Chapter 429 Chapter 432
Ba Fenghan stared at the vast area covered by thick smoke in the northeast, panting, "Who is helping so much?"

Before the words were over, a group of men and horses rushed out from the thick smoke, broke through a group of golden wolf troops that were not stable, and rushed towards the castle like a bamboo.

The leader's long-handled ax rolled like a poisonous dragon, and those who blocked him were invincible. It was a Hui warrior Bodhisattva who was driven away by his father. There were more than 70 men who followed him. Everyone fought desperately. They were all unstoppable. Although they were pitifully few, they were concentrated in strength, and taking advantage of the golden wolf army's hasty mobilization opportunity, under the cover of thick smoke, they successfully broke through the gap and killed them down the northeast slope in a blink of an eye.

When the horn sounded, the Golden Wolf Army tried to stop it, but it was already a step too late.

A group of Bodhisattvas rode up the rugged and steep slope to the top of the hill.

Shen Mu laughed loudly and said, "Brother Bodhisattva didn't bring wine?"

The Bodhisattva got up on horseback, leaped onto the city wall, landed among the three, and said with a long smile, "After killing all the golden wolf thieves, I will drink Dadan with the three of you."

His subordinates are all veterans who have experienced many battles, they do not need to be ordered, they each occupy key points, and shoot the chasing golden wolf army back down the slope, and then form a confrontation.

All three of them had strong feelings for Bodhisattva's righteousness and Bo Yuntian's behavior, and were very grateful.

Ba Fenghan grabbed the bodhisattva's thick shoulder and said: "I, Ba Fenghan, made you a friend, no! It's a brother."

The Bodhisattva turned his eyes to the direction where the Jieli Golden Wolf flag was flying, and sighed: "Frankly speaking, I have really struggled in my heart about coming to die with you, but I know my own business. If I let the three fighters If I die here, even though I, a Bodhisattva, can live alone, I will never have a happy life in the future."

Then he shouted to Jie Lifang: "Little Jie Li, my Bodhisattva doesn't take you seriously, let's see what you can do to me."

Jieli shouted angrily: "Ignorant children, if you die with them, I will fulfill you."

The flames in the Northeast have subsided, and although there is still a little smoke, it no longer poses a threat.

The Bodhisattva's subordinates led the horses into the lower level, but the people spread out on the top of the hill, waiting in full force.

With the addition of this new force, Shen Mu and the three of them had even more fighting spirit. They picked up the arrows shot by the Golden Wolf Army as quickly as possible, and were ready to retaliate against the enemy.

Amidst the sound of the horn, the Golden Wolf Army moved slowly, deploying the third round of large-scale attack.

The Bodhisattva praised: "I really don't understand how the power of the three of you can hold Jieli for so long."

Xu Ziling smiled and said, "You will understand soon."

The offensive and defensive battle is in full swing.Under the terrifying power of the two bows of Mie Sun and Mie Moon, the arrows shot at the attacking enemy like locusts, killing the enemy numerous casualties.

The battle cry suddenly rose.

The five centurions gathered at the bottom of the southern slope shouted in unison and rushed up the slope.

Shen Mu said in surprise, "It's so strange to rush so fast knowing that you're going to die."

Ba Fenghan laughed and said: "Young commander not only regards death as home, but also regards death war as a game, admiration."

"Ding dong, congratulations to the host for successfully installing and getting 9000 points."

Suddenly, all around the fort were Turkic cavalry, and arrows rained down like a rainstorm.

Everyone hid behind the thick wall, waiting for the moment when the enemy jumped up.

The first ray of dawn appeared at the northeast end of the prairie, and the Golden Wolf Army, which suffered heavy casualties, retreated to the plain.

Everyone had no sense of victory at all, because everyone knew that it would be difficult to survive the next round of the enemy's offensive.

Without the cover of the night, they will lose faster and worse.

Including the three of Shen Mu, there were only 38 of them left, and five of them were too seriously injured to continue fighting.

Everyone was exhausted, and the massive blood loss made them almost collapsed.

The Golden Wolf Banner is gradually approaching, this time the attack will be led by Jieli himself, and the most elite personal soldiers will end this tragic offensive and defensive battle that lasted all night.

What arrived was the vanguard of the Black Wolf Army with more than [-] riders. The leading generals were all similar in size and appearance to Tuli, but younger than Tuli. The Golden Wolf Army can't stay far away, not only to prevent them from suddenly counterattacking, but also to judge whether there is an opportunity to take advantage of the situation of the opponent's entire army.

Everyone survived a desperate situation, calling it a fluke.

The Bodhisattva said: "This general must be Tuli's younger brother's association rate. It is said that this person is brave and good at fighting, and he is Tuli's powerful help."

