Chapter 841
"Of course not? Why do you say that?" Luo Li smiled at Yuan Tong, and immediately listed a study plan for her, making Yuan Tong's head grow bigger.

Before Liang Chen was not around, she could still be lazy, but now that Luo Li was watching, Yuan Tong didn't want to think about anything.

Yuan Tong really wanted to cry, "God, please forgive me."

After dinner, Luo Li took a taxi and came back. She saw that Yuan Tong was a little unhappy, so she left early.

Liang Chen is a straight man and doesn't understand girls' minds, so Yuan Tong's face is not good-looking, and he doesn't feel it at all.

Yuan Tong wasn't angry either, but seeing Luo Li chatting so happily with Liang Chen made her a little uncomfortable.

Because Liang Chen and Luo Li are both academic masters, they can obviously get along with each other.

Yuan Tong thought about herself, she didn't know anything about Liang Chen's major, and it took her a long time to react to Liang Chen's lectures before she understood.

Yuan Tong was a little jealous.

On the way to send Yuan Tong home, she didn't say a word, she didn't talk and laugh with Liang Chen like before.

Liang Chen felt that the atmosphere was a bit cold, so he took the initiative to bring up a topic, but Yuan Tong was also lazy, as if he didn't want to respond at all.

When they got home, Yuan Tong got out of the car directly, and didn't let Liang Chen see him off, and didn't say hello to him, looking extraordinarily ruthless.

No matter how dull Liang Chen was, he knew that his girlfriend was angry.

He just wondered why she was angry.

Liang Chen sat in the car, thought for a long time, and felt that he and Luo Li had a very flirtatious chat. After talking for a while, Yuan Tong sat next to him very quietly.

"Could it be because of this?" Liang Chen felt that it was very likely because of this.

When he got home, Liang Chen turned on the video call. He wanted to explain clearly to Yuan Tong that there was no need to be jealous because of Luo Li.

Seeing Liang Chen's video invitation, Yuan Tong felt a little joy in her heart. She deliberately paused for a while before connecting.

Liang Chen's head appeared on the screen.

"I'm going to sleep, what are you doing?" Yuan Tong yawned deliberately, pretending to be very tired.

Liang Chen couldn't hide her small thoughts, Liang Chen didn't go around so much with her, and asked directly, "Are you angry? Don't tell me no, I can already see it."

"Yo, why are you so smart this time? Straight men are not straight anymore?"

Liang Chen suddenly became serious, "Yuan Tong, if you have any dissatisfaction with me, just say it."

Yuan Tong finally asked, "What were you and Luo Li talking about just now? I couldn't even get in the conversation with such effort."

Liang Chen smiled, "I knew you were jealous, Tongtong, I only talked about professional knowledge with her, nothing else."

After Liang Chen explained clearly, Yuan Tong spared him.

Huayu Group has always been managed by Su Yi, and Luo Li's plan to expand into the field of science and technology, of course, cannot be hidden from him.

Back in Jinyu at night, Su Yi immediately asked about related matters.

Luo Li told him not to worry about it, "I can take care of this matter. Zhuo Qingzhou also helped find a great expert in the field of robotics. I also brought Liang Chen over here. I think there should be no problem."

Luo Li refused to let Su Yi help, but instead accepted Zhuo Qingzhou's help, Su Yi was a little jealous.

The more Luo Li refuses to let him help, the more Su Yi has to prove his ability.

"Luo Li, you shouldn't be looking for Zhuo Qingzhou, you should be looking for me. I know many people who are more powerful than Huo Zhouming. As long as I say a word, they will come over."

"Really?" Luo Li regretted it after asking. She should not doubt Su Yi's extensive connections.

Su Yi felt that Luo Li was questioning him, so he raised his voice a little, "Of course, if you don't believe me, I'll send those people's information right away, and you can see them tomorrow, no need to wait."

As soon as Su Yi finished speaking, Luo Li received a message from the people he mentioned.

Su Yi was right, indeed, they were all top experts in the industry.

But what Su Yi did made Luo Li a little weird.

Luo Li felt that he was deliberately comparing himself with Zhuo Qingzhou, and when he heard that Zhuo Qingzhou invited a friend who was a great god, he wanted to invite more people to compare Zhuo Qingzhou.

Luo Li felt that his behavior was childish.

"Su Yi, actually you don't have to do this, Zhuo Qingzhou is my little uncle, we are related by blood, why are you still jealous of him?"

Su Yi was silent for a while, and said: "I just can't understand him, Ah Li, can you stay away from Zhuo Qingzhou, I don't like him."

After all, he was still dissatisfied and pulled the man into his arms, lowered his head and was about to lean towards him, but was gently pushed away by Luo Li.

"Su Yi," Luo Li was speechless, "Zhuo Qingzhou and I are a family, and you and him are also a family in the future, why bother so much? Zhuo Qingzhou is not a bad person."

Only for Zhuo Qingzhou, Su Yi was unwilling to give in, "Anyway, I just don't like him, Zhuo Qingzhou is a person I hate every time I see him."

But hearing the phrase "Zhuo Qingzhou and I are a family, and you and him will be a family in the future", Su Yi felt that Luo Li was acknowledging his identity, and he felt a little better.

Luo Li felt that it didn't make sense to him, so he sat down on the sofa beside him, not bothering to answer.

Randomly turned on the phone, and suddenly saw a still photo of Luo Jiake, Luo Jiake was wearing an ancient costume, very stylish, very cute, Luo Li thought of his usual annoying appearance, couldn't help laughing.

This winter vacation, Luo Jiake is not idle. Although he keeps saying that he has no feeling for filming, the drama he is following Sizhou has a lot of roles.

Recently he was filming a costume drama in which Luo Jiake played the role of a little prince. When he got the script, Luo Jiake still looked down upon him.

"The dark-bellied and witty little prince broke through the siege and grew into a generation of wise king step by step."

Luo Jiake had never been in contact with this novel industry before, and it was because of Luo Li that he agreed, but now he finds out that it is quite interesting.

But when he acted, he regretted it a bit, because the little prince is more cute. As for the dark-bellied scenes, there are also, but relatively few.

Luo Jiake played the role almost in person, his little prince, sometimes cute, sometimes playful, funny, scheming, and infinitely charming.

The show hasn't finished yet, but some tidbits have been released on the Internet, and these tidbits have already made Luo Jiake a fan.

The young prince played by Luo Jiake, the adult prince is a well-known actor.

But Luo Jiake's acting skills are so good that he directly overshadowed the big prince actor's limelight.

People who saw the tidbits all said that after the prince grows up, he will not be cute anymore, and he will feel nothing at all.

Today's Luo Jiake seems to be a starlet, with many fans surrounding him outside the studio.

Some were fanatical and bold, directly asking Luo Jiake if he wanted a girlfriend.

(End of this chapter)

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