Chapter 401 Chapter 404
Shen Mu pushed his shoulder lightly and said, "Go in."

The two searched again, and after confirming that there was no other button, Shen Mu sighed: "In Master Lu's organ study volume, there is a chapter devoted to door knockers. There are more than ten ways to open the door. If the way is wrong, it will trigger Organ, the consequences are unpredictable."

Xu Ziling frowned and said, "Is there a way to test the correct way to open the knocker?"

Shen Mu smiled wryly and said: "Is it true that I am not interested in studying the science of organs by nature? Although I have read it many times, it is still like water passing through a duck's back. I have no experience. Let me think about it."

Suddenly, he reached out and took the steel ring.

Xu Ziling was taken aback, and said, "What do you want to do?"

Shen Mu laughed and said, "Don't worry. I remember, if you can pull out the steel ring, then there are two ways to open the door. Try other methods. If you can't pull it out, try other methods."

Without waiting for Xu Ziling's advice, he pulled the door knocker back, exposing the steel cable connected to the steel ring.

Shen Mu said happily: "Success!"

Xu Ziling nodded and said, "You are a bit skilled, what is left are those two ways to open the door."

Shen Mu carefully switched his left and right hands and turned the door knocker.At the third turn, there was a "beep" sound from the steel door, which was crisp and loud.

The two stopped and raised their vigilance to the peak.

Xu Ziling laughed and said, "You can do it, Chengli!"

Try to push the steel door, and it will open easily, and the steel-cast sliding ball along the ground rail will open the door for convenience.

Another corridor appeared in front of me, and the end sank into the darkness, making it unpredictable.But the blowing air is even more refreshing.

Shen Mu gave up his hand, bowed and said, "Master Ling, please enter the treasure house."

Xu Ziling was about to step through the door when suddenly the machine rang.

When the two people's expressions changed at the same time, there was a sudden change.

Ten extra-long and extra-thick steel arrows shot from the dark place at the other end in a disorderly manner, and the piercing sound made a sharp whistling sound, which was even more ear-piercing in this quiet underground corridor.Filling up the standing space in the hallway, unless they can become paper thin, they can't be avoided.

This kind of super powerful crossbow launched by the machine is a hundred times more powerful than the arrows fired by ordinary crossbows.

The only way to escape is to close the door immediately and hide behind it.Even if the skill is worse than them, as long as the reaction is fast enough, the time can still be allowed.

But the two had previous criminal experience, and they faintly felt that such an easy method was not in line with Lu Miaozi's style.It is obvious that he deliberately left a gap between the sound of the machine bracket and the steel arrow piercing through the air, so that people can think and react. As long as they are not too dull and have a certain level of martial arts skills, they can definitely use the door to block the arrow.

But who can guarantee that the steel door will not automatically close again due to pulling, and will never be opened.

These thoughts flashed through the minds of the two of them like lightning, and they were immediately put into action.

To block ten such powerful arrows at once, even if the two of them work together, they are still powerless.

It was someone else who didn't have the ability to see things like daylight in such dim light, and even had a problem seeing the arrows coming clearly, let alone blocking them!
Xu Ziling got up from Shen Mu's back, smiled bitterly and said, "Next time, remember to turn right."

While rubbing his numb arms, Shen Mu put the knife back into its sheath. He searched the ground, shook his head and said, "We turned the door knocker in the right direction, but we took a wrong step. Look, the stone of the floor behind the door is different from others. It's different, we stepped on it without knowing it, so it triggered the mechanism."

Xu Ziling felt startled every step of the way, and sighed: "Mr. Lu seems to have turned this basement into a death game and testing ground for mechanics. If you can return to the world in the future, you will be considered a master!"

Shen Mu said confidently: "Don't worry, we can not only find the treasure house, but also go back safely!"

Xu Ziling said with a smile: "You are really weird. If someone else hits a wall like this, you must lose all confidence. On the contrary, you increase your confidence. It's not weird."

Shen Mu said happily: "But I think that I have broken through every pass and achieved outstanding results. It should be a treasure house inside."


Shen Mu took out a fire pocket and lit it up, only to see that at the end of the corridor was a wall full of shooting holes, probably there were more than thirty arrow holes.If one arrow is shot from each arrow hole, and more than 30 such powerful arrows are fired at the same time, there is really no other way but to block the arrows with a door.

