Chapter 510 Fighting 513
Shen Mu's eyes shifted from Xie Hui to Shi Feixuan, and sighed: "Feixuan knows that things are getting out of hand. Although I understand the difficulty of the Castle Master, I have a deep hatred with Li Shimin that cannot be solved. It is no longer a matter of me, Shen Mu, but the wish of the entire Song family and the young marshal's coalition forces, so everything can only be resolved by force, there is no other possibility."

Concubine Shixuan smiled and said: "Since this is the case, let's solve it by force!"

Shen Mu and Xu Ziling were stunned upon hearing the sound, and were at a loss for words.

Although the concubine Shi Xuan said to do it, her expression was still calm, and her clear eyes flashed with an unfathomable light, showing a more refined cultivation than when she was outside the Great Wall.But only Xu Ziling understood that she had reached the state of sword heart enlightenment, like Shi Zhixuan, which made his spiritual sense elusive.

Shen Mu was speechless to meet her gaze, and after a while he lost his voice and said, "Feixuan must be joking! Are you someone who resolves things by force?"

Shi Feixuan smiled softly and said: "You said the words, when all other methods are ineffective, such as explanations, persuasion, pleading, coercion, etc. Then is there any solution other than force? Feixuan is absolutely I will not sit back and watch Bashu fall into the hands of the young commander."

Xu Ziling said: "Feixuan..."

The concubine Shi Xuan cut off his words calmly, still staring at Shen Mu steadfastly, and said: "Whether Ziling had tens of thousands of reasons to help your brother Shen Mu before, all these reasons are in the past, and the world has been divided into two." In this situation, Ziling please do not intervene in the dispute between Feixuan and the young marshal."

Xu Ziling felt sad for a while. On the one hand, he was the beauty he admired and loved deeply, and on the other hand, he was his partner and brother who grew up from a young age. What can he do?Suddenly, he fell back into the plight of being a human being.

Shen Mu's eyes glowed brightly, and he turned back into a young commander full of confidence and fearless of anyone in the world, and said with a smile, "I ask Fairy Shi to draw the road."

Xie Hui and his son looked at Shi Feixuan with a curious look of waiting. Obviously they didn't know what Shi Feixuan's "solution by force" was about.

Shi Feixuan calmly said: "The fate of Bashu is determined by Feixuan's Sekong sword and the young commander's long sword!"

Xu Ziling, Xie Hui and Xie Wenlong all changed face.

Shen Mu lost his voice: "What did you say? Feixuan, don't scare me."

Shi Feixuan showed a helpless expression, and sighed: "At this moment, Feixuan still has the mood to joke with you. Whether you agree or not, this is the only way Feixuan can think of to solve the problem."

Shen Mu looked at Xu Ziling for help, the latter responded with a wry smile, then turned his gaze to Shi Feixuan again, and said dumbfoundedly: "Has Feixuan ever thought about how unfair this is! I don't think it's for the sake of Young Master Ling , I still can’t deal with you ruthlessly, and I don’t even dare to hurt half a hair of your hair, under such circumstances, I will definitely lose Bashu.”

Shi Feixuan said indifferently: "Feixuan doesn't want to decide the outcome with you, but life and death. If you don't want to kill Feixuan, you don't have the qualifications to be emperor at all! Whoever has made great things through the ages is not the one who is cruel and merciless. Seniors, all obstacles blocking the throne will be removed."

Shen Mu smiled wryly, "Then when you chose Li Shimin as the future Allah, did you notice that he had this quality?"

These two sentences vented Shen Mu's resentment.Xu Ziling, who can only be a bystander, felt the same way, and wanted to hear what satisfactory answer Shi Feixuan had.

Concubine Shi Xuan replied calmly: "When you strive for the throne of the emperor as your highest ideal and goal, you will make any personal sacrifices for it. The only difference is whether your purpose of being emperor is to satisfy your own ambition, or For the sake of all the people in the world. Feixuan can kill you cruelly because I am for the sake of the common people, but any personal sacrifice for this, including never being able to see the way of heaven, is a lifelong apology."

Xie Hui hit the table and praised: "Well said! Only Qing Hui can cultivate a character like Fei Xuan."

Shen Mu said in a deep voice: "You know, Feixuan, if I was slaughtered by the emperor you chose during the Luoyang battle, then it will be your turn to be slaughtered by Li Xiaozi."

