an hour of preparation time, which is enough."

Lian Meiying helped carry the foam box to the conference room on the fourth floor.

There are four foam boxes in total, each containing 30 yuan cakes, which are not very heavy.

In ten minutes, several people arrived in the meeting room.

"The delegation will eat here."

Lian Meiying made an introduction, and then opened the door.

Wu Qiao swiftly placed the cake in front of each seat, and the remaining 20 yuan was given by Wu Qiao.

In case someone likes to eat it, it is not so stingy to tell others that there is no more.

"Oh, you are still thoughtful."

Looking at the extra cake, Lian Meiying grabbed Wu Qiao's hand and said gratefully.

"Don't worry, these will be paid for you."

"Auntie, I made these extras, and I don't need to pay for them."

After a glance, doctors had already started to enter the reception room, and Wu Qiao said with great insight: "Auntie, my brother and I went back first, and there are still some orders that have not been completed. You should be busy too."

Wu Qiao and Wu Wei left.

Looking at the slender figure of the other party, Lian Meiying took out her mobile phone and dialed her son's phone number.

Chen Jingang is currently in N city of country Y, in a small office, although there are only a few people sitting, but the atmosphere is very tense, and everyone has a dignified look on their faces.

Suddenly, there was a rush of phone ringing.

After a sharp gaze swept across the crowd, Chen Jingang realized that it was his cell phone that had rang.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, I took it out and saw that my mother was on the phone with the adults, but I didn't dare to hang up, but I was helpless.

"Mom... I'm in a meeting."

Lian Meiying acted as if she hadn't heard, and told her son everything about today's events, and added a long paragraph of emotion at the end.

"Son, I found a good girlfriend, and my mother will definitely support her."

No matter what the other party's background is, just because she can have a career of her own, she can be so transparent about what she wants, especially for being so humble in dealing with people and things, her personality is definitely not bad.

As soon as I hung up the phone, the dean over there brought the delegation over, and the timing was just right.

Seeing that Lian Meiying made an OK gesture, the dean finally felt at ease.

Halfway through the afternoon tea, someone asked to have another piece of cake. Fortunately, there were more preparations.

In the end, all the cakes were divided.

Among them, the head of the delegation has been praising the taste of the cake is really good, hoping to eat it in the next few days.

When they heard that the other party did not say to leave immediately, the dean and Lian Meiying were excited. It seems that their reception this time was very successful.

The delegation is also very satisfied with the performance of the various departments of their central hospital, and there is hope for all future plans.

(End of this chapter)

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