The two gasped as they watched.

Shen Mu said in shock: "We are lucky! Some of the machines must not be able to shoot arrows due to disrepair, otherwise we will go back to the bottom of the well as you said, and beat the walls. Please ask Sister Feng to save us. .”

Xu Ziling also saw his scalp numb, and said: "Maybe other arrows are for other treasure hunters to enjoy. From this point of view, mother should know the mechanism arrangement here, otherwise there will be arrows shot out of the ground."

Shen Mu nodded in agreement, raised his fire and proceeded steadily step by step.

When you reach the end of the promenade, another corridor appears on the left, connecting to another space.

Shen Mu said happily: "It's here!"

They have learned a lesson and dare not be careless again.But this section of the corridor was safe and sound.

After passing through the corridor, Shen Mu held up the torch.The two looked at each other intently and were immediately stunned.

It's not because there are too many treasure weapons in the basement, but too few.There is a long distance of one hundred and eight thousand miles from the treasure house of Duke Yang they imagined.

This is a wide, sealed basement with vents on all four corners of the roof.There are more than ten boxes that are supposed to be loaded with rare and precious treasures, and there are dozens of weapon racks against the wall, which are full of various weapons.But they are just ordinary goods, and they are all rusted and moldy, and no one wants to give them away.

Shen Mu scratched his head and said, "What's the matter? The world-famous Duke Yang's treasury looks like this? Even if these weapons, bows and arrows are not rusted, they can only be used by hundreds of people at most."

Xu Ziling lifted the lid of one of the boxes, and it was full of ancient jade and treasures, all of which seemed to be of great value.

After looking at more than ten boxes one by one, Shen Mu sat down on one box and sighed: "If we ship out these fifteen boxes, we may become richer than Sha Tiannan, but we will definitely not be able to become the world with it. Overlord. According to my guess, these should be valuables that Yang Su left behind privately when he copied others' houses. Alas! It's not easy to sell these things under the current situation."

Xu Ziling sat down on the opposite box, watched Shen Mu change a new door and asked, "Where is the evil emperor's relic?"

Shen Mu patted his forehead, and said with a strange smile: "Well said! This is actually another kind of more serious psychological warfare. If it was someone else, I was overjoyed to find this place and see these treasures. Crazy, when I found Yang Gong’s treasure house, but in fact, the real treasure house is definitely not this. Sigh! Where is it?”

Xu Ziling smiled and said, "Today I really want to test your kung fu."

After Shen Mu and Xu Ziling inspected every inch of the wall of the fake warehouse, they sat down in their original positions without finding anything.

Shen Mu sighed: "Little brother only has one fire pocket left, and after burning it, I have to dismantle the night pearl. Frankly speaking, the twelve night pearls should be the most valuable in front of me, and only they can be called rare treasures."

Xu Ziling said: "The real treasury is definitely not inside the fake treasury. If we have a way to enter the place where the mechanism is hidden behind the arrow hole, maybe we can find a way to enter the real treasury."

Shen Mu was shocked and said: "Why can't I think of such a simple thing. Master Lu once said in his posthumous scroll that although organs can be spread widely in different places, there must be an organ room to complete them. The noose mechanism controls the overall situation, and the opening and closing are more complicated than his grandma's. Alas! Where is the main mechanism room? If Brother Lei has prepared tools for us to dig stones, we can find a wall to chisel and see .”

Xu Ziling sneered: "Brother Lei, how could you think that your machine learning is so useless! Come on, let's study those arrow holes."

"Crack!" The fire ignited.

Shen Muning sat still, his eyes were shining, shining with the light of wisdom, and he was thinking hard.

He couldn't stop thinking about it.

Because they touched the mechanism, the original exit of the well has been closed.Even if he is willing to give up now, there is no escape.

Only when they find Zhenku, will they have a chance to leave.

Shen Mu suddenly jumped up, came to sit down beside Xu Ziling, and said, "Use my palm."

Xu Ziling often played this kind of game with him, he spread his right palm and said: "The fire can burn for half a day at most, why don't we go outside the door to borrow the light of the night pearl."

Shen Mu said: "What if the door is suddenly closed?"

Reach out and draw a sign of the cross on his palm.

Xu Ziling asked puzzled, "What is this?"

