Chapter 315 Reunion
"Yihen?" Yue Ruchu was taken aback.

If I refuse my aunt's arrangement now, I will fail her heart.At the same time, I also worry that Yihen will be angry when he knows what he has done.However, if Yihen doesn't object to this matter, then tonight I have to complete her arrangement, and I will go to Duke Zhou with Mo Yihen first.She, they are not married yet, what, what to do!
Although she didn't know if Mo Yihen would agree, she was very scared.After all, it is too difficult for her to do such a thing as a woman who has not left the cabinet.

After struggling for a while, Yue Ruchu said: "Auntie, let's talk about this matter later. Ruuo Yichen really cares about Ruchu, and Ruchu doesn't have to do this, he will marry Ruchu. If he doesn't care about Ruchu, Ruchu will be a shameless The postings are only for those who can keep him, but not for his heart. Aunt, this is the end of tonight's matter, and you don't want to let Yihen know, otherwise there will be a misunderstanding, and it will be even more troublesome if you want to explain yourself. "

Seeing that Yue Ruchu insisted on refusing, Fang had no choice but to follow her will and no longer force her. After all, the melon that was twisted is not sweet, and she should decide about the child herself.

She sighed: "Okay, since you are so reserved, let's pretend that my aunt didn't say anything about it. It's getting late and everyone is hungry, so my aunt will get you something to eat. As before, you can go to the main hall Go, talk to your uncle. I haven't seen you for so many years, I believe your uncle will have a lot to say to you."

"Well, that's the end of Ruchu." After Yue Ruchu answered, she turned and left the bedroom.

Seeing Yue Ruchu's leaving figure, Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and an unpredictable smile appeared on his face.

Although it was the first time to meet his uncle and aunt, their kindness was as strong as ever. For this reunion, Xu Lian deliberately took out all the bamboo leaf greens that he had treasured for ten years.A table of five people drank happily, and even the 12-year-old Xiaobi drank several cups, which made her face turn red and cuter.

It's rare that his niece is still alive, and Mo Yihen is also here, Xu Lian is very happy, so he drank a few more glasses, and he couldn't even speak well.And Yuan Shi also drank a few cups, although he was not drunk, but his face was very red.

Yue Ruchu also drank some, although she was not drunk, but her consciousness was only six percent.On the other hand, Mo Yihen didn't change his face, as if he had never drunk alcohol, calm and unruffled.It can be seen that his drinking capacity is much higher than them.

Xu Xiaobi was the youngest and the first to fall.So, seeing that her daughter was drunk, Yuan Shi picked her up and took her back to the room first.When she settled down with her daughter and returned to the wine table, her husband Xu Lian was almost drunk, so she asked everyone to go back to their room to rest, while she helped her husband back to her bedroom.

Speaking of Mo Yihen, seeing Yue Ruchu flushed from drinking, he was worried that she would go to the wrong room, so he decided to send Yue Ruchu back to her room first, and then go back.

The night was a bit late, the moonlight was as cool as water, and when he walked outside with the moon like the beginning, Mo Yihen felt a cold wind blowing in front of him, and a trace of coolness hit his heart.

After Yue Ruchu drank, if she was blown by the night wind again, Mo Yihen was worried that she would catch a cold, so he quickened his pace and approached her, then stretched out his left arm to wrap his petite body around her.

Although she drank alcohol, her consciousness was still quite clear. Now that Mo Yihen hugged her, Yue Ruchu suddenly thought of what her aunt had said to her before, she couldn't help being startled, and her body couldn't help but tremble.What's going on, could it be that my aunt has already mentioned the previous matter to Mo Yihen, and he sent himself back, did he want to tell himself——
(End of this chapter)

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