Chapter 1351 The best bully
"Oh, I said silly brother, do you really don't understand or not? The first bouquet is the lucky one. It is the first person selected by Miss Lanqi. You can't grab the bouquet. Brother, you But Miss Lanqi's favorite person, many people can't even dream of treatment, you, take good care of it." The evil clan looked envious.

Seeing that she had no way out, Mu Xi had no choice but to walk up to the stage under the watchful eyes of everyone.

After stepping onto the stage, Mu Xi was led by one of the men from the Hei nationality and sat on a chair that had already been prepared.

Seeing Mu Xi sitting down, Lan Qi glanced carefully at her, then happily turned her head to grab the second bouquet and threw it down at will.

Seeing the second bouquet dropped, the people below went crazy again.

After the second bouquet went down, the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth also went down one after another. It took nearly half an hour for these five bouquets to finish.In the end, the five people who grabbed the bouquet also stepped onto the stage one after another.

Seeing that the six people who had grabbed the bouquet had already come to the stage, Miss Lan Qi glanced at them. Among the six people, one is a soul clan, one is a blood clan, and the other three are natives of the inner domain , only Mu Xi came from an outland. Of course, to be more specific, she is not from an outlander, but from the human world.

"Okay, the six who grabbed the bouquet, you are all the lucky ones this round, but don't forget, our seventh lady can only have one husband, so we have to be selected among the six of you, so Six to three, you choose your own opponent." An old man reminded.

Hearing that the host this time asked them to pick their own enemies, several people began to look at me and I look at you, preparing to pick a weaker enemy for themselves, so that they can enter the next round smoothly.

However, the five of them looked around, and finally set their sights on Mu Xi, who was the youngest.From their point of view, only Mu Xi, a kid from outside the domain, is the weakest, and only by facing him can they have a chance of winning. Therefore, all five of them set their minds on Mu Xi.

Seeing them all looking at her, Mu Xi suddenly became depressed.

"It seems that the young man with the No. [-] bouquet is very popular. You are the number one bouquet I selected, you must not let me down, otherwise people will laugh at me for my lack of vision." Miss Lan Qi's face An intoxicating smile appeared.

"Ahem-Miss Lan, aren't you afraid that you'll be mistaken? I'm a boy from a foreign land without real talents. I'm afraid that your 1 ball will be chosen in vain!" Mu Xi looked helpless, and had no intention of participating. Isn't it a waste for her to throw the bouquet to herself!

"My lord is modest, Lan Yi thinks she won't misjudge someone."

"Well, Miss Lan Yi, I'm not here to snatch the bouquet, I'm just here to watch the excitement. I'm afraid I'll return your bouquet to you." Mu Xi shook her head regretfully.

"Since it's just to watch the fun, why do you still want to pick up Lan Yi's bouquet? You don't need to pick it up now?" A faint smile appeared on Lan Yi's face.He obviously has such a strong ability but refuses to reveal it. This young man is much better than those five guys who don't know how to restrain themselves.

"Boy, you really don't have 300 taels of silver here. Since you are watching the excitement, why do you want to pick up Miss Lan Yi's bouquet? You clearly have the intention, but you are afraid that your skills will not be as good as others, so you want to hide? You are so confident when you are a coward. You are really rare." The young man from the Soul Clan scolded.

(End of this chapter)

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