Chapter 426 Chapter 429
Shen Mu became confused and asked: "In this vast and endless grassland and desert, more than [-]% are nomadic people who live by water and grass. How to determine the national boundaries or territories?"

Chengzhen replied: "Strong nationalities occupy large and small pastures that change with the seasons, with rivers and lakes as the dividing line. If weak and small nationalities want to share the pasture, they must pay tribute to the owner of the pasture according to the population. Offer weapons and arrows to Tuli, and wait for tax."

Shen Mu scratched his head and said, "The grassland is so big, the enemy advances and the enemy retreats, and the enemy retreats and the enemy advances, how will the winner be determined?"

Ba Fenghan said: "The war on the prairie is quite different from your siege wars in the middle of the earth. It is a war of attrition involving killing and looting. For example, during the Renshou period of your Great Sui Dynasty, the Turkic Awu Siliqi invaded south At that time, Qimin Khan, who belonged to the Sui Dynasty, snatched more than [-] livestock at one time, making Qimin Khan unable to fight back, while the opponent suddenly became powerful and continued his murder and arson, of course. In Turkic, Only those who died on the battlefield are respected, and stones can be erected next to the cemetery as a memorial, and those who killed a person during their lifetime erected a stone, and some people erected stones worth thousands of pieces."

Mu Ke said: "There are also young men and women from other ethnic groups who are taken as slaves and forced to engage in production to support the war."

Xu Ziling smiled wryly: "It's okay to use war to support war like this! No wonder every time Jieli invaded the border, in addition to murder and arson, he also plundered a large number of our Han children. It turned out to be a continuation of this grassland attrition war."

Shen Mu said in a deep voice: "This is precisely the shortcoming of Jieli. He is good at attacking and looting but not good at defending. Therefore, he has to rely on the lackeys of the Han people to take the lead for them."

Ba Fenghan said: "Now that Zhao Deyan is Jieli's military advisor, the situation may change, so if Jieli defeats Tuli, not only the peoples of the prairie will bear the brunt of the pain, but you Han people will never have peace."

Cheng Zhen raised his glass and said, "It's night! Let's talk again tomorrow."

The three of them were placed in the guest house of the back house. The cloth was like a flat-topped tent made of mud, and they slept on the ground. They still didn't feel sleepy, and they sat on the ground and talked against the wall.

Shen Mu said: "What should we do? We are stuck here waiting for news from the temptress Zhu. I don't know how long we will have to wait."

Ba Fenghan said: "Let's limit it to three days. If we don't wait for the witch Zhu's words, we will immediately go to find Ma Ji. Maybe we still have time."

Shen Mu said: "It's really strange, since Shi Zhixuan has been to Helen Fort, why he can't get in with Tongwan. What's even more puzzling is that he should flee in the wilderness instead of coming to a densely populated place like Tongwan. "

Ba Fenghan said: "The only explanation is that Shi Zhixuan couldn't get rid of the entanglement of Mistress Zhu, so he turned around and fought against Mistress Zhu. Mistress Zhu was not enough to entangle him to death by herself and died with the enemy. Forced to humbly ask us for help."

Seeing that Xu Ziling didn't say a word, Shen Mu looked at him and asked, "Does Young Master Ling feel any sense?"

Xu Ziling lowered his voice and said: "Brother Feng Han guessed right, Shi Zhixuan finally lost his patience and decided to fight back with all his strength."

The two were surprised and asked him why he was so sure.

Xu Ziling's tiger eyes shone brightly, and said: "When I was talking to you at the dinner earlier, I sensed the evil spirit of relic twice successively. Although it seemed to be nothing, it was very clear."

Because Shi Zhixuan carried the relic with him for a long time, he unknowingly became infected with the deadly evil spirit of the relic. Therefore, even though he hid the relic in another secret place, the evil spirit on his body still caused Xu Ziling to feel it, and thus judged that he was going to fight back.

They sneaked closer twice, obviously wanting to step on the situation clearly before launching a surprise attack on them.

Ba Fenghan stretched his waist and said with a smile, "Go to sleep!"

The two understood each other, blew out the sheepskin lamp, pretended to be asleep, and breathed evenly.

In the silent darkness, the three of them adjusted their breath and prepared to wait.

If Shi Zhixuan wanted to make a move, he must choose this night, because the three of them were exhausted after a long journey, and they slept soundly in a safe environment.

Sure enough, within half an hour, Xu Ziling, who was sleeping in the middle, was pushed down by the two of them, expressing that he sensed the evil aura of relics in Shi Zhixuan's body again.

