Chapter 391 Chapter 394
Shen Mu was flattered and sat down again. When Lei Jiuzhi left, the three of them were left in the small hall. Firecrackers, fireworks and loud laughter could not stop coming from outside the street.

Xu Ziling was a bit embarrassed to speak, he was silent for a while, and then said: "According to what the demon girl said, besides the seal of immortality, the most powerful thing for the teacher is the magic magic body technique, so no matter how many or powerful the opponent is, he can still break through the encirclement. Is it right?"

Hou Xibai nodded and said: "That's right, Wanhou didn't lie to you. These two exercises were created by Shi Shi himself, and there is a very close relationship between them."

Shen Mu said in a deep voice: "Brother Hou, do you understand the phantom demon body technique?"

Hou Xibai shook his head and said, "This is one of Master Shi's housekeeping skills. Unless I can beat Yang Xuyan, Master Shi will not pass this secret skill on to me."

Xu Ziling and Shen Mu looked at each other in blank dismay, the reason why they mentioned the phantom magic body technique.The original intention was just an opening statement, so as to find out Hou Xibai's true feelings for Naishi Shi Zhixuan, but unexpectedly he asked another matter.

Hou Xibai saw the weird expressions of the two, and felt ominous in his heart, he said in surprise, "What's the problem?"

Shen Mu said: "I don't know if the demon girl is talking nonsense, but she said that Yang Xuyan has already learned the true teaching of Ling Shi's magic magic body technique. It is easy to defeat him, but it is very difficult to kill him."

Hou Xibai's body shook violently, the blood on his face faded, and he lost his voice, "What?"

Xuan shook his head again and said, "No way? Well, it's really hard to say."

Xu Ziling understood and said: "Brother Hou must be because Yang Xuyan did not use the phantom magic body technique when he was fighting for the seal in Bashu that day, so he thinks that he has not obtained the secret technique passed on by his master. But it is also possible that he deliberately concealed it, so it is difficult to judge at the moment Leaving aside this matter, if Brother Hou didn't meet me that day, would he not know about the existence of the scroll at all?"

Shen Mu clapped his legs and said, "I understand!"

Hou Xibai looked at him blankly, and said with a wry smile, "Tell me, I'm in a mess right now, and I desperately need someone to point me in the right direction."

Shen Mu said: "Shi Zhixuan wants to kill his daughter."

Even Xu Ziling lost his voice: "What?"

Shen Mu said: "I'm called bystander Qing, perhaps Shi Zhixuan didn't personally order the killing of his daughter, but revealed the location of the scroll to An Long, and the other things were left to him to do. Alas, a tiger doesn't eat its poison, Shi Zhixuan is too cruel !"

Hou Xibai nodded and said: "Master Shi is indeed a man with a heart as hard as a stone, alas!"

Xu Ziling and Shen Mu could only stare at him blankly.

Hou Xibaijun's face was cloudy, and it took him a while to say: "It's so unfair, Master Shi is clearly showing favor to Yang Xuyan, and he still wants him to kill me."

Xu Ziling said: "This is because Yang Xuyan's nature is similar to him, and his use value is much greater."

Shen Mu was puzzled and said: "If I were Shi Zhixuan, I would never waste a talent like Brother Hou. Why didn't I order Brother Hou to cooperate with Yang Xuyan, but instead use Yang Xuyan's hand to kill you?"

Hou Xibai said: "This is our tradition, and it is difficult for outsiders to understand and understand. Master Shi's original intention was to train me to deal with the descendants of Cihang Jingzhai. But I have a responsibility, or because of this reason, he Decided to let me go."

Xu Ziling said, "What are your plans for the future, Brother Hou?"

Hou Xibai tried his best to cheer up, and said: "Fortunately, there are two little brothers who support me, otherwise I, Hou Xibai, will definitely be devastated, and I can only run as far as I can."

Shen Mu said happily: "Sure enough, he is a hero. If you change your mind now, you can listen to Concubine Yang Xuan's imprint of immortality."

Hou Xibai replied in his usual free and easy manner, and said with a dumbfounded smile: "How can a deep-rooted thought be changed all of a sudden? According to the laws and regulations of our school, under the current situation, neither I nor Yang Xuyan can only combine the two seals of immortality into one." Only then can we learn the printing method from it.”

Xu Ziling said: "If the master passed on Yang Xuyan's seal of immortality in violation of the rules like privately passing on the phantom magic body technique, wouldn't Brother Hou be at a disadvantage?"

