Chapter 827
When he came back from the set, it was already dark, and in order to make up for Luo Jiake, Luo Li took him to a delicious place, so he got better.

Back in the bedroom, Luo Li's ears were finally quiet. She packed up the things she would use tomorrow and prepared to go to school tomorrow.

After the team leader teacher came back, Luoli's head teacher, Teacher Wang, already knew that Luoli was not shortlisted for the English competition.

She was very surprised, she didn't think it was strange who was brushed off, why was it Luo Li?
Teacher Wang immediately asked the teacher who led the team, that is, Director Li, the dean of teaching, to know what happened in Hong Kong City. It turned out that Luo Li delayed the final exam because of an accident.

Luo Li is the top among the top students in their class. If he participates in the competition, he will definitely win an award. This is also a fight for honor for the school.

Be it public or private, Mr. Wang wants Luo Li to participate.

In the morning, when Teacher Wang came to the school, he happened to meet Luo Li and stopped to say hello to her.

"Luo Li, come with me to the office, let's talk."

This kind of situation is not uncommon, so Luo Li didn't find it strange, and followed Mr. Wang to the office.

Teacher Wang asked her to sit down, and asked her with a smile if she wanted to participate in the English competition. "The teacher knows that it was a complete accident that you were not shortlisted this time. If you want, the teacher is willing to help."

Teacher Wang was helping Luo Li, the school, and of course herself.

Luo Li is such a good seed, who doesn't want it, you don't need to teach too much, you can do everything, and you can help the school win prizes in various competitions.

It can be said that students like Luo Li are popular everywhere, and others will definitely compete for them.

Teacher Wang said again, "You have won the Mathematical Olympiad, and now there is an English competition, which will be very helpful for your further studies. Luo Li, don't let this good opportunity go!"

Teacher Wang kept saying that it was for Luo Li's good, but in fact, he also had his own honor and bonus in mind.

Look at her asking for Luo Li's opinion on the surface, but she has basically helped her make the decision.

However, Teacher Wang is also a nice person, and she has always been nice to Luo Li. She thinks it would be good if something like this is beneficial to everyone.

Luo Li's attitude has always been indifferent, she has already passed the stage of proving herself with Mathematical Olympiad and English competitions.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter whether you participate or not," Luo Li asked again: "Mr. Wang, Director Li said that the quota has already been released, and it may be difficult to change it, so if it's too much trouble, forget it."

Teacher Wang immediately denied, "What's the problem? Listen to his nonsense. He also said that he wanted to help you, but in fact there are some difficulties. But it's different now. Things have turned around."

Luo Li was speechless, but she never thought about it.

The class bell rang, and Teacher Wang asked Luo Li to go back first, and also said about the competition, she would definitely find a way to let Luo Li participate.

"In the past few days, don't slack off, you must be prepared, don't participate in the competition at that time, and it is too late to prepare."

Luo Li smiled slightly, Teacher Wang Sun, when did you see that I was not ready? "

Teacher Wang was at a loss for words, and laughed twice, "Yes, yes, this is better, you go first."

After Luo Li left, Mr. Wang immediately called the people in the competition preparation center and asked them to add a quota for Luo Li.

But the people in the competition center disagreed, saying that someone must withdraw before Luo Li can join.

Teacher Wang proposed to add Luo Li directly, but those people disagreed fiercely, so they threw Teacher Wang on the phone angrily, and yelled harsh words.

"You wait for me, if Luo Li can't participate, my surname is not Wang."

Just when Mr. Wang was about to think of a way to help Luo Li get a spot, the competition center called suddenly, saying that a student had a sudden car accident and couldn't participate in the competition, so a spot just happened to be released.

Teacher Wang slapped his thigh and laughed, "It's just right, hurry up and let Luo Li go up."

After school, Teacher Wang approached Luo Li and asked her to read more English books in her spare time, do the competition questions, and strive to win No.1.

"The teacher believes that you have this strength, so don't let me down."

Luo Li asked him, isn't there no quota?Why did it suddenly appear again?
Teacher Sun said: "The competition center called and said that a student was sick and hospitalized and had withdrawn from the competition. I helped you get a spot that was vacated."

Luo Li let out an oh, and was not overjoyed. She actually didn't really want to participate in the English competition.

For the school and Teacher Wang, it is indeed an award worth fighting for, but for her it is tasteless.

The research institute and Gangcheng are cooperating, and there are many projects that need to be dealt with. It is estimated that Zhuo Qingzhou can't finish it all by himself. Luo Li must go to help.

Now there is another English competition, it is not an important competition, of course Luo Li is not willing to go.

This Teacher Wang, without asking her opinion, directly reported it to the newspaper. Luo Li didn't like this very much.

She was also very active in the last math competition, and Luo Li didn't take it seriously, and easily won the first place.

What level is Luo Li?Participating in the Mathematical Olympiad competition is simply a blow to dimensionality reduction. It would be strange not to take the first place!

If she didn't participate, Teacher Wang would definitely persuade her non-stop. At that time, even more annoying, Luo Li simply agreed.

Anyway, it was just an English competition, so in order not to annoy the teacher, I had to delay half a day to participate.

The English competition was still early and there was no need to prepare, so Luo Li didn't put his heart on it at all.

The end of the term was approaching, and the students were all cramming like crazy. Those who didn't usually read books were panicking now.

Only before the final exam can the learning atmosphere be so strong.

Luo Li is a special existence among the students. Everyone is working hard to prepare for the final exam, but she doesn't show up every three days.

I usually sit in the class, but now I often don't see people, but everyone knows that even if Luo Li doesn't study, his grades are fine, that's the reason!

It's not that Luo Li doesn't want to be at school, she's just too busy.

Several projects in cooperation with Hong Kong City have now started.

The people in the research institute are so busy that they can't wait to live in the laboratory every day, so they are still too busy.

If Luo Li doesn't come back to help, he won't be able to complete the task at all.

When everyone was in a hurry, they all joked with Luo Leaving that it was her taking on such a big project that made them so busy that they kept their feet on the ground, and there were some complaints in their words.

Luo Li smiled, "If you feel tired, it's very simple, let's rest now, don't worry about anything else, not only is it free now, but no one will come to us in the future."

Zhuo Qingzhou came over and said: "If that's the case, our research institute should not be opened, just dissolve it."

Everyone laughed.

In fact, they are not really unwilling to do it, they are just too nervous to vent their emotions.

(End of this chapter)

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