The three of them kept their physical condition unchanged, because any change, including the pace of breathing, heartbeat, and pulse rate, would arouse Shi Zhixuan's alarm.

For ordinary people, this is absolutely impossible, but Shen Mu, Xu Ziling and Ba Fenghan are indeed the most outstanding rising stars inside and outside the Great Wall, so naturally they can easily do it.

They didn't hear the slightest sound, purely relying on their master's intuition, they clearly and unmistakably grasped that Shi Zhixuan flashed from the flat roof of the dining room to the ground, approached to the leaky window facing the courtyard of the stables, glanced at it, and then turned around and leaned against the wall. And stand.

The three of them put all distracting thoughts out of their minds and hearts, and waited for the development of the situation transparently.What kind of method will Shi Zhixuan, who has always been unscrupulous, use to deal with them?
Shi Zhixuan stood outside the wooden door of the inn for a moment, even though they hadn't witnessed it with their own eyes, the three of them still strongly felt his frightening speed, which was as fast as a ghost.

The phantom magic body technique is really extraordinary.

In his heyday, the seal of immortality combined with the body of phantom magic, no one in the world could do anything to him.

The four holy monks were stronger than him, but they couldn't subdue him and keep him.

Can they do it now?
Shi Zhixuan slapped the door silently.

The solid and thick wooden door is so fragile that it is like a piece of thin paper that can be broken at the snap of a finger, and it shatters into fragments. The throat of a person's neck is critical, and it is extremely hot.

The three sheets were lifted up like a whirlwind and rolled towards the dagger.

Shi Zhixuan's whole body trembled violently, showing that he was very shocked by the three people's long-term preparations. Instead of retreating, he turned around and slid into the two thin quilts that Ba Fenghan and Xu Ziling's inner strength had stirred up.

In the darkness of the room where he couldn't see his fingers, the long sword lit up in Shen Mu's hand. From his angle, his sight was blocked, so he couldn't see Shi Zhixuan, and it was even more difficult to strike hard. Still walking with the sword, the long sword bent towards the super master behind the thin quilt with fiery red flames like a fiery snake.

Xu Ziling and Ba Fenghan knew that this extremely clever opponent had seized the upper hand, they sighed secretly, and moved to the left and right.

Xu Ziling's hands are like blooming flowers, changing thousands of seals, making it impossible to grasp his intentions, and it is also difficult to determine the best attack method to form a perfect defense.

Ba Fenghan retreated a little and then advanced, Zhanxuan sword shot towards Shi Zhixuan.

Both sides shot with all their strength, and there was absolutely no room for holding back.

Shi Zhixuan snorted coldly, and retreated towards the door, Ba Fenghan and Shen Mu immediately hit the air.

Shi Zhixuan broke their offense first, and then retreated to break their defense.

They defended impeccably, but now they had no choice but to counterattack in the downwind, trying to trap Shi Zhixuan indoors.

Knowing that this might be a dangerous trap, I still had to step into it.

Only with the power of the three of them working together can it be possible to wipe out this monster.

"Pon! Pon! Pon!"

Ba Fenghan's Xuanxuan Sword came out, turned into a beam of sword light, and rolled towards Shi Zhixuan completely disregarding himself.

Only by forcing him to fight back can he slow down his retreat and let Shen Mu and Xu Ziling take advantage of it, but put themselves in danger of losing their lives at every turn.

Sure enough, Shi Zhixuan sneered, changed his retreat to advance, clasped his hands cross-folded, issued a force like a wall, and pressed down on Shen Mu and Xu Ziling, his left foot stretched horizontally at the same time, attacking Ba Fenghan's vitals.

Ba Fenghan almost called his mother, but with his experienced experience and judgment, he was sure that his Zhanxuan sword would hit Shi Zhixuan's left neck in a short time. Life.The problem is that the evil king Shi Zhixuan's special skill has the reputation of being immortal, so he will not be killed by himself so easily.

If his Immortal Seal could block his blow, Ba Fenghan would definitely die.

If he changes his tactics to protect himself, he will lose the advantage of attacking, and it will be difficult to stalk him to death.

In an instant, he was caught in a dilemma.

Shen Mu and Xu Ziling were in the same mind, they first backed away until their bodies were pressed against the wall, and then used their swords to unite, using a huge sword energy, the shadow of the sword turned into a yellow glow, and moved straight to Shi Zhixuan to shoot away.

If the combined strength of the two of them still can't break through Shi Zhixuan's most outstanding defensive wall in the world, Ba Fenghan will be in danger of dying at every turn.

