Chapter 304 You forced me!

The entire martial arts arena and viewing platform are deathly quiet!

Only what Lin Feng said, "A peerless evildoer that can't be seen in a hundred years? That's all!" spread continuously in the wind, like a critical blow, hitting these people's hearts hard, making them intimidated by the ancient dragon before. The mind became extremely depressed.

This sentence is more like a big slap in the face, slapping them mercilessly and fiercely on the face!
Lin Feng is trash?
Not worthy to be Gu Tianyang's opponent?
Lin Feng resisted the first move because Gu Tianyang didn't try his best?

The latter tried his best to crush Lin Feng with one move?

Gu Tianyang tried his best to trample him under his feet and humiliate him severely?

Thinking of the words that were blurted out before, the faces of all Tianyang Sect members turned blood red, flushed with swelling, and they only felt that they had no place to be ashamed at this moment.

Who is not doing their best?

Who in the end can crush the opponent with one move?

It's Lin Feng!
If Lin Feng is garbage, then what is the defeated Gu Tianyang?
Worse than rubbish?

But Gu Tianyang is not as good as rubbish, so what should they say about them who are far inferior to Gu Tianyang?

High-level waste that can't even be compared to garbage?

Shame and anger!
At the same time, in addition to this emotion, there is also fear.

Huge fear hangs over their hearts!

In the past, no matter how fierce Lin Feng was to the Tianyangmen, no matter how strong their strength was, they still had the last layer of psychological support - Gu Tianyang.

But today, everything is shattered!

This is simply a demon god!
In the future, the entire Tianji sect will have a place to stay at Tianyangmen?
Their faces had turned pale, and even a few of them with relatively poor mental quality began to tremble slightly.

As for those who are not from Tianyangmen, their faces are also a little unsightly.

Although they didn't directly offend Lin Feng and didn't have the same worries as these Tianyangmen people, they were ashamed when they thought of what they said before.

Before the game started, they believed that Lin Feng would definitely lose.

Some people even ridiculed that those who bet on Lin Feng's victory were all delusional and felt that their IQ was superior.

He also sneered that Lin Shuangyu would bet on Lin Fengsheng because the IQ of the woman in love is zero.

At this moment, Lin Feng perfectly interpreted who had lost his mind!

Who the hell has a defective IQ!
Whose IQ is zero!
The disciple surnamed Zhang who opened the handicap opened his mouth wide because he was too shocked to speak for a long time.

Even if he reacted, his first expression was not cheering, but rubbing his eyes vigorously, and said uncertainly.

"Win...won? Actually...won?"

Among the handicap funds, those who bet on Gu Tianyang's victory were far more than those who bet on Lin Feng's victory by a hundred times. Regardless of the number of participants or the betting funds, even the Supreme Elder contributed a pile of purple gold stones, one worth ten thousand high-grade primordial stones.

Now that the latter has won the victory, he has made a lot of money, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as getting rich overnight.

At this moment, even if he was so excited that he fainted on the spot, it would not be an exaggeration.

But his first reaction was unbelievable, and he expressed it by "surprisingly won", which shows how unfavorable Lin Feng is!

It is also the sharp contrast between the sky and the earth that caused the sensation at this moment!
There is also Han Dahu who behaved similarly to him.


He was stunned for a while, and rubbed his eyes vigorously to make sure he was right.

In the end, Han Dahu jumped up suddenly, clenched his fists tightly, and his face was extremely excited.

"Brother Lin is mighty! Long live Brother Lin!"

A look of pride flashed across his face, and he was even ten times happier than when he defeated others.

Lin Shuangyu's complexion not far to the side didn't change much, but that didn't mean she was indifferent to it.

On the contrary, judging from her loosened fists at this moment and her sitting posture lying back slightly, it can be seen that she is in a relaxed mood at this moment.

Sure enough, you are still the same you, always so calm, so confident, so calm in the face of any difficulties, and finally handed in an answer sheet that made everyone stare at him...

All her eyes were fixed on Lin Feng.

It seems that at this moment, everyone has been filtered out of her eyes, leaving only this figure, a figure that is not majestic, but makes people feel full of security.

Lin Shuangyu's eyes were blurred, as gentle as water, and a faint smile rose on her delicate cheeks.

This tenderness, this smile, only blooms for him.

Looking around slightly, seeing the astonished and awe-inspiring eyes of other people, a trace of satisfaction suddenly surged in her heart.

What woman doesn't want her man to shine like the sun and always be the focus of the crowd?

The better the men, the more proud they are, and it's the same with the iceberg women! ——
high rise area.

The suzerain and deputy suzerain seem to be calm, but if you observe the subtleties, you can still find that their faces are slightly loose, and they are obviously relieved.

The faces of the five Supreme Elders became sullen.

Especially the Supreme Elder who had made things difficult for Lin Feng, his complexion even began to darken.

He was full of anticipation, seeing the scene of Lin Feng being stepped on by Gu Tianyang, the only way to vent his unhappiness.

For so many years, no one dared to disrespect him.

A little disciple spoke to him like that, even though he couldn't find any thorns in what he said, he also admitted that what Lin Feng said was all correct, but this could not dispel his hatred for Lin Feng.

He hoped that Gu Tianyang would severely humiliate the latter.

But I never thought it would be like this!
"Stand up for me and kill him!"

The Supreme Elder stared fiercely at the arena with gloomy eyes, hoping that the situation could be reversed.

As if hearing his call, Gu Tianyang, who vomited blood and was smashed to the edge of the arena in embarrassment, actually supported the ground with one hand, stood up slowly, and really straightened his body.

"You, dare to hurt me."

He stared at Lin Feng, his eyes were very dull, as if he was looking at a dead person!

"Since I became famous, no one has made me vomit blood, let alone beat me in full view, and made me suffer such a great humiliation."

"you are the first!"

How high is the heart for a peerless monster like him?How proud are you?

How can he tolerate his failure?
How can you tolerate being defeated by someone younger than yourself?
"Originally, I didn't want to use all my power, because I can't control this kind of power. Forcibly using it will hurt the enemy by a thousand and hurt myself by eight hundred." Gu Tianyang continued.

"But, you forced me to do this!"

After the last word fell, Gu Tianyang's expression changed, and he became ferocious, showing cruelty.

"The Heavenly Halberd of the Supreme Domain, come out for me!"

Under the roar, he moved his fingers together and kept lighting his chest.

While pointing, he was still chanting words, like an ancient incantation, which was opening some kind of ancient priest summoning technique.

With every finger, his body will emit bursts of black gold-like brilliance, and each finger is higher than a finger wave.

(End of this chapter)

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