Scrap against the sky: Miss Stunning

Chapter 810 The Youngest King of the Tiger Clan

Chapter 810 The Youngest King of the Tiger Clan
Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, what's more, he doesn't have to wait ten years!
As long as he finds out a way to restrain Hei Yu, he will be able to avenge the king!

Xiao Bao looked up!
He doesn't cry!
He wants to turn grief and anger into strength!

"His Royal Highness." Seeing this, Butler Bai called him cautiously.

Xiaobao was silent for a long time.

The Tiger Clan was immersed in silence!
Among the five people who died, one of them was the fifth elder among the eight elders, and he was Xiaobao's master!

Xiaobao walked up to them, checked them one by one, and even with everyone's efforts, they couldn't be saved!

In Xiaobao's heart, it was as if a stone was pressed down, heavy.

Xiaobao locked up their souls and buried their bodies generously. He decided to weave their souls for them!
But they can weave their souls. After hundreds of years and thousands of years, they will re-cultivate and become immortals, but their king will never come back!
Xiao Bao knelt on the ground, unable to speak for a long time.

Everyone also knelt down.

"The king sacrificed himself to save the Tiger Clan. He is a great king. Let us kneel in silence for three days and three nights!"

No matter where the king is reincarnated in the next life, they will let him live happily!

Tiger Clan started to rain.

Since the beginning of spring, the first rain for the Tiger Clan.

No one set up an enchantment to avoid the rain, but let the rain wet their bodies.

It rained for three full days!

And everyone, kneeling in the rain for three days!
On the fourth day, the first to stand up was the Great Elder among the seven elders.

The elder said, "His Royal Highness, when the king was in power, he made you the crown prince and asked you to take care of the Tiger Clan. Now that the Tiger Clan has no leader, His Royal Highness, please consider the future of the Tiger Clan and register as king as soon as possible!"

Everyone said in unison, "His Royal Highness, please ascend the throne as soon as possible!"

Xiaobao stood up, his legs were already numb because he was so expensive for too long.

The reason why he asked everyone to kneel for three days was because he didn't want the king to ascend the throne just after he emerged!
"Everyone, get up. After three days of rain, everyone's health must be too much. Go back and take care of yourself. Let's choose an auspicious day before ascending the throne!"

"Send off Your Highness!" Everyone said.

Xiaobao and Butler Bai returned to the other courtyard.

Xiaobao has his own prince's courtyard, but unfortunately he still likes Bai Yiming's other courtyard, because here, he can feel the breath of his parents, as if they are still with him.

But here, there are also his sad memories!
The girl he trusted with all his heart, actually betrayed him!

"Your Highness, are you alright?" Butler Bai asked worriedly.

Xiaobao shook his head, "I'm fine, Steward Bai."

Butler Bai knew that Xiaobao was sad, after all, no one could bear this fact.

But Xiaobao is very brave, which deserves Butler Bai's reassurance.

In the past few days, he was really worried that Xiaobao would miss it.

In a short period of time, the father and mother left, the king became immortal, the most trusted partner betrayed, and the master died...

These are so many things, if it were him, he might not be able to be like Xiaobao!

Xiaobao looked at this fresh and unique courtyard, and the warm scene of the past emerged.

For him, this is the only warm place.

As long as he doesn't think about Xi Yao!

This name stings his heart!

"Butler Bai, don't let them disturb me these few days."

Butler Bai nodded, "Got it."

These few days are not auspicious days, and no one from the Tiger Clan is competing with Xiao Bao for the throne, so Steward Bai doesn't have to worry about the change of the throne!
(End of this chapter)

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