Hou Xibai said: "Ziling has this idea because he doesn't understand the rules of my demon sect. Master Shi recorded the secret law in the volume, which is a 'legislative volume', so that we can fight for it, and we are bound by the oath. It must not be taught to anyone in other ways. Unless he does not make a volume, it is not limited to this."

Shen Mu said decisively: "Okay. I also swear that no matter what means, I will take back the half of the seal scroll on Yang Xuyan's body and give it to Brother Hou."

Xu Ziling smiled and said: "We are determined to win the seal, so why not Yang Xuyan. As long as we make good use of this bilateral relationship and have Fatty An as a bait, maybe we can do it."

Shen Mu said solemnly: "According to the rules of your family, if the master wants to kill the disciple, how should the disciple react?"

A icy smile floated from the corner of Hou Xibai's mouth, and he said lightly, "Of course I'm resisting with all my strength. Are you just waiting to die?"

Shen Mu laughed and said: "That's it. Tonight is such a beautiful day, and we have nothing to do. If we don't follow the plan and go to foreign hotels to step on the plates, maybe there will be unexpected gains."

Xu Ziling and Hou Xibai readily agreed.

The foreign hotel is located in the municipal district in the west of the imperial city, separated from the imperial city by Anhua Street. There are ten hotels in total.

Due to several heavy snowfalls recently, several inches of snow piled up on the roof, and the trees were covered with icicles, which is already very unfavorable to the night walkers who walk up and down at night. Tonight, there is another problem.That is, the official mansions and mansions in the entire Lifang are all decorated with lights and festoons, and the sky is lively and noisy, reflecting everywhere as bright as day.

Xu Ziling, Shen Mu, and Hou Xibai, who turned into three vulgar gangsters through Lei Jiuzhi's mastery, walked around the foreign hotel where the East Turks lived for two full circles, but still couldn't find a way to sneak into the hotel.Fortunately, the streets are full of people who are taking advantage of the excitement, so they are not likely to arouse suspicion.

Finally, the three of them sat down next to each other at the base of one of the auspicious animal stone sculptures on both sides of the hotel, looking at each other with wry smiles.

The sound of drums and music from the Nuo Opera came from the palace. It was the middle of Haishi, only half an hour before New Year's Day. Fireworks and firecrackers were set off on the street, and everyone was in high spirits to welcome the arrival of the new year. .Some people began to flock to the only way for the Nuo dance to exorcise ghosts down the river, so as to get some auspiciousness and hope for peace in the coming year.

Shen Mu took out the map of the hotel, spread it out, and said, "If we enter through the wall from the backyard, we can use the garden in the northeast corner as a cover, but after leaving the garden, it will be difficult to move, unless we want to do something big."

Xu Ziling shook his head and said: "This is the next policy, a big fight will do us no good."

Hou Xibai said: "But if you want to kill Zhao Deyan, this is indeed a rare opportunity. At least we know that Dazhi, Kang Jiaoli and other Turkic people with status all went to the palace to attend the banquet."

Shen Mu smiled bitterly and said, "It's called smart people talking to stupid people. The witch is leading us by the nose now."

Hou Xibai suggested: "Why don't we go to the backyard again? If we can't find a chance, we should go home and sleep."

Shen Mu and Xu Ziling had no choice but to agree, so they went back to the backyard. This inner alley is only [-]% of the width of the main street, far less lively than the upper street, and there are only sparse passers-by.

Suddenly the door to the backyard opened a little, and a man with his hat covered to his eyebrows sneaked out and squeezed into the crowd.

Shen Mu and Xu Ziling were shocked at the same time.

Hou Xibai stared at the man's back and asked, "Who is it?"

Shen Mu's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he said in a deep voice, "Xiangyu Mountain!"

The three of them were on the east bank of Yong'an Canal, watching the small boats transport Xiangyu Mountain to a large sailboat parked in the middle of the river. At this time, the canal was filled with more than a thousand ships of all sizes, all of which were decorated with lights and festoons, reflecting the sparkling water of the river. Hui, greatly increasing the difficulty of diving onto enemy ships.

Shen Mu frowned and said, "Whose ship is this? What is Xiangyu Mountain doing in Chang'an?"

At this time, the number of tourists on both sides of the strait has dropped significantly, and many people are rushing to watch the performance of the Nuo dance to drive ghosts into the river.

Hou Xibai excitedly said: "Yang Xuyan is on the boat."

Shen Mu watched Xu Ziling put on his clothes, and said with a smile: "The lonely man and the widow are on the boat, and we meet again after a long absence. Yang Xuyan is even more sexual. What will the two of you do on this festive night?"

