Chapter 131

"Where is the prison for the townspeople of Guanliuyang Town?"

After leaving Huang Tiandao, Lin Feng asked.

"You don't want me to tell you! You broke my dantian today and humiliated me so much. Those townspeople, your parents, and your ten-year-old sister will all die because of it! Hahaha!" Zhang Tianlong laughed maniacally .

"How cute is your sister? Imagine her head being chopped off, and the blood is flying..."

Lin Feng pulled the gold chain!
His throat tightened, his eyeballs popped instantly, and the soles of his feet kept struggling.

Just as he was about to die, Lin Feng let go of his hand.

He was clutching his neck, gasping for breath, using both tongue and mouth, and with a gold chain, he was comparable to a real dog.

"There are assassins!"

Suddenly, a group of guards noticed the commotion here, and saw that the dog-like man locked by a gold chain was actually the emperor Zhang Tianlong, they were shocked and turned pale.

"Quick escort! Kill this person!"

A group of guards picked up their guns and stabbed at Lin Feng in unison, with murderous intent.

Lin Feng's indifferent eyes did not change in the slightest.

Soul Martial Thousand Killing Wheel!
It spun out suddenly, and in just an instant, it was basically dead, leaving only one of them.

He pulled out his hand, and the man was immediately wrapped by the power of space, and fell to Lin Feng's feet uncontrollably.

"Where is the prison?"

"Heavenly Prison..."

"You dare to say, I will kill your nine clans!" Zhang Tianlong roared.

This was his last hope to get revenge on Lin Feng. If the townspeople were rescued, Lin Feng would really have no scruples.

Using the air seal in Huangtian Palace is to prevent him from issuing orders and arresting people in Liuyang Town as a bargaining chip.

But as soon as his threatening words came out, Lin Feng had already slapped him with his palm, and immediately, he lay down on the ground with the humiliating word "big".

Immediately, a big foot stepped on his face, distorting his majestic face!
"It can be said."

Lin Feng looked at the guard indifferently and said, stroking the Wuhun Thousand Killing Wheel.

"I won't kill you in one round."

The guard noticed that Zhang Tianlong only had the aura of a three-star warrior, and he was unable to resist after suffering such humiliation. Knowing that the latter's situation was over, he swallowed, not daring to refuse any more.

Quickly took the lead and led Lin Feng to the dungeon.

Along the way, people blocked and killed people, and Buddha blocked and killed Buddha. When they arrived at the prison, a group of jailers shouted loudly.

"Who? Dare to break into the sky prison? You can't find death!"

Just as they were about to take out the whip, a cold light flashed in front of their eyes, and they died immediately.

"My lord, I have brought you to the prison, can you let me go?" the guard who led the way asked cautiously.

What responded to him was a knife light.

"You!" Feeling that his body was broken in two, the guard glared at him angrily.

"You don't believe what you say!"

"I just said that I won't kill you with the golden wheel." Lin Feng said lightly.

"I didn't say you don't need a knife."

Those who attack him will not end well!

The guard's eyes widened, and he could not rest in peace.

Lin Feng walked straight into the prison without even looking at it.

Searching inside, he didn't take many steps before he saw a group of people in prison clothes.

On their faces, he saw simplicity, and only those who came from small towns in the mountains could have this kind of aura.

These people are the townspeople of Liuyang Town!
Most of them are in the memory of the host Lin Feng. These people are either his close relatives, or have a good relationship with his family, or are his family members. Their small town is very harmonious.

The townspeople noticed the movement outside and poked their heads over.

Suddenly, one of the middle-aged couples was stunned!

They stared fixedly at the young man in front of them, tears streaming down their faces.

"Brother! It's my brother! My brother is here to save..."

Suddenly, a childish and tender little girl shouted, but the couple covered their mouths.

"Feng'er! Go away! They arrested us and tried their best to lure you out and force out your secrets! Go away!"

They drank hastily.

Lin Feng's body stiffened slightly, and his nose twitched lightly.

"Father! Mother!"

This sound was extremely natural.

If we say that before, although the two souls merged, after all, the soul of the earth dominates, even though he recognizes his parents, sister and townspeople in his heart, there is always a layer of estrangement.

However, at this moment, all barriers disappeared!
Poor parents all over the world, they think about their children all the time, even if they die, they would rather replace themselves, and want to keep their children safe!

At this moment, Lin Feng completely regarded them as his real parents!
"Get out of here quickly! Your mother and I don't need your help!"

Seeing Lin Feng standing still in place, the middle-aged man became angry and growled in a low voice.

Lin Feng knew that he was worried about himself, so he was not angry.

He just punched out his fist and knocked down the cell door, and then pulled his hand, Zhang Tianlong, who was locked by a golden chain, flew over, hit the iron bar with a "boom", and stars appeared in front of him.

"Second elder, see who this is?"

"This... the emperor?!"

The two elders stared wide-eyed in disbelief.

Although they had never seen Zhang Tianlong with their own eyes, those things were handled by the subordinates, but the dragon robe on Zhang Tianlong was enough to explain everything.

This surprised them a lot.

Isn't it rumored that the emperor is the number one expert in the palace, ranking among the top three in the entire Ziyang Empire, how could Feng'er catch him, and walk the emperor like a dog like this?

The world is crazy!

"You really caught it?"

Although the facts were in front of them, they were too astonishing, and they still couldn't believe it.

Lin Feng nodded seriously.

Then he looked around and bowed heavily.

"Father and mother, there are so many uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters, I'm sorry! I'm late, you have suffered!"

"Brother Lin Feng! You must kill this group of beastly beasts!" A hateful young voice sounded.

"The last time I heard them talk, it wasn't just the palace that killed our townspeople! There seemed to be several other big forces! My parents and grandpa are... woohoo!"

Speaking of this, he choked up.

"Bitch, don't cry! Kill this dog emperor and avenge your parents!"

"Yes! Kill the dog emperor!"

A group of people ran out from the prison door with resentment on their faces, punching and kicking Zhang Tianlong.

After venting for a while, two townspeople moved the collapsed iron gate and were about to stab Zhang Tianlong in the head.

But was stopped by Lin Feng.

Just when they were puzzled, Lin Feng snorted coldly.

"It would be too cheap for him to die like this!"

"Well said! Torture him hard!"

"I agree! I almost made a big mistake and let him die so easily!"

Voices of hatred, crowds of indignation.

"Let's go, those who have bullied Liuyang Town will not end well, now I will take you to destroy them all!"

Lin Feng sneered again and again, took the lead and went out of the prison.

The other townspeople followed, and their parents followed at the end. Seeing Lin Feng, who was holding a gold chain and walking Zhang Tianlong, his eyes showed relief.

Which parent does not want their son to become a dragon?
Lin Feng, he really turned into a dragon!

(End of this chapter)

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