The hooves sounded again, and Tuli's main army appeared on the northeast horizon, galloping at full speed, the army was at its peak, with a strength of 5000, although the number was less than half that of Jieli, it was already fighting.

Ba Fenghan sighed, "Today's trip to Jieli is in danger."

Shen Mu wondered, "Xieli's troops are more than twice as strong as Tuli's, why did your elder brother say that?"

Xu Ziling also said: "Although Jieli lost his spirit because of besieging us, his strength is not compromised. The Golden Wolf Army is all elites who have experienced many battles. In a head-on confrontation, it is hard to predict who will win the battle."

But the Bodhisattva couldn't help nodding and smiling, expressing that he understood why Ba Fenghan made such a judgment.

A group of people rushed out from the army, the leader was Tuli, and they rushed straight to Helenburg.

Ba Fenghan moved back a little, Shen Mu and Xu Ziling leaned towards him at the same time, grasping him firmly from left to right.

Shen Mu said: "Brother, can you, for the sake of me and Ziling, write off the old hatred with Tuli?"

Ba Fenghan smiled wryly and said: "Little brother's legs are weak now, and he has no strength to leave. Why arrest me like a prisoner?"

Ba Fenghan pointed to the dust heads of the Golden Wolf Army that were still clearly visible on the edge of the grassland, and said coldly: "This battle is just the beginning, Xieli is waiting for us over there."

Tu Li, Shen Mu, Xu Ziling, and Bodhisattva came to Ba Fenghan's side, and looked in that direction, five pairs of eyes lit up at the same time.

Tu Li said in a deep voice: "Jie Li doesn't think much of me, so we will prove it to him with hard facts, so that he knows how wrong this idea is."

If it weren't for special circumstances, Xieli would have easily repelled Tuli's black wolf army with a superior force.But now the Golden Wolf Army has been fighting bloody all night, exhausted and exhausted. They can't even enter the mere Helen Fort, and they have to retreat in a panic. , There is a world of difference.

This is not the only thing that discouraged the Golden Wolf Army most, because Ba Fenghan, Shen Mu and Xu Ziling had already planted an invincible image in their hearts, who would not be intimidated by their martial arts and archery skills.

Tuli saw what was true and false, and immediately swung his troops to attack. As soon as the two sides came into contact, the Golden Wolf army was exhausted.

In several small-scale battles, the Black Wolf Army had the upper hand.

After three days of chasing, Xieli retreated along the Wuding River to the Benlangyuan, the rolling hills in the east of Yuerhai, and was able to stabilize the morale of the army, re-arranged and prepared for the enemy.

On the other side of the grassland, Tuli formed a camp on the hills on the north bank of the famous tributary at the east end of the Qilulian River, preparing to fight Xieli head-on.

When the sun was setting, Tu Li, Jie Jie Shuo, Shen Mu, Xu Ziling, Ba Fenghan and Bodhisattva came to the front line, watched the enemy's formation from a distance on the highest hill, and studied the strategy of tomorrow's confrontation.

Two miles away, the Golden Wolf Army was stationed on more than a dozen hills, and the flames were dotted with flames, shining red.

Shen Mu looked up at the magnificent starry sky, and then turned his eyes to the brightly lit enemy camp that shines on more than a dozen hills, and the two-mile-wide Benlangyuan that separates the enemy from us. He said in a deep voice: "If all the torches in the enemy camp suddenly go out , Khan will react."

Tu Li was startled and said, "Of course I will increase my vigilance and prepare for any sudden change."

The fire in Tuli's camp was extinguished at the beginning of the watch, and this happened at the same time, which is already full of weird and mysterious flavors.Naturally, as Shen Mu expected, a tense atmosphere immediately enveloped the entire Golden Wolf army. The sleeping people were ordered to get out of their tents and enter the state of combat, while the archers were waiting with their bows and pillows.

Under the brilliant and charming starry sky, the three of them hid among the branches and leaves of a big tree, silently observing the enemy's mobilization not far from the enemy's position.

Shen Mu smiled and said, "How long do you think they will keep this situation?"

Ba Fenghan said affirmatively: "That depends on whether Xieli dares to release the falcon."

Xu Ziling smiled and said, "The Arrow God is ready."

Ba Fenghan took off the Death Moon Bow from his back with his backhand, and said: "This arrow is related to our life, honor and death, and we must not miss it."

Shen Mu said: "If Jieli released a multi-headed falcon, which one should be shot?"

Ba Fenghan shook his head and said: "This kind of psychic falcon that can be a spy is very rare, there is no one in a thousand. The falcon that was shot by us must have not recovered yet, he should only have one left."

