Chapter 656 How to Accept
Seeing the strange behavior of the member who went to inquire about the situation, Yue Ruchu and the other member were taken aback, and the two pairs of curious eyes quickly cast over, wanting to know what the member was doing , Did he find something special.

Soon, everyone saw that the member who was half-body poking towards the cliff slowly backed away, then grabbed the big knife at the side, stood up, and walked towards Yue Ruchu. It seems that there is one more thing.

Approaching Yue Ruchu, the Jue Ming member handed the thing in his hand to Yue Ruchu and said: "Master Zhongshi, the villain is looking for this on the edge of the cliff, it seems to belong to the master, the master may have-"

As soon as the words came to his mouth, the words of that member of the Absolute Life were stuck in his throat, and he couldn't get them out.Mo Yihen is their master. He is unparalleled in beauty and resourceful. In the past two years, he led them to fight one after another, but the treacherous minister Yueguang did not make mistakes. In their hearts, The master is a god-like existence, so they don't believe that he has died, so he can't say that word.

Seeing the thing stretched out by Jueming member, Yue Ruchu's expression changed, her body shook involuntarily, the flame gun was inserted into the ground with a click, her hands tightly held the barrel of the gun to prevent herself from falling down, her eyebrows raised Received, two lines of teardrops came down my eyes.

It was a piece of blue cloth with bloodstains on it. It seemed that the bloodstains were still new and had been stained not long ago.The cloth was cut with a sharp weapon and was part of the garment.She is very clear about this color, even in her dreams.That was one of Mo Yihen's two favorite colors, so most of his clothes were white and cyan. This cyan cloth must have been left by Mo Yihen.

On the way here, she thought about many possibilities in her heart, but this one was the one she least dared to think about, and also the most afraid to accept.However, people don't follow people's wishes, what she dared not think about, and what she dared not accept most happened to meet her.

In the previous life, the fiancé she cared about the most betrayed her, but in this life, the person who loved her the most left her. Could it be that God took care to let her live for two lifetimes is a tragedy?Why is this, why is she so cruel to her, she has never done anything sad and unreasonable.

Seeing Yue Ruchu's uncomfortable face, the two members of Jueming were very sad, not only because of their master's death, but also because of what happened to Yue Ruchu.

Yue Ruchu was originally the daughter of the treacherous minister Yueguang, who was abandoned by Yueguang and suffered more than ordinary women. Later, she left the Yue family and went to the master's side. She thought she would have a good home and future. Unexpectedly, the master left and her reliance Disappeared since then.The situation of Apocalypse is full of dangers, without the owner, the moonlight will be more rampant.

She had a lot of things with Yueguang before, and now no one is stopping Yueguang, not only is the apocalypse in jeopardy, but her situation will be more dangerous than before. Can her weak body survive this catastrophe?If it were any man, he wouldn't be sure that he could bear all this. Can she do it as a woman?Before the master left, he handed over the lore order to her. Can she still stand up and lead them?
Time seemed to stop at this moment, the two black-clothed killers endured the pain in their bodies, hoping that Yue Ruchu would end their pain sooner, while the Breaking Dead members hoped that she would make a decision sooner, so that she would not be so wasted. go down.Although they can understand the pain of Yue Ruchu's original heart, they hope that she can be strong.

(End of this chapter)

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