The host of the beauty is holding a beautiful murder

Chapter 140 The General is Above and I am Below

Chapter 140 The General is Above and I am Below (32)

There is a man hanging on the city gate.

A woman with disheveled hair, ragged clothes, and blood on her body.

The woman was dying, her hands were tied round and round with rough hemp rope, her white and bluish wrists were rubbed red and even bloodshot.

Sitting on the horse, Luo Cheng hated that his eyes could see so far, and he could see the dense, old and new scars on the woman's body at a glance.

Her hands were black and scorched, and there was blood dripping under the thick scorched skin that had already died.

The yellow clothes on his body were black and red, and the original color could no longer be seen, like the dirty clothes of refugees.

"General." Seeing the woman hanging on the city wall, Sheng Yan had a bad feeling in his heart.

The next moment, Prince Di Gulinma of the Kingdom of Di appeared on the city wall. He stretched out his hand and firmly grabbed the hair of the woman on the city wall, and pulled it violently, exposing the woman's face to everyone's eyes.

"Luo Cheng, take a good look at your woman." Di Gulinma had a smug smile on his face.

Sheng Yan's eyes widened, and he staggered back a step in fright.

That's Yunyuan!

It's just that her face is no longer that white, tender and beautiful face.

There were dense knife marks and whip marks on her face, and there was a long knife mark running obliquely across her entire face from her forehead to her chin. In the open mouth is a bloody tooth tongue.

"Hmm..." Yun Yuan made a sound desperately.

But can't say a clear word.

"Tut tsk tsk, look at your woman's appearance, how pitiful! You can't even talk!" Di Gulinma held Yun Yuan's hair and laughed wildly, "Luo Cheng, do you want your woman's life? ?”

Luo Cheng didn't speak.

Sheng Yan looked at him, unable to see through.Luo Cheng didn't even change his breath, as if the woman hanging on the city wall didn't exist at all.

"Luo Cheng, if you want her life, retreat obediently, or I will kill her now!" Di Gulinma threatened arrogantly.

After thinking for a while, he said again: "No! I won't kill her right away, I want her to die, I want her to live in torture every day!"

"Do you know? Since she was captured by me, I have tortured her in different ways every day. Look at these hands. It is the burnt black and crispy skin that has been baked countless times with an iron." Di Gulin With a twist of Ma's hand, a layer of scorched skin was removed from Yun Yuan's hand.


Sheng Yan's body trembled, he turned around and buried his face in Luo Shaofeng's arms, "I don't want to see, I don't want to hear."

Luo Shaofeng covered his ears.

Di Gu Linma looked at Luo Cheng and found that Luo Cheng was unmoved. He was a little annoyed. Did his subordinates think wrong?Luo Cheng actually doesn't like this concubine?
"Luo Cheng! Look at this face again. I drew this long scar with my own hands." Di Gulinma tried to provoke Luo Cheng, "In order to leave a permanent scar, wait for the original scar to heal quickly." I scratched it vigorously again, repeated it many times, and finally it became what it is now hahahahaha..."

Luo Cheng held the rein in his hand, his veins bulging.

【Master, I can let you say a word to Luo Cheng. 】

Yun Yuan looked at Luo Cheng who was indifferent on the surface, but his eyes were eroded by hatred, and shouted hysterically: "Luo Cheng, kill me, kill him, and help me fulfill my wish!"

This was the loudest time Yun Yuan yelled.

She wanted to vent all the grievances and pain she had suffered during this period.

(End of this chapter)

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