Rebirth campus female agent

Chapter 900 Detaining the Goods

Chapter 900 Detaining the Goods
Recently, Luo Li has been busy with the affairs of the research institute, because school hasn't started yet, she has relatively more time.

The reputation of Huanyan Peach Blossom Dew is getting better day by day, and you can see posts recommending it on many online forums.

Huanyan Peach Blossom Lotion has become a new skin care star product, and it is not only famous, but also has a good reputation.

At the beginning, Huanyan Peach Blossom Dew sold well. After many people tried it, the effect was very good, so its reputation was even better.

Not surprisingly, Huanyan Peach Blossom Dew can become a new signboard of the research institute, and it can also bring huge benefits to the research institute.

In the recent 101 Research Institute, various indicators have risen to a higher level, and the popularity is also very high, almost everyone knows about it.

The data proved that Zhuo Qingzhou's prediction was completely correct, he led the laboratory to blaze a special path out.

Luo Li handed over all the affairs of the research institute to Zhuo Qingzhou, while she herself was busy following up on Huo Zhouming's affairs.

Since the last talk, there is no accurate information on whether Huo Zhouming will join Huayu Group.

Luo Li felt that he had to work hard to follow up, otherwise, if he was not careful, Huo Zhouming would be snatched away by others.

This is something she doesn't want to see.

So a few days ago, Luo Li had contacted Huo Zhouming, but unfortunately there was no news from the other party, and Luo Li didn't know what was going on, whether he agreed or not.

However, it is true that Luo Li really wants to cooperate with Huo Zhouming. After all, she attaches great importance to the field of artificial intelligence. If her company has a considerable market share, then Huayu Group may stand out among many companies.

Luo Li is quite enterprising, so she is very concerned about Huo Zhouming, even if the other party ignores her, she will do the same.

Luo Li wrote an email very carefully and sent it to Huo Zhouming. She has read a few books recently and has some understanding of artificial intelligence. In addition, she belongs to the future world, and the future world is about artificial intelligence. The development of intelligence is much better than the current world. She believes that as long as the artificial intelligence of the future world is placed in the current world in advance, the effect will be shocking.

She wrote down some of her thoughts in order to communicate with Huo Zhouming and let Huo Zhouming understand that she is a very good collaborator.

After the email was sent, a news popped up on the computer, saying that the customs department of country Y had seized a batch of goods from country Z.

This batch of goods is worth over [-] million yuan and is very important. I don't know why they were seized.

Country Z and Country Y have always cooperated and are good partners. It can be said that they trust each other very much.

Otherwise, the goods with such a large value from country Z will not pass through country Y. This is completely trust in them. This time, country Y's approach is very confusing.

After the last flood, the relationship between country Y and country Z has improved, and there are many aspects of cooperation.

And in that incident, Yuncheng contributed the most. It can be said that Yuncheng did its best to help country Y survive the disaster.

Yuncheng belongs to country Z, and the affairs of country Z are naturally the affairs of Yuncheng.

Hundreds of millions of goods are not a simple matter. If they are withheld for a long time, it will have a great impact on country Z, and it will inevitably affect the development of Yuncheng.

The locals in Yuncheng were very confused. They didn't know why Country Y would do this.

Originally, the people of Yuncheng had a good impression of country Y, because they usually communicate very closely, but when the news came out this time, everyone was very dissatisfied.

The citizens of Yuncheng accused country Y of being irresponsible, and it was very unreasonable to withhold so many goods.

Some of the comments under the news were very extreme. Everyone felt that this batch of goods worth over [-] million yuan was very important to Yuncheng, and could even directly affect the life and death of Yuncheng.

Facing the actions of country Y, many people are particularly disgusted.

After reading the news and the comments below, Luo Li also had some thoughts in his mind.

Luo Li also knew the president of country Y, and she felt that the president's abilities were not bad, so he wouldn't do things so badly.

Previously, Luo Li, as the person in charge of the research institute, had a discussion with the president of country Y. After the flood, the research institute and country Y also established a cooperative project.

At the beginning, Luo Li felt that the president was quite capable, so he wouldn't push Yuncheng to a corner.

Luo Li felt that as a native of Yuncheng, he should be able to do something.

After the customs incident came out, Luo Li found the contact information of Country Y, and the call was made, but unfortunately no one answered.

Luo Li called again, and after dialing the number, just as Luo Li said a word, the person over there hung up the phone.

Luo Li looked dazed, she checked the phone number again, there was nothing wrong, and she called again, but still no one answered.

Luo Li called the relevant department in charge of Yuncheng again, and this time it got through.

Because Luo Li is a relatively famous person, she asked about Yuncheng and Country Y.

The people in Yuncheng told her that they had contacted the relevant departments of country Y immediately, but they did not get any reply.

She is very anxious and knows very well that if there is a problem with this batch of goods, there will be very big problems.

If the hundreds of millions of goods can arrive on time, for Yuncheng, there are only advantages and no disadvantages. Unfortunately, the current emergency situation seems to be beyond their decision.

Luo Li suddenly thought of a person, he was Jiang Yuan, Ministry of National Defense of Country Y, and the two of them had exchanged phone numbers with each other before.

Luo Li felt that Jiang Yuan was a person who could talk, maybe he could help him.

Luo Li dialed Jiang Yuan's phone number. The two of them had a good discussion last time. Luo Li felt that the relationship between the two of them was pretty good. It happened that Jiang Yuan was also from country Y. If he couldn't help him, then no one could help him. up.

The President of Country Y probably doesn't have much time to answer Luo Li's phone calls. The only person Luo Li can get in touch with is Jiang Yuan, the Ministry of Defense of Country Y.

Luo Li had no doubts about this.

The cooperation between her and Jiang Yuan went smoothly last time, and the two had contact in normal times, so Luo Li could be sure that Jiang Yuan would not refuse to answer her calls.

Luo Li dialed Jiang Yuan's number, and after a while, Jiang Yuan's voice really came from the receiver.

Luo Li greeted him with a smile, "Hi, Minister Jiang, I'm Luo Li."

"Luo Li, I heard it, why are you looking for me?"

Jiang Yuan is the Minister of National Defense and Defense of Country Y. He is very busy every day, and the time of day is calculated in minutes.

But Jiang Yuan admired Luo Li very much, and when he saw that it was her calling, he immediately put down what he was doing.

After confirming that Jiang Yuan had time now, Luo Li opened his mouth to talk about himself.

(End of this chapter)

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