Shi Zhixuan also complained in his heart, "Dang!"The toe of the upward kick hit the edge of Ba Fenghan's Xuanxuan sword, Ba Fenghan suddenly felt empty, the foot pushing the sword didn't use any strength, and when he yelled that something was wrong, Shi Zhixuan spun and moved quickly, like a whirlwind Shen Mu's long sword struck, and Shi Zhixuan borrowed his true energy.

Suddenly, Xu Ziling felt the power of the wall of energy increased sharply, and it was sunken inward like a demon, and from the contact with Shi Zhixuan's true energy, he could see the change of his movement, and shouted: "Don't attack!"

Shen Mu listened to Xu Ziling's words the most, he insisted on changing his moves, and retreated, the long sword seemed to be attacking but not attacking, Shi Zhixuan couldn't fathom the change.

Shi Zhixuan said with a long smile, "Excuse me!"

Like a ghost, he walked through the door before the three of them watched.

In metropolises like Chang'an and Luoyang, they are relatively slow to the subtle changes of the seasons, but in Tongwan City, because it is closely related to the prairie, it reflects the changes in the natural climate without omission.She is like a flat boat in the rolling green sea, making the boat riders feel the vitality of spring.

On a bright spring morning, Ba Fenghan, Shen Mu, and Xu Ziling, who hadn't slept all night, sat lazily in the original seats of last night, facing the constant traffic of cars, horses and pedestrians, enjoying the food provided by Chengzhen's family. A plate of grapes as bright as pearls.

The news of killing the three demons of Heishui spread like a plague, especially Ba Fenghan is the only master outside the Great Wall who dared to challenge Bi Xuan head-on, which caused a sensation in Tong Wan.

This is faithfully reflected in the attitudes and expressions of the people passing by.

Shen Mu and others returned the salute and greetings of passers-by with smiles.

There is a moment, and there is a moment.

Shen Mu and Xu Ziling became the great heroes of the Han nationality who killed the evil.

Ba Fenghan tossed a grape high, took it calmly, and said while chewing: "Someone will bring my daughter soon."

Shen Mu lost his voice: "What?" He almost spit out the grapes he was eating with gusto.

Ba Fenghan laughed loudly and said, "Don't you know that on the prairie, daughters are the most precious property, followed by top horses. According to Turkic law, whoever disables a person for life, the offender will pay his daughter for compensation." Come out, and those who don’t have daughters will pay other property.”

Xu Ziling frowned and said, "Why did you say that someone will send your daughter here soon?"

Ba Fenghan shrugged and said calmly: "They."

Shen Mu scratched his head and said, "They, your mother! Who are they?"

Ba Fenghan said: "Of course he is someone who wants to ask me to kill someone. What other people can't do, 'Sword Tyrant' Ba Fenghan will definitely be able to do."

The two were laughed at by him.

Ba Fenghan smiled wryly and said: "Besides Sword Ba, my younger brother has more than a dozen other nicknames that have been imposed on me. Saying it will definitely make you laugh to death. It seems like doing Shi Zhixuan a big favor for nothing."

Xu Ziling still had lingering fears and said: "Shi Zhixuan is really powerful, last night was like a nightmare."

Ba Fenghan nodded and said: "Compared to him, Qu Ao is just like a toddler. I am afraid that the three great masters in the world will not be able to break his seal of immortality and kill him."

Xu Ziling smiled and said, "Brother Fenghan, what other nickname does he have? I can't bear my curiosity."

Ba Fenghan saluted a group of passing young knights, they came to salute them for the third time, and replied: "The decent one is the little grandmaster."

Shen Mu clapped his legs and said, "Little Grandmaster Ba Fenghan, you describe your writing as crumpled, while Jianba is too old-fashioned and lacks new ideas, and Ba Fenghan is the most exciting. Why do you need a nickname?"

Xu Ziling suddenly said a little nervously: "Brother Feng Han is really experienced, and someone really offered his daughter here!"

The two stopped talking, followed Xu Ziling's gaze to the north end of the long street, and the two pairs of eyes immediately shone brightly.

A beauty as gorgeous as the rising sun in the sky came slowly on a horse.Owning her is like owning all the spring scenery of the prairie.

The people on the street were all dumbfounded.For the first time, the people around turned their attention away from the three of them.

She was dressed like a bride, her jet-black hair was woven into two straight, lively, light and beautiful long braids, and she was tied with a small flower scarf embroidered with diamonds.

A pair of clean and crystal-clear beautiful eyes are like the brightest stars hanging in the dark night sky. Against the backdrop of two slender eyebrows, they are like clean and bright Liquan in the desert; coupled with a handsome nose, the two A piece of delicate and fragrant lips like dew petals, coupled with an oval face, is more and more attractive, who can not be fascinated by it.

