Synthetic Summons

Chapter 181 Alien Chasing Team

Chapter 181 Alien Chasing Team
Things are moving fast.

After the Alien Queen made a decision, Fang Long and the 'Titan Puppet' were dispatched that day to form a team of [-] eight-evolution aliens going to the 'Twelve Defenses'.

The reinforcements will join the fray as soon as they arrive at the front lines.

In this way, the Titan puppet can fight against the Sanctuary of the Magic Continent as quickly as possible, and obtain actual combat data.

The heterogeneous queen will rely on the results of the 'Titan Puppet' on the battlefield to determine how feasible the 'biological mecha' is.

If the 'Titan Puppet' performs well on the battlefield, then the alien queen will find a way to form a 'biological mecha' team.

If the 'Titan Puppet' does not perform well, or does not perform well, then the 'biological mech army' plan must be canceled, or more resources must be invested in the development of stronger biological mechs.

When the aliens went to the "Twelve Defenses", they sat in the "Transport Worm Nest" obediently.Otherwise, even in the sanctuary, it would take a very long time to achieve twelve defenses.

One thousand eighth-level aliens were carried by four 'transportation insect nests'.

Fang Long drove the 'Titan Puppet' onto one of the transport insect nests.Along the way, he was all adapting to the power brought by the 'Titan Puppet', which was a genuine 'Sanctuary' level power.

"Hey, is this the puppet that Her Majesty the Queen said has the power to evolve eight times? The little guy controlled inside has only evolved five times. After a while, don't be frightened when you are on the battlefield." Sitting with Fang Long The few aliens who were together joked.

"Thank you." The corners of Fang Long's mouth could his legs be weak.After reaching the Twelve Defenses, not only will his legs not be weak, but even his hands will not be weak when he chops up alien species!

"Haha, the little guy has good willpower." Another alien species next to him nodded slightly.

You must know that there are nearly [-] eighth-evolution aliens in the transportation nest. Even if they don't exude the aura of the holy level, the three hundred eighth-level aliens stay together, and because they are going on an expedition, they naturally exude aura And murderous, are very scary.

A fifth-level evolutionary alien can still answer and speak calmly in such a state.It can be seen that the level five aliens controlling this 'Titan Puppet' are excellent.

"Hehe." Fang Long's chuckle came from the titan puppet.The oppression of the sanctuary level can be fully adapted after he was promoted to the fifth king level.Now when driving the 'Titan Puppet', it is even more ignoring the coercion of this level.

During the transportation, Fang Long did not relax his cultivation.

All the physical data of the 'Titan Puppet' were recorded by the star pendant.

Then, she made the same 'Titan Puppet' in the inheritance space. Fang Long could familiarize himself with controlling the Titan puppet in the inheritance space and accumulate control experience.It is more capable of carrying out various actual combats.

After reaching the 'Twelve Defenses', Fang Long will be able to become an experienced and battle-tested pilot with the training of inheritance space.

"Huh? I found something ahead!" Suddenly, a foreign species called out.

Through the interface window of the transport insect nest, you can see several medium-sized 'transport insect nests' gathered together in the starry sky directly ahead, and a fierce battle seems to be taking place ahead.

"It seems to be the team that chased the escaped indigenous sanctuary last time." A foreign species said.

Fang Long also retreated from the inheritance space and looked towards the outside world.

Sure enough, it was the strong men of the Magic Continent. He could see the fierce tiger man roaring crazily.Originally there were nearly a hundred sanctuary powerhouses, but now there are only more than 30 left, and all of them are wounded.

During this period of time in the sanctuary of the Magic Continent, the alien species avoided the pursuit time and time again, and was overtaken by the alien species again and again... This time it seemed that doom was already doomed.

More than 700 different species surrounded them!
In addition to the thousands of alien teams that are currently on the expedition, the thirty magic mainland sanctuaries seem to be doomed.



At this time, in the metal freak laboratory of the base.

Nineteen alien species are learning the technique of manipulating the 'biological mecha' through the virtual system.The ten alien species that were crippled by Fang Long have almost recovered now.

And the metal monster is sitting alone on the back of a sacred dragon corpse, and a small light screen pops up on his left arm, with a picture chained on it.

The picture shows the situation inside a nest of alien transporters, and there are densely packed eighth-level aliens everywhere on the screen.

Metal Freak's little light screen is exactly the vision of 'Titan Puppet'!He was watching what was happening through the vision of the titan golem.

"We'll reach the twelfth defense soon, oh...wait a minute. I seem to have thought of another good idea." The metal monster knocked on his metal skull.

After I manipulate the 'Titan Puppet' to kill some alien species on the battlefield, how about finding an opportunity to hand over the manufacturing method of the 'Bio-Mech' to the natives of that planet?

In this way, even after he died, the natives of that planet might be able to create an army of sanctuary mechas to fight against alien species according to their own method of making 'biological mechas'?

"Oh, what a good idea. I really am a genius." The metal freak clapped his hands lightly, stretched out his fingers, and pressed repeatedly on a control panel on his left arm.

He has always been able to manipulate the titan puppets through the remote link function.Now, through the connection function, he writes the manufacturing method and process of the 'Bio-Mech' as ​​a data compression package, and transmits and stores it to the 'Titan Puppet' control system.

"Well, let's set the 'compression package program' to be automatically read in half a year. Another premise is that the automatic reading will only be enabled when a 'non-exotic' creature enters the cockpit." The finger of the metal monster is in the Press quickly on the control panel.

In this way, if this 'Titan Puppet' finally successfully entered the Twelve Defenses and was obtained by the natives of the Twelve Defense Planet, it would definitely be pulled back for research.

As long as the 'Titan Golem' is not completely destroyed.Half a year later, this latent 'compressed package of manufacturing method of biological mecha' will be read out.

Due to the preconditions, if this 'Titan Puppet' is finally obtained by a different species, then this piece of 'compressed package data' will not be read.

"Not bad." Metal Freak nodded in satisfaction.

As for whether the natives of that planet can get this puppet at that time, it depends on the fate of the natives.

It would be best if they could get it, if they couldn't get it, it would be their own bad luck.

Anyway, I don't have much to do with the natives of this planet.

Frankenstein's way of thinking is indeed not something ordinary people can understand and guess.



On the other side, in the palace of the heterogeneous queen.

The Alien Queen frowned, and in front of her was a strange alien, with a transparent screen-like carapace on its back.

And what is shown on this layer of carapace is all the scenes in the metal monster laboratory.

"Really...what the hell is this guy trying to do?" the Alien Queen was annoyed.

 The alien volume will end soon, and after a few chapters, you can return to the magic land with the 'Titan Puppet'.Ha ha.

(End of this chapter)

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