The host of the beauty is holding a beautiful murder

Chapter 131 The General is Above and I am Below

Chapter 131 The General is Above and I am Below (23)

Luo Cheng was silent.

Indeed, as he said, there is no joke Yun Yuan.

But the silence at this moment made Yun Yuan feel even more uneasy.

Of course, he wasn't really worried, after all, Yun Yuan didn't really like Luo Cheng either.

"General." Yun Yuan's voice was less joyful and more lonely than before, "I like the general or my personal affection, which has nothing to do with the general. Don't think it's a burden, the general. I don't ask the general to like me, I just ask the general to be able to like me." To keep the world peaceful."

"En." Luo Cheng responded.

"I won't bother the general anymore. If something like today happens again in the future, I will still tell the general. I also hope that the general can give some pointers and let me contribute to the peace of the world."

After Yun Yuan left, Luo Cheng kept his original appearance and remained silent in the tent for a long time.


Since Yun Yuan fooled the little soldiers back last time, the war has intensified violently.

Even in the barracks, Yun Yuan could still feel the tension of the raging battle outside.

In just a few months, Xiao Bing came to find Yun Yuan several times. Yun Yuan followed Luo Cheng's instructions each time, conveying some not-so-important information to Xiao Bing, and then the Xiao Bing passed it on to the people behind him.

Although Yun Yuan doesn't know much about military affairs, but he can also be conveyed from these, please take care to perceive one or two.

Luo Cheng and the military division seemed to be playing a big game of chess.

Everyone in the barracks was very busy, and Yun Yuan had much less time to see Luo Cheng.

The last time I saw Luo Cheng was seven days ago, and it is said that it was because of a leak of important information that the action caused more damage.

But that time, Luo Cheng didn't let Yun Yuan send out the information, even Yun Yuan didn't know about this information, so Luo Cheng suspected that there were also spies from the enemy country or Andahou among the high-level commanders of the military camp.

Luo Cheng did not hide this news from Yun Yuan, on the contrary, he asked Yun Yuan to pay attention, and by the way, set up a routine with her contact person, to see if he could get some useful information.

However, the little soldier who joined Yun Yuan was not only an insignificant person in Luocheng's barracks, but also an insignificant person in Andahou's place. any useful information.

However, with his extraordinary sensitivity, Yun Yuan still noticed something wrong.

After informing Luo Cheng of this slight inappropriateness, Luo Cheng thought of a plan.

That night, Luo Cheng summoned all the high-level commanders, and asked Yun Yuan to wait on the sidelines to discuss countermeasures with many generals, and set an important strategy in the heated discussion.

Secretly, Luo Cheng had ordered people to carefully observe all the generals present, and even after the meeting was over, there were special personnel responsible for monitoring these generals.

The usefulness of calling Yun Yuan is that if the spy is from Anda Hou, then he must know of Yun Yuan's existence. In order not to expose his flaws in front of the watchers, the spy will probably not act.

But it is impossible for Yun Yuan to tell Xiao Bing this information.

If the information is still leaked out, then... this spy is from the enemy country.

It's a game.

The result of the game will be known after three days.


three days later.


Yun Yuan is below in the kitchen.

Suddenly someone walked into the kitchen.

Yun Yuan turned his head and saw Luo Qi.

"General Luo Qi, why are you in the kitchen? Are you hungry?" Yun Yuan looked at the stove and said with a sneer, "There is only the last bit of noodles left, and I plan to cook them for the general."

(End of this chapter)

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