Synthetic Summons

Chapter 450 Black Iron Member

Chapter 450 Black Iron Member
Fang Long took the black iron badge with one hand, saying it was a badge, but actually it looked like a small token.The token of the black iron level is triangular in shape, and the badge of 'Creating Star Platform' is engraved on it.

Following the instructions, Fang Long mobilized the natal star to inject a bit of his own natal energy into it, and completed the steps of identifying the owner of the badge.

"Om..." When Fang Long's energy was poured in, a white flame burned on the black iron token, and there was even a cloud dragon wrapped around the token, which lasted for a long time. It was like a high-level magic weapon was refined. Same.

The heart of the mysterious big man next to him moved. The flame that emerged when the black iron badge recognized the owner could reflect the 'energy quality' of the new official member.The more intense the flame and the purer the color, the higher the "energy quality" in the owner of the black iron token.

Energy is also divided into qualities. The higher the quality of energy, the better the chance in battles of the same level.For example, the quality of Fang Long's natal energy 'Battle Qi' is much higher than that of 'Magic Power'.

Generally, for members who join the club, the flames that emerge are all red, and orange flames are rare, and those with poor quality are even blue.

The incandescent color shows that the energy in Fang Long's body is of extremely high quality.This time Chuangxing Platform can be regarded as a real treasure.The mysterious big man thought to himself.

After the blazing flame passed, a pattern unique to Fang Long's identity appeared on the black iron token.It is completely bound to Fang Long's natal energy.The energy of the natal star is almost the same as a person's fingerprint, and no one's fingerprints are completely coincident.Except for Fang Long, no one can use this black iron token.

"Good method!" Fang Long sighed while holding the black iron token.When he completed the master recognition procedure, the black iron token seemed to become a part of his body, just like the 'Falling Heaven Seal'.But he could feel that the black iron token and magic weapon were completely different things.

This 'Black Iron Token' contains Fang Long's Star Creation Platform account, a simple triangle with Fang Long's name engraved on it.

It contains detailed information belonging to Fang Long.

Black Iron Member: Fang Long.

Residence: ND[-] galaxy, Dark Owl Star Country.

Strength: Seven-star tenth rank.

Points: [-]

Permissions: Can enter the black iron level trading area, black iron level secret realm, black iron level mission area, black iron level information area...

At the same time, there are many complicated and obscure lines and characters deep in the token, forming a super large formation.This formation is the main body of the token.

Through the formation of this token, Fang Long can enter the super network of the 'Star Creation Platform' anytime and anywhere.Unless he is in some secret realm or enchantment that is completely isolated from the world, and the information is isolated, he cannot connect to this super network.

Then, he can enter the trading area with black iron level authority on the super network to conduct various transactions.

You must know that the 'Chuangxing Platform' is spread over tens of millions of galaxies, and each galaxy has its own specialties. This huge trading network can connect all members of the Chuangxing Platform, and each member can get what they need.You can put things you don't need on the trading platform, sell them for points, or exchange them for things you need.Chuangxing platform will charge a certain amount of points as a service fee.

At the same time, with this token, Fang Long can enter the black iron level secret realm of the star creation platform.Each member has three opportunities to enter the secret realm within his authority every year.After three times, if you want to enter the secret realm again, you need to pay points from the Chuangxing platform.Depending on the type and size of the secret realm, the points collected are also different, ranging from a dozen points to thousands of points.

At a glance, Fang Long saw that the Chuangxing Platform held tens of thousands of black iron-level secret realms!What special items these secret realms will produce, and what special effects they have, are all recorded.

A secret realm with resources can produce various specialties, medicinal materials, and energy crystals.This is the most common and indispensable secret realm for practitioners.It is also the secret realm that Fang Long needs most. He can imagine how huge resources he will need for his next promotion!This secret realm can meet Fang Long's needs.

There is a secret realm for cultivation, one day of cultivation in it is worth one year outside.This reminded Fang Long of the special space under the Fengshen Bone!

There is also a secret realm for practicing martial arts, in which there are countless phantom beasts, immortal and immortal!Moreover, cultivators can be reborn infinitely in such a secret realm, and can hone their martial skills without worrying about death.You can also get a wealth of combat experience.

Fang Long's heart moved again. Doesn't his 'inheritance space' have such an ability?It seems that there are still too many secrets waiting for him to discover in his inheritance space.

Then there are the points of the Chuangxing platform. The points can be obtained by receiving the tasks that are often released by the Chuangxing platform, or they can be obtained through transactions in the trading area.

The points can not only be used in the trading area and the secret realm, but also can be directly exchanged for the exercises you need from the Chuangxing platform!
Finally, there is an information area, where different information is released for free every day.There is information about treasures about to be born, information about alien species, and all kinds of information, which is extremely rich.

Of course, there are also charges for information.Points are also charged!As long as Fang Long is willing to pay points, even what color underwear Her Royal Highness the Queen of the Dark Owl Star Country wears today can get the result within a magic hour.

This seemingly simple-structured platform relies on these means to gather many powerhouses from thousands of galaxies together.There are also countless powerful people who fought for the spot in the 'Star Creation Platform'.

Fang Long just roughly swept away the things used for trading in the star creation platform, and then disconnected himself from the black iron badge.

As long as he has the 'Creating Star Platform', Fang Long can get the exercises that Diana and the others need for future cultivation.

But now, he only has ten points.These are the points that Chuangxing Platform gave him after he completed the task of the test.As for the exercises in the exercise area, the cheapest ones are more than tens of thousands of points.

None of the exercises that are eligible to be collected by Chuangxing Platform are ordinary, and all of them are super exercises with their own characteristics.

"The functions of this token are really rich, and this is the authority of the lowest-level black iron member. As long as the authority is increased, you will get more authority." Fang Long sighed inwardly. This made Fang Long's vision greatly expanded again.

"How do you feel? Chuangxing Platform, it's worth your joining." said the mysterious big man.

"Yes." Fang Long replied in the affirmative.

"Haha!" The mysterious big man laughed happily. Today is the most times he has laughed this year.

At this time, there was another sound from outside the island.

The strong man named Ge Lao officially set foot on the island, and then several strong men with beards rushed over.

 Happy New Years Eve, everyone!I just woke up from a hangover, so hello to everyone.Here, I would like to thank please call me Wu Neng, three famous brothers, Zhang Quangong, ahaha, michaelmzh, "ゞ一.言, Dusk Dawn Simple, and recent rewards! I wish you all a good time on the last day of this year, and a new one For a year, changing brides every day, being a groom every day, making money until your hands feel weak, and the girls... the same!
(End of this chapter)

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