Shen Mu said triumphantly: "Master Lu has a saying that when building a secret room underground, you must first locate it, and the one who locates it orients itself. The cross is used as the east, west, north, south, and others can be positioned according to this cross, so the size can be exactly the same. You see Well, if the entrance corridor and the corridor leading to the false warehouse can be extended in reverse, it will just form a cross after drawing."

Xu Ziling nodded and said, "Sure enough, I have some skill, why didn't I think of it just now."

Shen Mu forced him to expose the scars, and said awkwardly: "When people are in a desperate situation, they naturally have to struggle to survive. Come on!"

The two returned to the wall full of arrow holes, facing the long corridor and the open iron gate behind them.

Xu Ziling smiled and said, "This treasure hunt is really thrilling and interesting. If your method of opening the door is not effective, we're afraid we will have to be an immortal witness for the clichéd proverb 'man dies for money'."

Shen Mu said: "Don't worry, unless it's Shi Zhixuan, how could the master be willing to kill his apprentice. Pooh!"

Press hard and hard, and the wall should sink two inches.

Shen Mu was overjoyed and said: "Sure enough, there is a wheel shaft underneath. Now, as long as the wall is lifted up, it can be turned into a trap door. We are dragons and snakes, so we need to see this shop!"

After saying that, insert two fingers into the arrow hole on both sides, and lift up with strength.

The wall rose up, Xu Ziling quickly reached out and grabbed the bottom of the living wall to help Shen Mu.

Amidst the squeaking of the axle wheel sliding, the only hope for the two of them was that it would go up obediently.

Shen Mu suddenly retracted his fingers and shouted, "Stop!"

Only half of the Shimen retreated into the top wall, Xu Ziling said, "What's the matter?"

Shen Mu still had lingering fears and said: "It's enough to go in, it's better to restore the living wall properly."

Xu Ziling expressed his approval, and after the two got in, the living wall fell back and was pushed back to its original position.

In the dark, the two groped around, but they didn't dare to touch the mechanism that fired the arrow.

It was a square basement room with a width of about twenty steps, and the air flowed smoothly, making the two of them feel that they had found the right place.

Shen Mu suddenly whispered: "Successful! There is another living wall here, we are saved!"

Xu Ziling was puzzled and said, "If you can't push it, how can it be considered alive?"

Shen Mu explained excitedly: "It can't be pushed because the living wall is very thick. Master Lu once mentioned this kind of trap door. After passing through it, there should be no mechanism. This is his habit."

Xu Ziling wondered: "Why did you suddenly become so shrewd and discover such a completely normal living wall? Should we work together to push it now?"

In the darkness, Shen Mu was knocking on the wall, posing like a master, and proudly said: "This is called blessing to the soul, and it is also called dying struggle. This living wall has a different texture and reveals secrets. Fortunately, you can't see it." Seeing something, and believing in the existence of the 'cross layout', if there is a passage behind the living wall, wouldn't it just be in a straight line with the incoming corridor? Come! Put your hand here."

The two pressed their four palms on the left edge of the living wall, shouted in their hearts for God to bless them, and exerted their energy.

The living wall pattern does not move in the wind.

Shen Mu said: "Maybe you should try to push the other side."

Still pushing, no response.

Shen Mu shouted: "Impossible, this is obviously a living wall."

Xu Ziling studied it and agreed: "The stone of this six-foot-square cut-off wall is indeed different from that of the wall next to it. Will there be some arrangement of wall locks?"

Shen Mu said dejectedly: "I searched all the walls and walls, but I still found nothing."

The two of them groped and came to a wall facing the false storehouse. After studying it for a while, they were sure that it was a living wall, proving that Xu Ziling's deduction was correct, but they still couldn't open it.

Shen Mu said: "Whether this wall is smooth or not, even if Master Lu comes in person, there is only one way to push inward. Do you think of other ways?"

Xu Ziling scolded with a smile: "What nonsense." He touched the wall and went.

After a while, Xu Ziling's voice came back: "Get ready! Push!"

With a "click", the two walls fell into an inch at the same time.

Shen Mu shouted: "Successful! Wait until I come over."

When he came to Xu Ziling, he said: "The west area should be located under the Wulou Temple, and the north area should naturally be the switch room of the organ hub. According to the prompt of 'open this door, close the other', only one of the two trap doors can be opened. If we enter the machine room, we can open all the passages. This reasoning makes sense! Oh! I’ve had enough! I don’t want to make mistakes again.”

