Rebirth 90's wife

Chapter 863 This is what the boss of SP passed on to us

Chapter 863 This is what the boss of SP passed on to us

Putting the phone to her ear, Chen Jing asked in a deep voice, "Director Yang, what's the matter?"

Yang Mao, who had been waiting on the other end of the phone for a while, had returned to normal from the initial worry to certainty.

"Jing Ang, it's like this, you just listen."

Then he told Chen Jingang about Bian Shiyu, and even about Bian Zixuan and Bian Ziyang, and told the other party that Bian Zixuan was very dangerous.

Hearing this, Chen Jingang pinched the hand holding the phone vigorously.

"Don't worry, the leader has asked me to start an investigation, but Bian Shiyu is very dangerous. She said that she has superpowers and can travel through space. Although I think it's funny, it can explain why she didn't take my people In your eyes, you can come and go as you please."

"So, you must protect Qiao Qiao and the children recently."

"Thank you, Director Yang, I will definitely."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Jingang turned around and looked around.

Because Wu Qiao was in confinement, she never moved, and stayed at Sima Yan's villa all the time.

Of course, this is also a simple small clinic.

The surrounding tens of meters were strictly guarded by Anna and the others.

But still can't prevent Bian Shiyu, super power?
In the past, he absolutely didn't believe it, but after walking through the tomb, he believed it.

There are many things in this world that exist, but you don't know it.

Just as Chen Jingang was letting go, a few people walked up behind him.



Chen Jingang turned around and saw Di An Baipeng and the others, she couldn't help raising her eyebrows, shouldn't they be working at this time, why are they all here?
"problem occurs?"

"I have something to tell you."

Bai Peng looked at the crowd and spoke first.

"follow me."

Then the group came to the basement.

This villa used to be owned by Chen Jingang, and he planned to live here after returning to China, so the decoration was more to his liking.

And a basement was also built.

But later, due to many reasons, he wanted to have a good relationship with his little girl, so the villa was abandoned.

After Sima Yan's clinic was confiscated, a lot of equipment had no place to store it, so they all moved here as the temporary owner's foothold.

After all, everyone usually gets hurt when they go out on missions.

When a few people came to the basement, they saw that there were medicines all over the place.

The basement is not humid, it is very dry, and it has been specially treated at first glance.

"what's up?"

"You remember, 's.p'? About the last time their boss bet you."

Chen Jing nodded, he had a lifelong friendship with the boss of the sp, otherwise the last incident couldn't be settled so quickly.


"Look at this."

Bai Peng glanced at Dian, who immediately handed over the laptop in his hand.

He specially configured this notebook from abroad through a friend, and it is very expensive.

Seeing the document on the computer, Chen Jing pointed the mouse.

"This is?"

"This was passed on to us by the sp boss, this morning."

Thinking of Reiss, Chen Jing couldn't help sighing deeply.

He and Reese entered the industry at about the same time. When the team members followed behind him, he and Reese had been rivals for several years.

During those few years, the two of them had intersected too much, no matter right or wrong, who served behind them, and who saved who several times, this kind of death is really beyond the imagination of others.

It's like in this world, there is someone who understands what you are doing.

(End of this chapter)

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