Chapter 199 Ten Years Too Slow
"Ahem, my cultivation is nothing compared to Qingli." Mu Xi was a little embarrassed.

If it wasn't for the Gu Jidan and the Jiuyoucao given by Qing Li, her cultivation is estimated to be only a third-tier star warrior, how could she reach the sixth-tier star warrior peak so quickly.

Uh-these two people really beat the dead, and Mu Yu and the other four were depressed for a while.

"What level of cultivation must I achieve to help you?" Mu Xi was very unconvinced.

"Star sect."

"Xing-Xingzong." Mu Xi's eyes widened again, apparently startled by Qing Li's request.

You know, in her previous life, she hadn't been able to reach the level of the Star Sect. Although she was confident that she would be able to reach it this time, with her current cultivation base, she would not be able to reach that level within three to five years. This guy's requirements It's too high!
"You - your requirements are a bit high." Mu Xi spoke again.

"What, you flinched?" Qing Li smiled.If he really backed down just because of this request, then he would be a little disappointed.

"Isn't it just Xingzong? I, I will definitely achieve it within ten years." Mu Xi's eyes were firm.

Although she doesn't know when she will reach the Star Ancestor, but with all the things left by her master, plus her talent, she will definitely be able to cultivate to the Star Ancestry Realm.

"ten years?"

"Yes, ten years." Mu Xi looked determined.

"Ten years is too slow."

"Ten years is too late?" Mu Xi was shocked. This guy's requirements are too high. You know, her master in her previous life was [-] years old and didn't have the chance to join the Star Sect. She can achieve it within ten years. This requirement is already very high up.

"Frog in the well, the youngest Xingzong in Yanlong Kingdom is 22 years old, ten years later you will be 27, do you think it is fast or slow?" Qing Li asked.

Hearing the 22-year-old Xingzong, Mu Xi, Mu Yu and the others looked shocked. You know, there is not even a single Xingzong strong in the entire Tengyun Kingdom. I didn't expect that there was a 22-year-old Xingzong in Yanlong Kingdom. What a monster.

"But my star power is much later than others! It's not fair." Mu Xi was a little unconvinced.

It has only been a few months since she awakened her star power, and it is already very fast to be able to make such progress.He had told himself before that, don't improve her cultivation too fast, or her foundation will be unstable. He can't ask her to be like those geniuses in Yanlong Kingdom!

"You are a good piece of jade, but it's a pity that this small place like Tengyun buried you. I'm curious about the name of your master. It seems that he didn't teach you many basic things." Qing Li's eyes were full of confusion.

Hearing Qingli's words, Mu Yu and others were all surprised. It turned out that she really had a master, no wonder her cultivation was so fast.This girl hid it so well that even they didn't know about it.

"How do you know I have a master?" Mu Xi also looked shocked.

She didn't tell the second person that she had a master, how did this guy Qing Li know?Is it a guess?

"Your physique is very difficult to awaken the star power." Qing Li reminded.

"You seem to know my situation better than I do." Mu Xi suddenly became vigilant.This is her biggest secret, and even her family members don't let her know it. Now that Qing Li knows it, she suddenly feels a little uneasy.

"A person's speed should reach the star level, but your star power tempering is only a fourth-tier star warrior. The use of star power is no different from ordinary people. This kind of situation will not happen to a person who is instructed by a famous teacher. Either your master doesn't have time to teach you, or he doesn't know how to teach apprentices." Qing Li analyzed.

(End of this chapter)

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