The Evil King of Poison Girl Play: Playful Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1362 Looking forward to the next meeting

Chapter 1362 Looking forward to the next meeting

"Lanyi, after breakfast, you think about noon, and after noon, you think about the afternoon, what a head. Don't send it off, I'll just go by myself. Although you are the daughter of Emperor Tianxie, you don't It means that no one will hurt you, so be careful on the way." Mu Xi directly expressed her intention to go, and did not give the other party a chance to stay.

"Well, I'll take care of myself, you have to be careful, don't try to be brave, if you have something you can't handle, come to the Heizu to find me." Lan Yi warned.

"If it's possible, I don't hope there will be such a day. Alright, Lan Yi, I'm leaving, and there will be a period later." After saying those words, Mu Xi rushed up and flew towards the west.The map is already there, and the things to be done have been done. It's time for her to find the Temple of Gods and Demons.

Looking at Fu Huanyu's receding background, Lan Yi was a little bit reluctant, but more of it was anticipation. She believed that the next time they met, the other party would definitely exceed her expectations.

"Miss Seven, why did you let him go? Are you not afraid that he won't come back?" A strong man from the Lan family couldn't help asking.

"If he really wants to leave, I won't be able to keep him. Rather than that, I might as well let him go, and maybe she will come back by herself when she finishes her work!" Lan Yi smiled.

"Miss Seven, I think this Fu Huanyu is a bit unfathomable. I tried him several times before but couldn't get to his bottom. Is it dangerous for you to get too close to him?" the old man reminded.

"He is very strong. If he really wants to harm me, you can't stop him, but he didn't. But you should know that as me, if he wants to marry me, how much pressure will he have to bear? No matter how strong you are, you dare to face my father. I offered to help him before, and I even gave her money and power, but he refused all of them."

"He said he wanted to make his own way, Uncle, have you ever seen such an ambitious person?" Lan Yi asked.

"It's easier said than done!" The old man sighed with emotion.

"In a place like the Outland, his strength is not inferior to those of his peers in the Inner Domain. In the Inner Domain, do you think he will still be the same as before? I believe that the next time we see him again, we will be surprised. After saying that, Lan Yi turned around slowly and walked back to her room.

However, Lan Yi didn't know that when she saw Fu Huanyu next time, she would be really shocked.

Hearing Lan Yi's words, the old man was stunned for a moment: "Yes, such a strength can be cultivated in places like the outer domain, and the conditions are so good to enter the inner domain, this guy will definitely be able to soar into the sky. He could have borrowed the background of the seventh lady Yuyuelongmen, but the other party refused, and had to rely on herself to break through, it seems that Miss Seven has a good vision this time! This matter should be reported to the adults earlier."

Let's talk about Mu Xi, after leaving Lan Yi, she flew all the way to the west. After flying for more than four hundred miles, she suddenly felt that she was quietly following behind her.

As soon as she left, someone followed her. Where did these people come from, were they sent by Lan Yi to protect her?Or someone else.Thinking of this, Mu Xi's spiritual sense moved forward, and soon found a forest in front of him, so he speeded up and flew towards the forest.

Falling into the forest, Mu Xi's spiritual sense quickly covered Fangyuan for a hundred miles, and after confirming that there were no other evil races within the hundred miles, she slowly withdrew her divine sense and turned to look in the direction she came from: "Several, you and It's been so long, aren't you tired?"

(End of this chapter)

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