Xu Ziling said, "Come on!"

A black dot rushed into the sky from above the sweat tent, and after a circle, they watched them fly straight.

Shen Mu looked at the ocean and sighed bitterly and said with a wry smile: "Damn it! You can fly so high!"

The falcon was flying at a height of three hundred feet above the ground, and the combined range of the two divine bows could not touch even half of its feathers.

The three of them watched it glide past above.

Xu Ziling said: "Can Ying'er know how to distinguish the number of people?"

Woke him up with a word, but the two secretly scolded themselves as fools.

Ba Fenghan smiled wryly: "Young Master Ling is always the one with the clearest mind among us. We wanted to shoot him wholeheartedly, but we never thought that it would be a greater threat if he found the enemy's tracks."

Shen Mu suggested: "We will go back to the camp in three routes, and if the eagle returns obediently one by one, it will be as if three troops are going to attack the camp!"

Xu Ziling and Ba Fenghan shouted for a good plan and put it into action.

The stars are still illuminating the earth in the dark night sky, unaware that a fierce and cruel war is brewing under their eyes.

Thousands of torches were lit at the same time, illuminating the camps of the Black Wolf Army stretching over seven or eight hills as bright as day, as if they had been extinguished an hour and a half ago.

When Xieli's side watched with fear, tens of thousands of Heilang warriors on the plain on the other side of the enemy camp shouted in unison: "Tuli must win, Xieli must lose."

Then hundreds of torches were lit on both sides, illuminating the black wolf army's battle formation stretching two miles horizontally from light to dark, while the central army was trapped in the darkness beyond the brilliance of the torches, full of mystery and unfathomable flavor.It's just the change of the light and shade of the torch, which has a miraculous effect of overwhelming momentum.

The horn sounded, and the front row began to advance. After three or five horses were separated, it was the turn of the second row. The first two rows were all sword and shield players, and the third and fourth rows were archers. The situation is always hidden in the dark.

Tuli, Shen Mu, Ba Fenghan, Xu Ziling, and Bodhisattva were at the head of the central army, and behind them were five men in a row of [-] elite black wolf troops who were the most powerful and well-rested.They use the cover of darkness to prevent the enemy from seeing through their reality and make the other party unable to understand their strength.

Tu Li shouted: "Drumming!"
The drums of war sounded loudly, and the whole army marched towards the enemy's position high-spiritedly and firmly following the rhythm of the drums.

Ba Fenghan scanned the enemy's situation.

There are no longer any camps on the undulating hills. The enemy's archers are all hidden in the sparse forest at the foot of the mountain, and the cavalry are distributed in groups on the top of the hills. After resisting them, the cavalry on the hills will rush down to the plains like a tide, launching a merciless assault on them.

Strategically, it is impeccable.It's a pity that Xieli's opponent is no longer Tuli, but Shen Mu, who is full of changes.

Under Shen Mu's ingenious psychological warfare and suspicious strategy, Xieli's deployment to the intruders is unpredictable. In addition, the morale of the Golden Wolf Army is low, and it is a tired army that lacks rest. Once the battle fails, it will be difficult to defend. Stand firm.

The enemy's torches were extinguished in a flash.

The black wolf army is less than [-] steps away from the enemy's front line. If they take an all-out offensive, they will definitely suffer a big loss when the enemy is in the dark.

Tuli did not rush, and after advancing a thousand steps, he ordered the whole army to stop advancing.

Ba Fenghan shouted in a deep voice: "It's time."

Tuli issued an order, and the war drums rang, urgently and densely, full of killing intent.Two thousand elite cavalry on each side charged out, followed a circuitous route, and surrounded the left and right outer wings of the enemy's position.

With a cry, Tuli took the lead and rushed out. Bodhisattva and Ba Fenghan were on the left, Shen Mu and Xu Ziling were on the right, and behind them were three thousand elites. The heartland where.The other teams continued to advance slowly, so that it would be difficult for the enemy to concentrate their strength to deal with this giant dragon piercing tactic composed of three thousand elites.As long as they can break through a gap, they will be like a torrent that breaks the embankment, destroying and submerging anything in the way.

Ba Fenghan and Shen Mu's Dead Moon and Mie Sun shot their arrows first, across the grassland, and pierced the chests of the two generals who were hiding in the woods at the foot of the hill to command the archers without any mistakes, kicking off the prelude to the war.

Under the starlight, from the eyesight of the two, their field of vision is only a little different from seeing things in the daytime.

The attacking troops on the two wings only pretended to attack, and simply used arrows to contain the enemy's troops on both sides.Only this piercing army is the sharp blade that draws out its sheath to attack the enemy.

