Chapter 479
She has been studying with her master for four years, and even she herself doesn't know who the master is. Why does Mo Yihen know that her master is a master who is at the same time as Tiezhang Wudi and the others?However, seeing that the master is only about fifty years old, how could he be in the same period as that Iron Palm Invincible and the others?He must have been mistaken.

"I guessed it from your martial arts." Mo Yihen smiled.

"My martial arts? Have you ever seen me use martial arts?" Yue Ruchu looked curious.It seemed that he wasn't there when he used force, right?How did he know the origin of his martial arts?

With a slight smile, Mo Yihen said: "Among the eighteen weapons, are you good at using long spears?"


"Then you use all the marksmanship, isn't it called the Nine Turns Resurrection Spear?" Mo Yihen asked back.

"Uh—how do you know. It seems that my master taught me this set of marksmanship only. Moreover, when the master taught me the marksmanship, no outsiders knew about it. How did you know?" Yue Ruchu became more and more surprised when she heard it.He actually knew all his secrets. Fortunately, Mo Yihen was not her enemy, otherwise, he would have suffered disaster.

"I don't know the exact name of your master, but I know that your master has a nickname, Jiuzhuan Langjun. It is as famous as my master and Iron Palm Invincible. They were both well-known masters in the Jianghu at that time." Mo Yihen explained.

"Oh, my master's name is Jiuzhuan Langjun, so what's your nickname for your master?" Yue Ruchu looked curious.To be able to teach an apprentice like him, her master must have a famous name.

Smiling slightly, Mo Yihen said: "My master is good at using swords, nicknamed Phantom Sword Master, and I have two senior brothers, one in Jiangnan and one in Jiangbei, collectively known as the North and the South."

"Wow, no wonder you know so many martial arts people, so you have two senior brothers! But, how did you know that I can use a spear? And you also know that I use a nine-turn resurrection spear?" Yue Ruchu was still very curious.

The Resurrection Spear is divided into nine parts, each turn has nine moves, and each move has nine changes. It took her nearly half a year to fully learn this set of marksmanship. Unexpectedly, Mo Yihen knew what she was using. marksmanship.

"Yue'er, don't be angry if I told you something." Mo Yihen's tone suddenly became very gentle.

Sensing the change in her tone, Yue Ruchu was taken aback: "Uh, I'm not angry, just tell me."

"Aren't you really angry?"

"As long as you didn't do anything to apologize to me, I won't be angry." Yue Ruchu put forward her own conditions.

This Mo Yihen never talked to her like this, so she was worried that he would hide something shameful from her.I can live in their house with humility and as a fiancee. If he dares to let her down, she will definitely leave the Mo family immediately.

"Hehe, Yue'er, don't think about it, how could I do something wrong to you, I'm just worried that you'll just stand by and watch." Mo Yihen smiled.

She is an unmarried woman who has already lived in her own home despite so many rumors from outside. If she does something wrong to her, is Mo Yihen still a human being?Besides, she is the only woman in the world who can tempt her. How could he provoke those flowers and plants.

"Stand by and watch? What stand by and watch?" Yue Ruchu looked confused.

"Actually, I was there when you fought for the throne on the street that day, and I sent the Three Heroes of the Kanto Region to help. That's because I was there at the time, so I guessed that you were using Nine Revolutions Resurrection Gun, I also guessed who your master is. The reason why I dare not say it is because I am afraid that you will blame me for not helping you." Mo Yihen explained.

He didn't want to put her in danger, but he was worried that once he showed up and Murong Xin and the others exposed his identity, it would be troublesome, so he didn't show up.

(End of this chapter)

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