Synthetic Summons

Chapter 7 Spear Fighting

Chapter 7 Spear Fighting

"Bang bang bang!" In the snow-white room, the sound of bullets kept ringing.

Holding the soul gun in his hand, Fang Long fired in various positions. Since he didn't use secret techniques, he kept piercing through targets within 500 meters, and the frisbees in the air were also constantly being shattered.

The dark-haired woman got a deck chair out of nowhere.She was lying on the chair, lazily watching Fang Long's training from a distance.

Fang Long took a breath, and this time he switched to holding the gun in his left hand.He had to train himself to be able to shoot with both hands, and to have the ability to shoot accurately.

Holding the soul gun horizontally with his left hand, through the front sight on the soul gun, Fang Long aimed at the target and calmly pulled his index finger.

'boom! 'The bullet spewed out from the long barrel, accurately shot through the target 500 meters away, hit the red heart, and shot the target right through!
At the same time, Fang Long quickly turned the gun and fired several times with his left hand.

'boom! '500 meters away, several plates flying in the air were ruthlessly smashed by bullets.

It is a continuous predictive shooting, a very practical shooting method.

In addition to teaching Fang Long the secret technique, the black-haired woman will also verbally teach Fang Long some shooting skills.Such as predictive shooting, point-breaking shooting, three-shot shooting and other skills.It's a pity that she never gave Fang Long a personal lesson like the first time.

"Sniper's Eye!" Fang Long snorted lightly, and the fighting spirit in his body decreased a little.And his black pupils suddenly turned golden yellow, and the pupils became layer upon layer, with a very layered shape.In the center of the pupil, a crosshair symbol appeared faintly.

With the help of the sniper eye, his eyesight doubled sharply, becoming a 1000-meter visual range! The target 1000 meters away is clearly visible as if it is pulled to the front of the eye!

He pulled the trigger again, the whole movement was like flowing water, and the metal bullet easily shot through the target [-] meters away.

The most powerful elf archer in the magic world can shoot the enemy from 150 paces away. In terms of conversion, it has a range of about 200 to [-] meters.

Compared with the gun warrior, it is really weak!

As long as he is promoted to the first level of spear warrior and summons the soul gun, all the remote occupations in this world will be completely abused by him.

After a set of shooting was completed, Fang Long put away his soul gun, fell to the ground and rested for a while.

Papapapa, the black-haired woman standing aside applauded lightly: "It's really good, to be able to master the coordination of basic spear skills and sniper's eye in such a short period of time."

Fang Long smiled shyly.

"Your long-range shooting ability is not bad. Next, you take a rest. Then I will teach you a set of 'gun fighting skills', which can be used to exercise your body." The black-haired woman said: "We The fighting spirit of a gun warrior requires a combination of mental strength and physical energy, so in addition to having a strong mental power, you also need a strong body. And this "gun fighting technique" is not only for physical exercise, but also for you to get close to people in the future. The main technique of hand-to-hand combat. Although we gun fighters rarely have the opportunity to fight with people in close quarters, there are no absolutes in the world."

Fang Long put down the soul gun in his hand, and nodded slightly.

The gun fighting technique mentioned by the black-haired woman is a precise movement, and learning gun fighting skills requires precise calculation ability.This set of operations is centered on the gunner himself, and the prototype geometry is the plane basis. It calculates all the attacked positions around him, and can launch shooting or defense for each attacked.

At the same time, this set of actions not only includes shooting, but also hand-to-hand combat skills and spear stabbing skills.The body of the gun fighter is also very strong. Relying on his strong physical fitness, after performing a gun fight, he can start a mixed mode of half fighting and half shooting with the enemy.

Fang Long followed the black-haired woman to perform the basic movements of the gun fighting technique carefully, while listening to her explain the principle of the gun fighting technique.

The principle of gun fighting is not complicated, but it is very difficult to put it into practical use.

After Fang Long gradually learned the basic movements of this gun fighting technique, the black-haired woman and Fang Long practiced fighting and dismantling moves.