The two small dimples on the cheeks exude a healthy pink glow, under the reflection of the two long strings of earrings hanging on the small ears and the pearl necklace around the slender neck, they are full of scorching youth, so thick that they cannot be melted. open enthusiasm.

Over the close-fitting tights, a robe of elegant color is put on, with sleeves reaching to the wrist.About five inches away from the cuffs, there is a wide border pattern embroidered, and the collar is also lace. The trousers are composed of five wide cloth loops of different colors. She is wearing sheepskin riding boots, which are very eye-catching.

There was an old man riding around her at the front and back, it seemed that one should be her grandfather, and the other might be a relative like an uncle.

All three of them looked at Shen Mu and the others, obviously aiming at them.

Shen Mu said dreamily: "Now I can understand why girls are the most precious property on the prairie!"

Such a beauty is enough to compete with beauties of the same rank as Shang Xiufang, Shang Xiuxun, Shi Feixuan, and Song Yuzhi for a day.

The three of them became nervous, fearing that she would really come to them, but if not, they would suddenly feel lost and their moods were quite conflicted.

The beauty and her party finally came to the street under the stone platform in front of the three of them, and they kicked off their horses at the same time.

The three woke up with a start, and it was the first time they deduced from each other's dexterous movements that they were not ordinary people.

The beauty bowed and saluted with a smile, and said in correct Chinese: "Three great heroes, can I sit down and say a few words."

The three hurriedly stood up and returned the salute.

Shen Mu replied humbly: "It's our honor, what's the girl's name?"

The beauty moved lightly and sat on a chair facing the street. Her "grandpa and uncle" stood behind her like a servant. By this time, of course they knew that each other was right.

The three sat down.

The beautiful woman glanced around, showing a charming smile, two small wine dimples rippled on her jade cheeks, and white and neat teeth appeared between her fragrant lips, she said in a gentle and sweet voice: "Everyone on the grassland Calling me Mrs. Meiyan makes people forget my real name."

The three of them were shocked, thinking of the colorful Yiwu tents outside the city, how could they have imagined that it was actually a beautiful lady, so young and girlish.

Mrs. Meiyan introduced the two people behind her, one is the left elder and the other is the right elder. Both elders are expressionless, if it is not them who are being introduced, but someone else.

Shen Mu and Xu Ziling were full of hostility toward her because they didn't know whether to call them Guan Ping or Duan Xu's liar, but she sat in front of her with a lively face, but they couldn't gather any bad feelings towards her.

Ba Fenghan ignored the gazes of the onlookers gathered around, and said with a smile: "Madam came to see us, what can I tell you?"

Mrs. Meiyan looked at Ba Fenghan's face with affectionate eyes, shrugged her shoulders slightly, and said, "Isn't it okay for people to come here because of their fame? Let's meet and talk, not only to increase understanding, but also to see each other on what matters We can work together, right?"

Shen Mu said indifferently: "Does Madam have a Han man named Duan Xu?"

Madam Meiyan frowned, showing a pensive expression, she turned her head and asked the right elder behind her, "Do we have a Han named Duan Xu?"

Shen Mu and Xu Ziling were stunned, and they never thought that the two elders could also understand Chinese. Elder You took out a booklet that was nearly three inches thick and looked like an account book from his pocket, and flipped through it solemnly. Mrs. Meiyan explained nonchalantly: "There are too many people working for the servants."

Elder You finished reading, shook his head and said, "No one is called Duan Xu."

Shen Mu and Xu Ziling heard you staring at me, of course they refused to believe it, but there was nothing they could do about pushing her like this.

Mrs. Meiyan let out a sweet smile like a silver bell, stretched out her slender jade hands, took the booklet, put it on the table, spread it out and said, "Three, please have a look."

The three of them took a closer look, and saw that the booklet was filled with Yiwu characters that the three of them could not understand.

Mrs. Meiyan said "Ouch" and "I'm sorry", and turned to the back page, and there were several Han people's names on the left, but Duan Xu's name was not among them.

Elder You said: "This is the bill for Madam's expenses. Anyone who contributes to Madam will have their names listed in the book, with detailed records of work done, remuneration received, daily expenses, etc."

Madam Meiyan said softly: "For me, it's just a business, from a country to a gang, so we must live within our means and control costs. Do you think so?"

Looking at Ba Fenghan, he pursed his lips and smiled slightly: "There are very few Turkic people who are as elegant as you."

(End of this chapter)

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