Chapter 801

"Tennis Falls!"

"Baseball has fallen!"

"Judo has fallen!"

"Boxing has fallen!"


Time passed day by day, and at this stage, there was no one chatting in the athlete's group chat for a long time.

Almost every few days, someone would say in it: "XX has fallen".

This means that An Nan has cleared the level in this project!
The worst is Judo.

Only when they really fought did they realize that An Nan's fighting power is really strong!
An Nan even broke the record for the shortest time in judo.

Three days!

She only practiced for one day, and for the next two days, An Nan was fighting with others!
It took only three days for An Nan to leave the team.

Looking at these quotations, everyone felt that their hearts were cold.

They never thought that An Nan could have such a high talent in these projects!

In fact, in the final analysis, sports rely on the athletes' control over their bodies.

And An Nan?
Through her training, every muscle in her body has been developed to the peak state by her!
This is a height that no one can reach!

how to say?

Her control of her body muscles has reached the point of being meticulous.

It's not just about training.

This is a matter of talent!

Of course, the existence of An Nan also executed the catfish effect very well.

Even if she has already left from a certain place, the players who are still here will train desperately.

After all, An Nan is their guide.

This is still in the country!

But what about on the field?

That's not just a loss of face.

That's a disgrace to the country!

They feel that they are not qualified yet!
So they are training desperately for the upcoming Olympics!

What made the coaches feel gratified and even excited was that under An Nan's stimulation, these players who had their self-esteem aroused became more serious about training.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the children of China can stand in this world for 5000 years without falling, and their genes are no worse than anyone else's!
It's just that it hasn't reached the point of desperately before!

Are you desperate now?

Their grades are improving rapidly!

Can these coaches not be excited?
In this Olympics, An Nan only qualified for track and field triathlon and women's basketball.

But even if An Nan can't participate in other events, these coaches don't think they won't get the gold medal!
On the contrary, they are now very confident that they can win the gold medal!

And An Nan did exceed their expectations, only playing the role of a catfish.

Don't forget the other titles on An Nan!


An guide!
If you just go to other teams to pretend to be tough, and then defeat them all, that's not called coaching.

An Nan had no interest in doing such a thing at all.

The reason why she wants to do this is for her ultimate goal: to develop a training method that suits everyone!

That's right, just like she made training methods for Chen Meng and the others before, she almost left one place for two days, and the coaches would receive a training plan carefully formulated by her.

A single match, aimed at a certain person.

Team competitions are aimed at the entire team!

An Nan's training plan is the most valuable thing!

Worth more than ten thousand gold?
One million gold is not exchanged!
(End of this chapter)

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