Xu Ziling said happily: "Isn't it clearest to listen to it?"

Hou Xibai said: "Wait a minute! This may be my only golden opportunity to get back the printed scroll. Do I need to plan carefully?"

Shen Mu said, "What did Zi Ling say?"

Xu Ziling said: "I only have four words to say bluntly, that is, 'Attack the unprepared'. Yang Xuyan never dreamed that he would let us know his whereabouts, and there is no defense on the boat. As long as we can successfully sneak into the boat, we can enter the boat." You can attack and retreat, you can adapt to the situation, and you don’t need to plan at all.”

Shen Mu smiled and said, "It's probably like this, but I have a more exciting proposal."

Hou Xibai asked with great interest: "What proposal?"

Shen Mu suppressed a smile and said triumphantly: "Yang Xuyan has always pretended to come and go without a trace, this time we come to deal with him in his own way, and steal half of the printed scroll with the method of leaving no trace. Let's go, what do you two think?"

Xu Ziling smiled and said, "Let's talk about it when we get on the boat!"

Shen Mu pushed the boat forward, and under the cover of nearby ships, he dived towards the target ship.

Xu Ziling and Hou Xibai heightened their vigilance and monitored the enemy ships. As long as anyone on the ship looked at them, they would never be able to hide from their eyes.

Hou Xibai lowered his voice and said: "The lights on the boat are bright, if we climb aboard, we will be easily spotted."

Shen Mu smiled and said, "Young Master Hou rarely does sneaky things, but Young Master Ling and I are experts in this field. Do you see those cabin windows? Every window is an entrance, understand?"

While speaking, the boat made a big bend, the bow of the boat was facing the stern of the enemy ship, and sailed in this direction, unless the opponent had someone standing at the stern, it was impossible to find them.

Xu Ziling suddenly sighed to himself: "Why don't we seem to have thought about killing Xiangyushan, or even following him to see where he is staying?"

Shen Mu was startled and said, "Let me remind you, this matter is really weird."

Hou Xibai interjected, "As long as he smashes his Xiang family's outrageous human-trafficking business and ruins Xiang Yushan's reputation, won't it cause him more pain and sorrow than killing him?"

Shen Mu put away his oars, and glided purely with internal strength.They crossed the river more than ten feet silently, and came to the side of the enemy ship's back bank, and there was another big ship moored on the other side, so no one on the bank could see their actions.

Hou Xibai took out three black cloth hoods, and said in a low voice, "Brother Lei prepared these for us earlier, and they are unexpectedly useful."

Xu Ziling stretched out his palms to stick to the hull of the big boat, and absorbed his kung fu, stabilizing the boat.

Experts like Yang Xuyan, as long as the boat hits the hull lightly, they will immediately be alert.

Shen Mu took the hood, put his ear to the hull of the boat, listened for a while, frowned and said: "Why is there no voice from that boy and Rong Yaonv?"

Xu Ziling also performed eavesdropping techniques, although some people's voices were occasionally out of tune, but it had nothing to do with Yang Xuyan and Rong Jiaojiao.Qi said: "This matter is unreasonable. Even if they don't talk about love, at least they will discuss and discuss the matter of Xiangyu Mountain."

Hou Xibai whispered: "I think of a possibility."

The two stared at him, telling him to continue.

Hou Xibai said: "Since the establishment of the school, Laojunguan has been separating men and women. Regardless of the school, they are all good at the way of harmonizing yin and yang, which are called 'yang flow' and 'yin flow'. There is a kind of Yin flow in the yin flow. It's called "Xuanmi Maiden Art", which comes from Lao Tzu's "Tao Te Ching" that "the god of the valley is not dead, it is called Xuanmi. The gate of Xuanmi is to adjust the roots of heaven and earth". This exercise must be practiced by men and women, and breathing when practicing Cut it off, and only use internal energy to communicate. In this case, of course, you can’t even hear the sound of breathing.”

Shen Mu said joyfully, "Did this evil skill come from being practiced out of innocence?"

Hou Xibai smiled wryly and said, "I just heard Master Shi say it, but I don't know the details."

Xu Ziling said: "In this way, Yaoyao Rong herself should be a member of Laojunguan. The reason why she became Zhu Yuyan's apprentice is just a kind of transaction between the two factions.

Shen Mu said, "Did Lao Shi say anything else?"

Hou Xibai said: "Master Shi only explained the characteristics of the 'Xuan female girl method' theoretically. He said that 'the mysterious one is wonderful, and the female one is the one who has received and can be a living being. It is the root of spirit and the valley of nothingness. , you must seek it from within your body, not from him'."