The sound of the enemy's hoofbeats was chaotic, blasting across the hills, and the horns blared, indicating that Xieli had finally discovered their unexpected tactics and hurriedly mobilized the army to change formations to fight, but the opportunity was lost.

Shen Mu shouted loudly: "Little Xieli, we are here to ask for your life!" His Turkic dialect with a foreign accent was already familiar in the Golden Wolf Army, and everyone must know that it was Shen Mu who killed him.

Arrows rained down from the forest, but they made a serious mistake. They aimed at piercing the dragon's head, but Xu Ziling, Bodhisattva, and Tuli used spears and shields to block them one by one. Hands, the three of them are located on the left and right sides and in the middle. They not only protect the body, but also keep the dragon head, and also allow Shen Mu and Ba Fenghan to shoot continuously. Big setback.The elite who followed behind only needed to raise their shields to protect themselves, followed closely behind the five people, and waited for the moment to enter.

Those in the front line of the Golden Wolf Army fell to the ground one after another, and when they saw Shen Mu and others who had shown their might in Helen Fort, they ran in all directions with trembling and timid fear, and the poisonous dragon array pierced into Qiupo like sharp spear points Go down to the wooded area.

The screams of killing shook the sky in the dark forest, and when the two thousand golden wolves deployed on the hill couldn't figure out what was going on in the forest, the five Tuli led the charge up the slope and killed towards the top of the hill.

The [-] fighters who followed remained roughly complete, with those in the middle acting as shooters, and those on the sides using shields to block arrows and defeat the enemy with swords and guns.This is exactly the power of Shen Mu's piercing tactic. Regardless of how strong your army is, just concentrate on attacking a little bit, clear all obstacles in the way, and aim at the enemy's heart without hesitation, fully controlling the initiative Go up, use fast to fight slow, and make quick decisions.

However, victory or defeat depends on the difference between the two. If the golden wolf army hadn't been exhausted, and if Xielifang had seen through Shen Mu's tactics earlier and concentrated his strength to fight against the strong, the black wolf army would have suffered a crushing defeat.

The torch was lit again. Although the situation was clearly illuminated, the evil dragon had penetrated deep into the hinterland, making it difficult for the invincible Xieli to recover from his decline.

The commander-in-chief in the rear knew that the enemy was in chaos, and with one order, the two-winged cavalry changed from a feigned attack to an actual attack, and charged the enemy with all their strength.The remaining [-] black wolf troops pushed forward, overwhelming the enemy's frontline positions, preventing them from attacking the main attacking brigade that broke into the center of the enemy's formation.

Shen Mu's five men launched a merciless annihilation battle against the Golden Wolf soldiers who were attacking from the top of the hill. They killed the opponent's corpse across the mountain, blood stained the grass and rocks, and climbed to the top of the hill inside the enemy's formation like a broken bamboo.

There are golden wolf armies attacking them from all directions, and those who are less courageous are guaranteed to be frightened until their hands and feet become weak and let them be slaughtered.

Tuli was the first to spot Jieli's Khan Banner moving to another hill among thousands of troops, he cut his fingers and shouted, "Chase."

Shen Mu seized the opportunity and shouted: "Little Jieli, where do you want to escape to!"

The sound spread to the audience, and the attack of the Golden Wolf Army suddenly slowed down, and they all looked at the moving sweat flag.

Ba Fenghan knew that Shen Mu's trick to attack the mind was very effective, so he shouted wildly: "Jielin's life is coming!"

Take the lead and rush down the mountain, and go straight to kill the main force of Jieli who is between the two hills.

The Black Wolf Army fought their way through the enemy's siege, and went all out to reap the fruits of victory.

The front line shouted to kill the sky, and entered the stage of hand-to-hand combat.

Shen Mu and others were all wounded and bloody, and the three thousand elites who followed were reduced to more than [-], which shows the brutality of the battle.But everyone knew that victory was within reach, and morale was at its peak, unstoppable.

When they descended the hillside, the Golden Wolf Army completely collapsed. The torches that fell in the mountains ignited hundreds of flames, and the smoke billowed into the sky.

When Tuli successfully attacked the mountain, the outcome was decided.

Although Xieli escaped into the dark forest by chance, he was no longer the invincible Khan who had never experienced defeat on the prairie.

The Black Wolf Army spends the whole day dealing with the deadly and wounded battlefields, and collects the food, weapons, horses, tents and other rich spoils left by the Golden Wolf Army.

The enemy's corpses were gathered in one place and burned as ashes with firewood, and all the wounded were taken as prisoners.

In this battle, more than 800 people were killed on the Tuli side, and nearly [-] people were killed on the Xieli side. It must have been a beautiful victory.

(End of this chapter)

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