Chapter 885

He glared at Luo Li in displeasure, "Contact Huo Zhouming, I am very worried about it, if this happens, how much money will Huayu Group make in the future? Tens of thousands. The continuous money comes, but I have credit for it, why can't I share some of it?"

Luo Li saw that he was serious, and hurriedly agreed, "I was joking with you just now, am I such a stingy person? If Huo Zhouming successfully joins our Huayu Group, I will give you a big red envelope first."

"Joke, am I such a superficial person?" Zhuo Qingzhou pouted, not paying attention.

Where is the money in his fancy, and he is not a master who is short of money.

"I still don't need that little money. You can give it later. I haven't written off the horoscope yet. Maybe I failed. It's not impossible for Huo Zhouming to join another group."

Luo Li doesn't like to hear these words, "Before the matter is completed, you want to build up other people's ambitions and destroy your own prestige? Little uncle, this is not like you."

Luo Li rolled his eyes, "Well, as long as Huo Zhouming joins our Huayu Group, I will help you get out of the order. Tell me, what kind of girl do you want."

"Get out of the order, then there's no need." Zhuo Qingzhou smiled meaningfully.

Luo Limeng said, "No need? Why no need? You won't never marry in this lifetime!"

"Why don't you marry for life, why are you cursing me? Have you ever talked to my little uncle like that?"

Luo Li understood, "Then you're out of the singles. Unexpectedly, little uncle, you are quick enough. When, who is your girlfriend?"

Luo Li's spirit of gossip was burning, and she kept pestering Zhuo Qingzhou asking him who his girlfriend was.

"If you don't want to say it, don't leave today."

"When did I stop talking? There's no need for that," Zhuo Qingzhou calmed Luo Li down, "You just ask me, can't you think of who it is? My girlfriend, who else?"

"Doctor Xia?" Luo Li almost blurted out, Zhuo Qingzhou smiled and said nothing, acquiescing that her answer was correct.

Luo Li patted Zhuo Qingzhou's shoulder, "You can do it, little uncle, it's fine if you don't make a move, and you'll become a girlfriend if you make a move. When did you wake up?"

Xia Yuting likes Zhuo Qingzhou, Luo Li has already seen it, but Zhuo Qingzhou doesn't know why, he is particularly slow in emotional aspects.

Maybe it's not dullness, but deliberate avoidance.

He took two steps back when Xia Yuting took one step forward, and Luo Li watched anxiously from the side.

Unexpectedly, the two of them have become a couple now.

"Then I wish you all the best of luck. You should work hard and strive for two hugs in three years."

"Two hugs in three years? Don't talk nonsense." Zhuo Qingzhou had nothing to say.

Luo Li pestered Zhuo Qingzhou again, asking him to explain the details, "I don't know what happened when, what a pity, little uncle, how did you suddenly become enlightened?"

Luo Li knew that the initiative between Zhuo Qingzhou and Xia Yuting was completely on her uncle's side. Xia Yuting's liking for Zhuo Qingzhou had always been obvious, and she had always been very proactive.

If it wasn't for Zhuo Qingzhou's unclear attitude, I'm afraid they would have been together a long time ago, and it wouldn't have been delayed until now

Now that they are together, Zhuo Qingzhou must have figured it out.

Zhuo Qingzhou refused to say, "What is there to say? Being together means being together? Don't ask nonsense in the future, do you understand?"

Luo Li suddenly understood, no wonder Zhuo Qingzhou rushed to Hong Kong City to celebrate the New Year with Xia Yuting on New Year's Eve, it turned out that the two were together, she couldn't help but patted herself on the head, why was she so slow.

She should have noticed it at that time.

"Little uncle, you are too powerful. When we have a meal with Dr. Xia, I will officially recognize this future little aunt."

Zhuo Qingzhou tapped Luo Li's forehead, "It's getting more and more excessive. If you keep talking nonsense, I don't care about you about Huo Zhouming."

"Don't, don't, don't." Speaking of Huo Zhouming, Luo Li immediately faltered, "I won't ask, and I won't talk, is it okay?"

The two got into the car together and went back to the research institute
After Huo Zhouming left, Liang Chen left on the back foot. Now he is obsessed with robots and has met his idol again, so he has to work harder.

Liang Chen also asked Huo Zhouming for contact information, but he didn't dare to interrupt casually.

Although Huo Zhouming told him that he could ask him anything he didn't understand, but Liang Chen felt that if it was not a difficult question, it would be unreasonable to ask others.

However, Liang Chen didn't have any problems these days, so there was no reason to contact Huo Zhouming.

He was looking forward to a problem, and then he could call Huo Zhouming, but unfortunately there was no such thing.

This was the only time, Liang Chen wished he was stupid, not to understand everything.

One day, Liang Chen was conceiving a thesis when his cell phone rang suddenly.

Liang Chen thought it was Yuan Tong who was calling, so he picked up the phone helplessly. Yuan Tong has been asking him back these days, asking Liang Chen to go out with her to play, but Liang Chen is not free at all.

After explaining it several times, Yuan Tong didn't listen, so Liang Chen had no choice but to use the old method, that is, not answer her phone.

Liang Chen just wanted to press the phone, but he didn't expect it to be Huo Zhouming, so he stood up suddenly, panicked.

"Huo Zhouming, is it really Huo Zhouming?" Liang Chen couldn't believe it, he calmed down for a few seconds before answering the phone.

"Hello, Mr. Huo," Liang Chen's voice was trembling.

Huo Zhouming was very relaxed, he smiled and said: "Liang Chen, I have been waiting for you to contact me, but unexpectedly you didn't say a word, so I called."

Liang Chen almost lost his mind when he heard Huo Zhouming calling him so affectionately, "Mr. Huo, what's the matter, just tell me."

"Tomorrow, I have an internal meeting here. Come and listen to it. It will definitely help you."

"What, an internal meeting?" This is such a good opportunity, Liang Chen never dreamed that he could attend it.

Huo Zhouming's voice came from the receiver, "Yes, can't you come because of something?" Huo Zhouming asked as if he felt that his tone was not very happy.

"No," Liang Chen quickly denied, "Of course not, Mr. Huo, I just think this opportunity is too rare, I'll go, is it appropriate?"

It was rare for Liang Chen not to feel confident, but fortunately Huo Zhouming gave him confidence.

"What's inappropriate? With your paper, there is no problem in coming to our internal meeting. You can come at nine o'clock tomorrow morning." Huo Zhouming told him the detailed address.

Putting down the phone, Liang Chen was secretly happy, that was Huo Zhouming's team, and he had been thinking about it for a long time.

Everyone in this team is not an ordinary person, and it is not easy to get in. Huo Zhouming's doing this is undoubtedly the best encouragement, support, and affirmation for Liang Chen. This shows that in Huo Zhouming's heart, Liang Chen is enough Excellent, qualified to join their team.

(End of this chapter)

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