Shi Feixuan showed a bitter expression, her beautiful eyes swept over Xu Ziling, then stared at Shen Mu and said, "That's another question, Feixuan only knows how to act according to the current situation, Li Shimin won't lose Bashu, the world can still hold two points Alas! How can the young commander be such a mother-in-law, the long street with no one outside is the most suitable battlefield, let our life or death determine the fate of Bashu and the future of the world!"

Xu Ziling finally couldn't help but said: "Feixuan!"

Concubine Shixuan slowly turned away her beautiful face, her beautiful eyes shot a pleading look at him, and said softly: "Xu Ziling, can you stay out of this matter? Concubine Xuan is the mission of the teacher, and she has studied history since childhood. The cause and effect of chaos. Politics has always ignored motives and means, and only pays attention to consequences. We fully support Li Shimin because we think he is the best person who can bring happiness to the world. Your brother may be an invincible commander. However, Li Shimin lacks the ability and ambition to govern the country. If Feixuan does nothing, the opportunity for world unification and peace will be ruined. Li Tang will turn from strong to weak, and the Allied Forces from outside the Great Wall will take the opportunity to invade. Jieli has been preparing for a long time for this trip. Come on, even if Middle-earth cannot be pacified, the damage caused will be severe and far-reaching, let alone when and when the suffering of the people will end? Middle-earth may never recover."

Shen Mu said angrily: "The problem is that now the emperor of the Tang Dynasty is Li Yuan, the heir is Li Jiancheng, and the final beneficiary is the demon sect that is incompatible with you."

Shi Feixuan returned to her calm and unwavering expression, turned her eyes back to Shen Mu, and slowly said word by word: "That's why Feixuan said that politics ignores motives and only cares about consequences. Feixuan never doubts that the young marshal has good intentions." It is not because of personal desires and ambitions, otherwise Ziling would not fight side by side with you. Just imagine that even if you can successfully capture Chang'an, it will be a situation where your vitality will be greatly damaged. Li Shimin can still fight against Luoyang and mobilize Guannei and Taiyuan If the remaining army counterattacks in an all-round way, both sides will suffer. At a time when it is not known who belongs to the world, the Allied Forces from outside the Great Wall suddenly invaded the south. May I ask the young commander! Is this the consequence you want to see? And this is the cruel reality."

Xie Hui nodded and said: "Feixuan is definitely not an empty threat. The tribes outside the Great Wall have formed an alliance under the banner of Jieli and Tuli, and they can launch a large-scale invasion of China at any time. The situation is extremely critical."

Shi Feixuan said softly: "Now Feixuan can only walk and resolve the most urgent crisis. If the young commander can kill Feixuan, no one in our house will seek revenge from the young commander. It depends on the young commander. This ability."

Shen Mu looked at Xu Ziling for help again.

Xu Ziling smiled helplessly, and sighed: "I have nothing to say! Young commander, please do your own thing. From today onwards, as long as Li Shimin is still around, I will stand by and watch."

Shen Mu nodded understandingly, and said dejectedly: "Feixuan's immortal technique is so powerful, she moved Ziling away from me with just a few words. Okay! I admit that I can't beat you. There is only one requirement, that is, after Li Shimin becomes Li Tang Bashu has to remain neutral before the lord, otherwise I will not be able to explain to the Song lord, let alone persuade him to evacuate Luchuan and stay away from Bashu."

Xu Ziling sighed in his heart, the appearance of Shi Feixuan completely destroyed Shen Mu's plan to capture Chang'an, there was no shortcut to the unification battle, and the battle of Luoyang was decided.As Shi Feixuan predicted, the split between the North and the South is likely to continue for a long time.

Concubine Shixuan said softly: "Young Marshal is very wronged, how could Concubine Xuan refuse."

Xie Hui nodded and said, "Everything is decided by Feixuan."

Shen Mu actually laughed and said: "Feixuan's hand is indeed very beautiful. I admire it so much that I force my army back without bloodshed, and it doesn't hurt our friendship. But the situation after the fight is still not optimistic, so I have no choice but to give up. In the near future, first clean up the north and south of the river, and then go north to see if Li Shimin is the best, or I, Shen Mu, Xiaoling let him rest for a while. I really want to know what Feixuan has to stop this, can you reveal it first? A little news."

