My queen is a big devil

Chapter 153 Give An Nan Pulling Hatred

Chapter 153 Give An Nan Pulling Hatred
As time went by, those people on the Internet became more and more courageous when they saw that An Nan and the others did not respond at all.

They just insisted that An Nan was scared this time!

She was worried that her image as the big devil last time would be shattered in this competition, so she didn't dare to compete with the seeded contestants from other schools!
Introduce Chen Meng, who is not particularly good in the team, and ask her to be the scapegoat this time, while she herself ran to the 5000-meter group.

"An Nan is so insidious, I feel worthless for Chen Meng!"

"That's right, let Chen Meng go to the 3000-meter group to be abused, and she runs to the 5000-meter group to show off her prestige?"

"Hehe, An Nan's wishful thinking may be in vain this time, right?"

"Is it true that 5000 meters are full of shrimp soldiers and crab generals? There is a difference of 2000 meters. The difficulty of this competition is not a level! You practice 3000 meters, and run [-]?"

"And you don't look at who the 5000-meter runners are. They are also the seed runners of each school, okay?"


People on the Internet seemed to despise An Nan's actions, thinking that she pushed Chen Meng out as a shield.

It's a pity that An Nan thought things too simply!
They admitted that An Nan seemed to have absolute dominance in the 3000-meter event, but this time it was 5000 meters!
It is completely two concepts!
And the 5000-meter opponent looks much more difficult than the 3000-meter opponent.

The seed players of each school are all rushing to the national team, no one is bad!
Originally, those runners who ran 5000 meters didn't take An Nan seriously.

Because in their view, An Nan didn't even have the qualifications to be their opponents.

But looking at these comments on the Internet, the anger in their hearts gradually came up.

What the hell, is this treating us like persimmons?
Don't dare to compete in the 3000-meter group, and come to us and want to pretend? have successfully seduced our anger!

I hope you won't be tortured and cry tomorrow!
This group of people who were aroused by the online keyboard man also set their targets on An Nan.

To abuse An Nan, this is the common thought of all of them!

It is foreseeable that if An Nan makes even the slightest mistake in her performance tomorrow, what awaits her will be the scolding from the entire network!
Netizens are fearless.

In their view, An Nan's thoughts were beyond their expected control, and they couldn't see the plot they wanted to watch!
In this case, they will try their best to destroy An Nan!
This is the inferiority of keyboard man.

They don't think about the consequences of what they do, they just know that it's enough to feel good!

Mu Zhen, who was relaxing for An Nan, saw all this in his eyes, but he didn't take it to heart at all.

Not even a little bit of negativity in him could be aroused.

He knows all too well how the plot is going.

Although compared with the previous life, there has been a slight deviation, but everything is still under control.

The big storyline hasn't changed.


He is sure that all the slander today will turn into endless praise tomorrow!
The most important thing for him now is to give An Nan a good rest.

My daughter-in-law will have two competitions tomorrow, and it will be very tiring to win both championships!
But looking at the current situation on the Internet, others have not found that the daughter-in-law has also signed up for the high jump?
Tsk, I don't know if I will scare them again tomorrow.

Hey, what happened to the sudden anticipation?

 Ask for a referral ticket online!
  give it?

  don't give?

  Let's ask for a ticket

(End of this chapter)

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