Chapter 506

Speaking of which, the man in black on the ground waited for the two servants of the two guards to leave, then got up from the ground and swaggered towards the room.One-on-four, maybe the man in black may not be sure, but one-on-two, that is a sure win, and the two guards went to save people, I believe they will return soon, the time of the man in black is limited.

When there were four people before, the guards might be a little more relaxed, but such a big incident happened in the scholar's mansion, and the two guards have been transferred away, and the remaining two guards are also very vigilant.As soon as the man in black took a few steps, the guard guarding the door spotted him.

The man in black shouted loudly: "Who dares to break into the scholar's residence at night?"

Hearing the guard at the door talking, the guard guarding the other window was also alarmed and ran towards this one after another.Soon, the two found a man in black walking in black.

Seeing that the other party was coming towards the gate, the two guards glanced at each other, the swords in their waists lit up, and the two began to pinch the man in black, one left and one right.Everyone in the Yue Mansion knew that no one could enter the master's room without the master's consent. Now that the man in black wanted to break in, how could they just sit idly by.

Talking about the man in black, the two guards, Moonlight, slashed at him with their knives, and saw his right hand lightly grabbing his waist, and he quickly drew forward, a flash of moonlight appeared, and a crisp sound sounded, a A long sword as soft as a face appeared in his hand.Stepping forward, the man in black held a soft sword and started fighting with the two guards, and there was a clanging sound of weapons colliding.

The sword skills of the two guards are open and close, the steel is strong and powerful, and the sword is powerful, while the man in black's swordsmanship is extremely exquisite, and the soft sword seems to be alive in his hands. It's more than enough.In the blink of an eye, the three of them passed fifty strokes.

Speaking of these two guards, the two of them joined forces to fight each other fifty moves, but they didn't gain the slightest advantage. Their martial arts are considered to be first-class masters in the world, but they didn't expect that the two of them could not gain the slightest advantage by working together. Moreover, Looking at the opponent's soft sword, it is exquisite and incomprehensible. It seems that no one in the world has ever heard of a soft sword, and such a superb swordsmanship!

Realizing this, the guards of the two associations became more vigilant.The martial arts of this person is not weak, relying on the strength of the two of them alone, I am afraid that they would be afraid to defeat each other, so they must delay this person until Yueyun and Yueyi come back.

Speaking of the man in black, he was very happy to see that the two guards were not weak in martial arts, and they cooperated so tacitly. He shook his hands, made a fist with four fingers of his left hand, with his thumb pointing up, and compared to the two guards. than, and then shook his head slightly, meaning they sucked.

Two first-class masters in the Jianghu were suddenly so despised by others, how could they bear it, and saw the two of them roaring, holding the big knife in their hands, and slashing at the man in black, looking like they were going to fight for the man in black .Although Dang Fang's swordsmanship is exquisite, but they don't believe it, they can't deal with him alone with the strength of the two of them.

Arousing the anger of the two, the man in black smiled lightly, waved the soft sword in his hand, but stood still in place, as if arrogantly waiting for the two to attack.However, when the two guards came to him brandishing big knives, the black shadow disappeared instantly.When the two guards sensed something was wrong, they felt a white light flash before their eyes at lightning speed.

Before the two could scream, the big knife in their hands fell to the ground twice, and blood spurted from their throats.The two corpses fell down one after another, and the two guards had their throats sealed with a sword.

(End of this chapter)

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