My queen is a big devil

Chapter 865 Paparazzi - -

Chapter 865 Paparazzi - -
Nuo Chuan Neiku is just an anonymous paparazzi of a small newspaper.

In the paparazzi world, he still has a bit of a reputation.

After all, this person's brain may be a little different from ordinary people, so he can often get some exclusive news.

For example, the manager of a certain actress cheating in marriage, for example, a certain male star is gay, these are his specialties.

Before the Olympics started this year, he had a faint feeling that this would be his chance.

And from the very beginning, he aimed at An Nan, who was the most topical!

Judging from An Nan's participation in competitions in the past, Nuokawa Uchiku came to a conclusion, that is, where there is An Nan, there will never be a lack of news!
Unfortunately, this time, after An Nan came to Tokyo, there was no particularly big news.

What secretly participated in the women's basketball game before was not worthy of his attention at all for him!
It's all bullshit!

Gradually, after a period of time without results, Nuo Chuan Neiku became the object of ridicule by many paparazzi.

You finally made a mistake?

You are not omnipotent, are you?

If you make yourself arrogant, don't you have to obediently rush to the street in the end?

But Chuannei Ku also knew what these people were thinking.

Human nature is inherently dark.

When a person is very good, others will only envy him.

And when this person suddenly misses, those envious people in the past will only instantly turn into ridicule!

In the paparazzi business, the competition is much fiercer than most professions.

There are only a few news stories in total, and if he photographs others, he won't be able to!
So it's all normal.

Nuo Chuan Uchiku knew that he had become the object of others' ridicule, but he was not discouraged.

Because he believed that An Nan, who likes to make troubles so much, couldn't suddenly become so quiet.

So he never gave up tracking An Nan.

And today, he finally found an opportunity!
An Nan is in a wheelchair?

This is great news!

He also watched An Nan's match before, so he could naturally think that it was the fall.

Is there something wrong with An Nan's leg?

Before An Nan came to Tokyo, there was news on the Internet that An Nan was doing rehabilitation.

This proves that there is something wrong with An Nan's body itself.

Now that it falls, the problem is exposed!
He felt that there was nothing wrong with his guess, so he quickly released the news.

Of course, this did not satisfy his heart.

Having been hungry and thirsty for so long, of course he couldn't just give up on tracking An Nan.

So he followed Mu Chen and their car to the hospital.

He didn't rush forward, because he knew that An Nan and the others were still very vigilant.

He has to wait!
This wait is half an hour.

His eyes lit up when he saw all these big names in the sports world coming!

This is big news!
What did that sentence say?

Start with a picture, the content depends entirely on editing!
Now that there are so many people here, what is the first thought that comes to people?
Often if there is no major problem, it is impossible for so many people to come!

So seeing the current scene, there must be a big problem!
Nuo Chuan Uchiku doesn't want to think so much, just shoot!
As soon as it is given to those newspapers and media, isn't that how the money comes?

So what are you waiting for?

Take it!

(End of this chapter)

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