Concubine Shixuan sighed sadly, showing a dejected look, and said softly: "The young commander will know soon."

Shen Mu's face changed: "It turns out that Feixuan actually has a plan in mind, but I can't figure it out at all."

Concubine Shixuan stood up slowly, cast her beautiful eyes on Xu Ziling, showing the tiredness of mental and physical exhaustion, and said softly: "Young commander, please reconcile with the castle master to study the issue of maintaining the stability of Bashu, can Ziling give concubine Xuan a ride? "


Xu Ziling and Shi Feixuan stepped out of the east gate side by side, and the city guards paid their respects solemnly.

Concubine Shixuan asked, "Is Ziling annoyed by me?"

Xu Ziling shook his head blankly, and said, "Feixuan, don't mind what I think! Because I don't know who is right anymore."

Concubine Shixuan sighed, "How can I not mind what Ziling thinks of me?"

Xu Ziling looked at her and said in shock, "Feixuan!"

Concubine Shixuan met his gaze, and said calmly: "If I had other choices, I would never directly intervene in the struggle between Li Shimin and Shen Mu. This is something I have tried my best to avoid. Master made a prophecy many years ago. , if the world is ruled from the north to the south, the world can expect a long period of prosperity and prosperity. If the world is ruled from the south to the north, it will not only be invaded by foreigners, but the world will be torn apart. Does Ziling understand this?"

Xu Ziling smiled bitterly and said, "I really don't want to agree with Feixuan's thoughts, but after hearing what Feixuan said just now, I have to admit this possibility."

Concubine Shixuan said: "At that time, I didn't have a deep understanding of Master's analysis. When Shen Mu rose up and became tyrannical, I began to really understand Master's opinion. Just imagine that Shen Mu won and Li Tang collapsed. The generals from all over the world proclaimed themselves kings and took revenge for Li Tang. The northern regime collapsed, and the Allied Forces outside the Great Wall would take advantage of Shen Mu's busy cleaning up the mess to invade the south. It is very rare for Shen Mu to be able to defend Guanzhong and Luoyang. What kind of situation is it?"

Xu Ziling was speechless.

Concubine Shixuan continued slowly: "Among the outstanding figures in the north, only Li Shimin has all the conditions to make the people of China happy, which Shen Mu dare not doubt. His only flaw at present is that Li Yuan did not invite him to be the prince. As a result, Momen can take advantage of it, and Xieli has the opportunity to fish in troubled waters. If Li Shimin ascends to the throne of God, all problems can be easily solved."

Xu Ziling smiled wryly, "Does Feixuan know that Shen Mu and Li Shimin have formed an inextricable blood feud?"

Concubine Shixuan said: "Under the premise of the well-being of the common people in the world, what grievances cannot be put aside? Bloodshed is inevitable on the battlefield. You must know that it was Li Yuanji who killed Dou Jiande, not Li Shimin, and Li Shimin feels very sorry for you all. , He invited Master Kong to persuade Shen Mu, which shows that he still has friendship with Shen Mu. Ziling! You once said that if Li Shimin ascended the throne of God, you would persuade Shen Mu to quit. For the sake of the common people, can Ziling change? Adopt a positive attitude, and fulfill Feixuan's wish?"

Xu Ziling said dejectedly: "It's too late! Shen Mu is riding a tiger. If he wants to retreat, he can't. How can he explain to Song Que? Even if he is willing to withdraw, Song Que will still march northward to attack Chang'an, Luoyang. Without Shen Mu, Song Que Que still has the ability and strength to defeat Li Tang."

Concubine Shixuan said: "That's the last thing Feixuan wants to see. Song Que has been living in Lingnan for a long time. Although his power is feared by everyone, fear does not mean that he is convinced. Moreover, people in the south are not convinced by the north, and they leave their hometown. Well, those who followed Song Que were mainly Liao soldiers, who were regarded as barbarians by the northerners and were unwilling to submit to them, and it is conceivable that the north and the south will be divided again by then."

Xu Ziling nodded and said, "Shen Mu and I are not as clear as Feixuan's thought, what's the matter now?"

Concubine Shixuan stopped and stood still, turned her delicate body away, faced Xu Ziling, smiled and said: "You are the guardian of our mountain gate, it is up to you to use your brain to find a way."

