Chapter 956 The Son of the Star Emperor
Seeing Xiao Xiao being bounced back, everyone's expressions changed drastically, and a trace of disappointment flashed in their eyes. It seems that this barrier is much tougher than imagined.

"How about brother-in-law, can you make a passage?" Xiao Qing spoke first.

"The power of this barrier is very strange. It can resist external forces with the help of external forces. I hit it with as much force as it can, and it can counterattack with as much force. I can't open it." Xiao Xiao shook his head.

Seeing that Xiao Xiao had no choice, everyone sighed suddenly. It seemed that they really couldn't get in.However, just when everyone was getting disappointed, suddenly Mu Xi's right hand trembled.

Sensing movement in her right hand, Mu Xi was stunned for a moment, then suddenly raised her right hand, only to find that the mysterious bracelet on her hand was emitting a strange light.

"Hey, Mu Xi, what is your bracelet made of that can emit five colors of light?" Xiao Qing asked curiously.

"Uh, actually, I don't know what it is made of. It was given to me by my mother-in-law when I first met her. I refused to take it at the time, so I gave it back to her. Later, for some reason, this chain It was on my hand again, so I have been wearing it all the time." Mu Xi explained.

"My mother gave it?" Qing Li was stunned.

"Qing Li, you don't know what your mother gave Mu Xi, right?" Xiao Qing looked confused. Are they really husband and wife?How come he doesn't know what his mother gave his daughter-in-law.

"Actually, it's normal that my husband doesn't know. I only met my mother-in-law once, and it was the first time. I never saw her again after that, and my husband was not there at the time. It's understandable that she didn't know." Mu Xi explained.

"I see. Don't tell me the power of this barrier is so familiar to me. It should be set up by my mother." Qing Li suddenly realized.

"Ah, your mother made it?" Everyone couldn't help exclaiming.Xiao Xiao said that these two layers of barriers were set up by the strong Star Emperor. Could it be that Qingli's mother was the strong Star Emperor?
"The power of this layer of results is very similar to my mother's, and it's probably set by my mother." Qing Li said seriously.

"Qing Li, is your mother a Star Emperor?" Xiao Xiao couldn't believe it, the son of a Star Emperor, oh my god, he has such a powerful background.

"I don't know about this either. Although I have seen my mother use the star power, I can't judge her specific strength, nor can I see it." Qing Li shook her head.Mother is too mysterious, so mysterious that even he can't see through it.

"Since it's the enchantment set up by your mother, then you can try it and see if you can get in." Xiao Xiao suggested.If it was the barrier set up by Qing Li's mother, maybe Qing Li could enter it.

"Okay, I'll try." After saying that, Qing Li walked towards this barrier.

Walking to the place where Xiao Xiao just broke the barrier, Qing Li slowly stretched out his right hand to test the strength of the barrier, but when he stretched out, he found that his hand seemed to have reached in without any resistance.

"It's strange, how could there be no yin power? Could it be that the barrier has been broken? It's impossible. My divine sense has clearly sensed the barrier, but how can my hand stick out of the barrier? Thinking of this, Qing Li sighed. He took a few steps forward with confusion, and finally entered behind the barrier.

Seeing Qing Li's figure disappear suddenly, everyone's faces were filled with confusion: It's strange, why did Qing Li disappear, did he already go in?What is going on here, how did he get in, why is it so mysterious.

(End of this chapter)

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