Shen Mu thought about it for a while, and said: "Since it is related to the 'shou' and 'birth' of men and women, it may refer to the affairs of men and women. Alas! It is useless to think too much, just touch the boat and have a look."

Xu Ziling asked, "What about this small boat?"

Shen Mu said: "I'm sorry its owner has to do it again. Let it sink."

Xu Ziling's feet exerted energy, sending out Yin energy, and immediately sank where he stepped.

Hou Xibai said in astonishment: "Zi Ling's kung fu has improved a lot, no wonder even Chao Gongcuo has to suffer in your hands."

Shen Mu put his ears to the hull again, and suddenly rose upwards. When Hou Xibai looked at him, he opened a cabin window with his hands, and got in. His movements were as agile and nimble as a ghost.

Water began to rush in through the cracks in the plank.

Shen Mu poked his head out from the cabin window, and made a "safe" gesture.

Xu Ziling said: "Brother Hou goes first."

Hou Xibai swam up against the wall, got into the room and joined Shen Mu.

Shen Mu retracted his head protruding from the door, closed the door, and whispered to Hou Xibai who came beside him: "The owner's cabin is divided into three floors. On the middle floor, our highest floor is gorgeously decorated. Boy Yang and Rong Yaonv are fixed in a certain room on this floor. Looking at the structure, the cabin at the end of the corridor should be the largest, and your seal of immortality should be there .”

Hou Xibai said in surprise: "You are only a little faster than me, why did you find out so many things so quickly?"

Shen Mu said: "This is the advantage of taking more boats, there are only a few patterns to come and go."

At this time, someone walked by the door, it sounded like a maidservant, one of them sighed: "On the good night, I can only be stuck on the boat to watch other people's fun. If it is in Luoyang, it will be fun tonight!"

Another servant girl replied: "People will look good on you. Why don't you go and see if Uncle Xie has prepared the ginseng soup? Then go to the boat to watch the fireworks."

The footsteps go away.

Xu Ziling came behind the two of them, frowned and said, "If they are practicing the 'Girls' Dafa', there is no reason for them to make ginseng soup."

Shen Mu silently calculated, then suddenly opened the door and stepped out.

When Hou Xibai was startled, Xu Ziling patted him and followed Shen Mu out of the room.

Hou Xibai had no choice but to follow them out of the room. Suddenly, he felt that whether he could succeed tonight depended on whether their sneaky skills were as good as Shen Mu boasted.

The three of them wore black cloth hoods, with only a pair of eyes exposed, and when they came to the corridor of the main cabin like ghosts, the sound of footsteps sounded on the deck, came in from outside the cabin door, and approached quickly.

At this time, Shen Mu passed the two doors on the left and right, and was only seven or eight steps away from the room at the end. It was too late to return to the original room, so he had no choice but to push open the door closest to his left, and slipped in. , I made up my mind that no matter whether the person living in the room is the heavenly king, Laozi, or a fairy, Buddha, or holy monk, he must use lightning-fast techniques to subdue the people in the room before the other party makes any noise.

Hou Xibai and Xu Ziling flashed into the room one after another, the latter closed the door conveniently, just as the hatch outside was pushed open.

The room was pitch black, and the windows were closed.

Shen Mu stood at the head of the bed. On the bed, someone could be seen sleeping with blankets. The two of them took it for granted that they had subdued them before entering the room.

Xu Ziling and Hou Xibai moved to both sides of the door, if anyone came in, they had to break through their joint surprise attack first.

The sound of footsteps passed by the door, stopped outside the tail room, and said in an old voice: "Master, Master An is here!"

After a long while, Yang Xuyan's voice came from the room: "Please invite him to drink ginseng tea in the cabin, I will come over immediately."

The old man took the order and went.

Xu Ziling and Hou Xibai exchanged glances and were greatly surprised.I thought it was Rong Jiaojiao's boat, but now it seems that it should belong to Yang Xuyan.Otherwise, the old man should ask Rong Yaonv for instructions.

Shen Mu came to Xu Ziling, and the three of them listened attentively.Sure enough, it was the sound of crickets putting on clothes, everyone was very interested, because Yang Xuyan has been famous all over the world without a trace, and everyone's face changed when they heard the name "Shadow Assassin", but this time it was given to three people. Accidentally knocked down the sew, and even watched from the side, plotting against him, just thinking about it would make you want to scream.

(End of this chapter)

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