"Clap clap..."


Although it was just a counter move, the black-haired woman didn't know what it means to show mercy.Fang Long was mercilessly knocked down to the ground time and time again, screaming in pain.



Train, train, train!

Fang Long didn't know how long he stayed in this small room, he just kept shooting and shooting in this small room tirelessly.

How many shots he had fired, he could not remember himself.It is conservatively estimated that he has fired nearly [-] rounds of bullets.

He didn't even know how he persisted.

Aiming and shooting, these two actions have become Fang Long's instinct during this time. After the targets within 1000 meters are all smashed, they will be replaced with new ones automatically.

The only thing that makes him feel regretful is that the 'Sniper Eye' can only last for 5 minutes each time, and each time it consumes a little battle energy.

He only has 150 battle qi in his body, and the battle qi in his body can be exhausted in [-] minutes.

And the fighting spirit will automatically recover a little every hour!
Without the aid of sniper eyes, the 500-meter distance is no problem for him.But 1000 meters is a little less accurate, and it is impossible to achieve the heart of the gun.

The tireless training still pays off.

His mental strength has increased by [-] point, and now he has [-] mental strength.It is still six points short of the minimum standard for condensing the spiritual vortex.

After the shooting, he will also practice gun fighting with the black-haired woman.

His gun fighting skills are still very rough, and when he confronts the black-haired woman, he is often knocked down with a few hits.

"The recovery speed of the fighting spirit is too slow." Fang Long was really tired this time, lying down on the ground and said to the black-haired woman: "The fighting spirit that only recovers a little in an hour can only be recovered in a day." 24 battle spirits."

Moreover, it is very difficult to improve his mental strength. He has trained for such a long time to increase his mental strength a little.

"There is no way to do this, your rank is too low. After your rank is promoted in the future, when you reach a high rank, the recovery speed of battle qi will also increase at a high speed. If you feel that the recovery speed of battle qi is too slow, Then you should work hard to increase the storage limit of your fighting spirit in your body." The black-haired woman said: "So, for a qualified gun fighter, it is very important to use his fighting spirit efficiently .”

"Don't gun warriors have a secret technique that can speed up the recovery of fighting spirit and improve spiritual power?" Fang Long asked suspiciously. The reason why he asked this question was because the corresponding magicians possessed the 'meditation technique'. a skill.

"No, the cultivation of mental power and fighting spirit can only be achieved through continuous training and actual combat. How could there be a secret technique that can improve mental power?" The black-haired woman replied affirmatively.

Fang Long nodded lightly. From the looks of it, although the spear warrior does not need to integrate the magical elements between heaven and earth.But it is far inferior to a magician in terms of restoring fighting spirit.The magician's meditation technique integrates the three functions of improving mental power, magic power, and restoring mental power.

Fang Long's heart skipped a beat when he thought of meditation.

Maybe I could try meditation?

The gun warrior system and the magician system are somewhat similar to a certain extent. Although the two are different, they both operate in the meridians!

Maybe the magician's meditation technique can restore the fighting spirit?
Moreover, even if meditation can't restore fighting spirit, it's not bad to use it to improve mental power.

"Okay, today's training is over. You have almost spent time in the inheritance space, and you have mastered the shooting training, gun fighting skills and sniper eyes well. The time outside should be almost night now , it's time for you to go out." Seeing that Fang Long fell silent, the black-haired woman said aloud.

"It's just evening outside?" Fang Long asked in shock. It must have been more than half a day since he entered the inheritance space!
"The inheritance space is just a space of consciousness after all, and the flow of time here is different from the outside world." The black-haired woman explained.

"I understand." Fang Long nodded lightly: "Then, then my training today is over, see you tomorrow!"

Putting down the soul gun in his hand, Fang Long shook his shoulder.The constant aiming and shooting made his shoulders and arms a little numb.

"But how do I leave this space?" Fang Long asked.

brush!Fang Long felt his body sank just by thinking about it.When he opened his eyes again, he was already in his room.

(End of this chapter)

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