Rebirth campus female agent

Chapter 947 Su Yi's Birthday

Chapter 947 Su Yi's Birthday

At the beginning of the festivities, the appointment ceremonies of countries M and Z, which caused a sensation all over the country, came to an end.

At night, it gradually turned dark, bringing out a trace of moisture. People who returned late walked on the street, feeling the coolness, and rushing to the warmth of their homes.

Luo Li got along with Rong Yan for a while, and then the two broke up, and it was already night when they returned home.

This is where she lives with Su Yi, and Su Yi is not at home tonight.

Luo Li contacted Su Yi, and Su Yi sent a voice, with a trace of fatigue in his voice, the voice was still pleasant and magnetic as always, and it made people feel more distressed.

Su Yi: "Well, I have something to do tonight, maybe I can't come back."

Luo Li: "Okay, pay attention to rest."

Su Yi: "Okay, good night."

Luo Li: "Good night."

Seeing that there was no one in the empty house, Luo Li felt a sense of emptiness that he had not seen for a long time, and inexplicably missed Su Yi very much.

It may be because the room is full of memories of the two of them, looking at it makes me miss it.

After Luo Li simply washed up, he received a message from Quan Ji.

"Instructor Quan?" Luo Li wondered why the National People's Congress called him at night.

"Luo Li, congratulations, you have become the peace ambassador of Country M and Country Z." Quan Ji was polite first.

Luo Li: "Thank you."

"Well, I called today mainly because I have something to tell you." He paused as he spoke, as if he was thinking about how to speak.

Luo Li was puzzled: "Huh? Tell me."

Quan Ji: "I don't know if you know that tomorrow is Su Yi's 21st birthday."

Luo Li was stunned, tomorrow is Su Yi's birthday?Speaking of which, she had never asked Su Yi when her birthday was, and she was a little stunned when she suddenly knew it.

"Tomorrow is his birthday?" Luo Li still naturally expressed that he didn't know about it.

"Hey, I knew you didn't know about it." Quan Ji's tone relaxed, "Su Yi is not the kind of person who can take the initiative to speak."

The two chatted lightly for a few words, and then Quan Ji's tone became more serious.

"Let me tell you about this, the main reason is that Su Yi has been withdrawn since he was a child, and he doesn't want to talk to others. Although I have a good relationship with him, we two brothers are not so careful, and it is not easy to take care of him too much. " Quan Ji's words were obviously meant for Luo Li.

"I think you are special to Su Yi. I hope you can remember his birthday and help him have a good birthday. In this way, Su Yi must be happier."

"You know, Su Yi cares about you very much."

After Quan Ji finished speaking, there was no trace of joke in his voice, replaced by full of concern.

After listening to Quan Ji's words, Luo Li was very touched, but he didn't think about it at the moment, and solemnly replied: "Okay, I will remember."

After Quan Ji heard it, his tone immediately relaxed, and he began to joke again: "Hey, I just said that Luo is a beautiful woman, she is beautiful and kind, and she is also understanding..."

Luo Li interrupted him before he finished playing his rainbow skin, and the two exchanged a few words before hanging up.

Luo Li looked at the phone and smiled.

But Su Yi's birthday was taken to heart, she never remembered Su Yi's birthday before.

Quan Ji is Su Yi's good brother. His family has been in the army for generations, and now he is also a soldier with a high military rank. He looks a little out of character, but he is a careful and important friend worth making.

I also thought of when I first met Quan Ji, at that time Quan Ji was Luo Li's instructor when he left school, and he once refused to accept that Luo Li was a brat, and wanted to solo with her, but in the end, the two of them were taught badly in the two games, and this was completely convinced.

After hanging up the phone, seeing that Luo Li had agreed to his request to celebrate Su Yi's birthday, thinking that he was Su Yi's good buddy, Quan Ji, the playboy who had been in the flowers all the year round, began to support him. Recruited, and sent a WeChat to Luo Li.

Quan Ji: Hey, I thought of a good idea. I saw that there are many such "gifts for friends that are absolutely moved to tears" on the Internet. Do you want me to give you the whole one for Su Yi?

Luo Li raised his forehead, and really dare not compliment Quan Da's instructor's aesthetics: You too, don't have to be like this...really.

Quan Ji: Ah, isn’t it good?Then change it!
Quan Ji's imagination diverged again: How about a hot air balloon, a sea of ​​flowers, and impress him to death? !

The more I talk, the more excited I get.

Luo Li knew that this person was unreliable, but it wasn't that he didn't know that this person was so unreliable.

Luo Li: With all due respect, I really don’t have to.

Quan Ji was still typing and wanted to speak up to express his thoughts, Luo Li immediately stopped him.

Luo Li: I already have an idea, so you don't need to say it.

Quan Ji: Ah——

It was clearly just words, but Luo Li could see the disappointment in this word.

Luo Li looked at Quan Ji's screen full of unreliable bad ideas, and just wanted to go over and smash Quan Ji's dog's head, so that he would stop yelling at his eyes.

After the chat, Luo Li was slightly lost in thought.Quan Ji's words just now seemed to hit her heart. Su Yi's care and concern for her all the time, appeared in her mind one after another, as if she hadn't done enough in this relationship, as if she should also take the initiative do something.

She knows Su Yi's cold temper, but she always has a vivid image to her, and often looks like a 20-year-old boy.

Luo Li knew why Su Yi was doing this, and she knew why she was hurting in her heart.

Now that I know about Su Yi's birthday, I naturally have to prepare something for him.

Thinking like this, Luo Li gradually became sleepy and fell asleep in the hazy night.

In the dream, Luo Li seemed to have seen her celebrating Su Yi's birthday, and Su Yi was smiling very happily. That smile made Luo Li unable to help recalling it after waking up. I really hope to see that kind of smile in reality. Su Yi.

As bright as a galaxy, as bright as the moon.

After waking up, Luo Li simply tidied up, and seeing that Su Yi still hadn't come back, he took out the kitchen to make some simple breakfast.

When he first arrived in the kitchen and started to act, Su Yi came in.

Su Yi who came back early in the morning looked very tired, maybe others couldn't tell, but Luo Li knew that Su Yi must have been busy all night and didn't sleep.

Su Yi with a tired face is still handsome, adding a touch of age to his sharp-edged face, the stubble that just appeared and the sleepy eyes all show that the other party seems to be an ordinary The husband who worked overtime until the early hours of the morning and did not come back until the next morning.

And I was like a wife waiting for her husband to come back and making breakfast for her.

Luo Li also knew why he would think of these things when he saw Su Yi's appearance, and felt that the two of them seemed to be an old husband and wife.

Although the two of them knew each other well, there were some things that they thought about a little too long ago.

Luo Li's face felt unnaturally hot for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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