Xu Ziling was also careful, and said with a wry smile, "Your reasoning seems quite reasonable. Sigh! I've had enough too!"

Shen Mu laughed and said: "The man is shrouded in horse leather, he regards death as home, I'm sorry!"

Just like that, he swung his shoulders towards the living wall, and there was a "rumbling" sound, and the living wall swayed inward, and the two of them couldn't stand, and fell inward.

The living wall closed behind the two of them, and then locked it with a "click", which was so ingenious that it was unbelievable.

Like history repeating itself, a long corridor stretches forward, and at the end is the misty light of the night pearl.

Shen Mu got up and said, "I hope it's not another arrow gate."

Xu Ziling inspected the ground carefully under the faint light and said, "See? The ground seems to be made of gray bricks of two different shades, which is different from the corridor just now."

Shen Mu looked at it calmly, and said happily: "As expected, we have found the right place!"

Xu Ziling wondered: "If it wasn't for your frequent mistakes earlier, just hearing what you said, I would have thought you had a treasure map in your hand."

Shen Mu said excitedly: "Actually, Master Lu's organ learning scroll is like a treasure hunt map, but I can't understand it! This kind of land pattern layout is coming to an end. Even if you step wrong, it will only trigger the alarm to prevent Someone sneaked into the organ room and trapped the people in the treasure house to death. Master Lu also said that although it is a small gadget, it has a great preventive effect."

Xu Ziling said: "Should I step on dark bricks or light bricks?"

Shen Mu scratched his head and said: "He didn't make it clear that he has been trying since ancient times, how about trying?"

Xu Ziling smiled and said, "Haven't you always been brave enough to try? Why do you act like you want me to make up your mind?"

Shen Mu laughed and said, "My confidence in mechanism learning has long been completely destroyed by the mechanism trap here, and I can't even believe in my own destiny, so it's up to you to make the choice this time."

Xu Ziling stretched out his feet and tapped the dark bricks lightly, and said, "It should be that there is something wrong with the dark bricks, and it feels a little floating when touched."

Shen Mu said: "That's right! When the whole person steps on it, the weight will make the brick sink by one or two points, which will trigger the alarm."

Xu Ziling tried to step on a light-colored brick, stood still for a moment on guard, and said, "Let's go!"

The two of them pushed forward step by step on light-colored bricks. After about fifty stops, under the reflection of three night pearls in the left and right rows, it really was a door. There was no steel ring, only a round button, and the edge was round There are 49 grids in total, and there is a red dot above the button engraved on the door wall.

The two of them frowned.

Seeing Xu Ziling looking at him questioningly, Shen Mu said, "This is another kind of button lock invented by Master Lu. There are degrees engraved on the button system, and it's called 'Heaven and Earth Lock'. What do you mean by 'the sky turns left and the earth turns right? ’, and what’s ‘the sky is one, the earth is two, the sky is three, the earth is four’, I don’t know why. Hey! Fortunately, when I faced this lock of heaven and earth, I suddenly understood a little bit.”

Xu Ziling was puzzled and said: "I'm confusing you, isn't Mr. Lu's secret book a book that teaches people how to set up mechanisms? Why do you listen to what you say, but it's like teaching people how to open and close doors, unlock and lock, just like a book This book teaches people the secrets of stealing."

Shen Mu confessed frankly: "The secret book does have a detailed list of various organ layouts, as well as illustrations and explanations, but it's so on paper, and my younger brother is naturally dull, so I can only read it with a half-knowledge, and keep forgetting it. Finally, I simply gave it to Mr. Chen. Get this real expert to look at it. The worst mistake of this trip is not to invite him to come."

Xu Ziling smiled and said: "I almost pissed you off. This may be the last level, we must find a way to unlock it."

Shen Mu showed a pensive look, and said: "The structure inside the lock is very complicated and ingenious, but it is not without trace, because when the lock button is touched with the correct number, it will make a different sound, this is Master Lu I said it myself."

Xu Ziling said: "This is easy to do, do it quickly."

Shen Mu squatted down, twisted the switch slowly, and said mutteringly: "Try 'Heaven One Earth Two' first, and turn left first, it must be this number of ticks."

When the number 21 passed the red dot, there was a slight abnormal sound, but if the two of them hadn't paid attention, they would have missed it.

(End of this chapter)

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