Pokémon pet trainer

Chapter 247 Goodbye Cattleya, the Youth Cup opens.

Chapter 247 Goodbye Cattleya, the Youth Cup opens.

Some people may think that Pokémon is just a movie. The protagonist has gone through a difficult journey, and then finally achieved what purpose. They feel that Xi Hen grows too fast, the growth process is too simple, and the process is too little. Let’s talk about Xi Hen below. In the process of growing up, I have only experienced what things, and then I will see if it is too simple.

At the beginning of the trip, when encountering fierce biting land sharks, ammonite beasts used high-pressure water guns many times to break their ribs, half dead, and traveled with Yayi. After a while, Yayi actually died. Depressed, with a big change in temperament, looking for Celebi, fell off a cliff, almost fell to death, was dragged to the sewer by Menus, and almost choked to death.

The Pokémon was robbed and returned to Binhai City. Shenyu's family was facing bankruptcy.

There are many, many things, so I won’t go any further here, but it can be seen here that there are already many things, right?

The next morning, Yuhen got dressed and walked out of the room. Breakfast was ready, and before Yuhen came to eat breakfast, he took the helicopter sent by the Youth Cup and headed for Gago Town. There is also breakfast prepared here, otherwise Xi Hen would be very unhappy, and he doesn't care about the exhibition game.

"Ah, long time no see." Xihen was eating breakfast, and by the way, he was listening to the host talk about the exhibition match, when a familiar voice came from behind, Xihen turned around, "Isn't this Miss Cattleya, long time no see It's gone." It turns out that the person named Xihen just now is Miss Cattleya, the Four Heavenly Kings who haven't seen him for a long time.

"Why is Miss Cattleya here?"

"Don't you know, I'm also here to participate in the exhibition game." Cattleya sat next to Xihen, and the host helped to bring tableware, but Cattleya didn't intend to eat, Cattleya's hair is very long , basically almost dragged to the ground, but Cattleya used super powers to suspend her hair in the air to prevent the hair from falling on the ground to be used as a broom.

"Hey, it's so lively!" Adek came over, this guy sat on the other side of Xihen naturally, and started to eat, not polite at all, "Mr. Adek, long time no see." Xi Hen still greeted Adek.

"-=奥%%¥#%" This guy's mouth was full and he didn't know what he was talking about. Xi Hen had no choice but to rub his forehead. The three of them attracted many people to stop and watch. Four Heavenly King Jiade Liya, the champion of the union, Adek, the champion of Sinnoh and the top coordinator of Pokémon, which one of Shen Yu Xihen is not quite famous.

The host, Zhuguang, is also under a lot of pressure. As the host, of course, he will also receive a lot of attention, but eating with Xihen and others brings him a lot of pressure. I have always heard that Xihen is a ruthless trainer Home, of course it was Xihen a long time ago, he just didn't know it.

"The opening of the Youth Cup will be held in two days. Before that, please make preparations, and the hotel is ready for you." Zhuguang took out a document, took out the room card from it and handed it to the three of them.

"Well, the exhibition match will be me and Miss Cattleya, right?" Xihen put away the room card, wiped his mouth, and prepared to leave.

"Yes." Zhu Guang also stood up.

"Then I'll leave first. I'll see Miss Cattleya and Mr. Adek then." Xi Hen said, waved his hand and left.

"Then I'll go first too." Cattleya stood up and also left, only Adek was still eating.

In the past two days, Xihen didn't practice, but wandered casually in Kame Town, until the opening of the Youth Cup two days later, Xihen came directly to the backstage to prepare to play.

(End of this chapter)

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