Xu Ziling lost his voice: "I..."

Concubine Shi Xuan touched his lips with her jade finger to stop him from continuing, then withdrew her slender fingers that made Xu Ziling's soul ecstasy, and said softly with her beautiful eyes deeply focused: "The road from chaos to return to Ye is not easy." It's not easy to go, Feixuan can only do her best with an attitude of regardless of success or failure, but personal power is limited, what Feixuan can or can fight for is only an opportunity for peace. When this situation arises, Ziling, you must stand up and stand up Come out, it is incumbent on you, and don't let others down on your trust and expectations."

Xu Ziling faintly felt that there was an incomprehensible deep meaning behind her words, and frowned, "Could Feixuan make it clearer? Let me see how I can help."

Concubine Shi Xuan shook her head calmly and said, "It's not the time yet, but soon you will know that Ziling is precious!"

After finishing speaking, he gave him another look full of tenderness and lingering meaning, and sank into the depths of the forest beside the official road.

Xu Ziling stared blankly at the place where she disappeared, the waves surging in his heart could not be calmed down for a long time.

Concubine Shixuan was forced to land in the mortal world by the development of the situation this time, and her cultivation has improved even more. She seems to be able to control her "heart" freely, and is no longer as trembling and cautious as before.Now she no longer has to suppress her inner feelings, greatly reduces the meaning of practice, and has become more worldly, but Xu Ziling feels that she is farther away from the world in terms of state of mind, and the touching days of Longquan City are gone forever, he should breathe a sigh of relief Still lost?He couldn't figure it out himself.

There were subtle changes in the mood of both parties.

Thinking of this, Shen Mu's voice sounded next to his ear: "It is undeniable that our fairy is merciful to my little brother, if she leaks the truth about the treasure house to Li Shimin, with Li Xiaozi's usual methods, she can definitely teach us. It’s a big loss. Right now, we’re going to take a step back, Bashu is neutral, and we’re not going to touch Guanzhong. Damn it, my brother and Li Shimin will see the truth in the offensive and defensive battle of Luoyang City.”

Xu Ziling smiled wryly and said, "It's my fault!"

Shen Mu put his hand on his shoulder, shook his head and said, "No! You should have saved me. Shi Feixuan is not an ordinary person like you and me, ha! She is a fairy! In fact, she has been There are clues to guess that the treasure house has other mysteries, but I got confirmation from you, and then figured out why the treasure house can win the world, and we sought Bashu to further affirm her belief. Ha! Fortunately, you have a part in revealing the secret, so she sees in it For Ling Shao's sake, let me go, and won't use this secret to disrupt our attack on Chang'an, which is no longer a surprise soldier."

Xu Ziling's heart felt warm, Shen Mu's analysis was very reasonable, but it was always focused on comforting him.My good brother is just such an open-minded person who doesn't take gains and losses to heart.Victory without pride, defeat without discouragement.

Said: "A few words from Feixuan made me stand up, don't you blame me?"

Shen Mu laughed dumbly and said: "Your elder brother is willing to help me through the most difficult days, and he almost lost his life because of this. I, Shen Mu, were so grateful that I exchanged tears with tears of gratitude. Brothers, why don't you understand each other's thoughts, take a good rest Take a moment! Sigh! Feixuan is definitely not a person who intimidates with empty words, she must have powerful means to deal with me. I am worried and have to rush back to Pengliang to see Song Que and report the latest changes to him. The plan to attack Chang'an has come to naught. Troubled Young Master Ling to explain to Brother Lei and the others that I left without saying goodbye."

Xu Ziling sighed, "I'm worried too."

Shen Mu's eyes were bright, and he said in a deep voice: "There is no one in the world who can stop my firm determination to go south and north. I have thought through my situation on this journey just now. Shi Feixuan has her position, I have my beliefs and ideals. In order to prevent the world from falling into the hands of demons or foreign races, personal sacrifice is nothing to his grandma. I have made up my mind, put everything aside, and fight to the end for the future unity and peace wholeheartedly. The more meaningful the difficulties are, the more they can show the true colors of life. After the incident in Chang'an, immediately go back to Pengliang to find me, maybe Yin Xiaoji went there to find her brother earlier. I'm going!"

Shen Mu galloped along the river at full speed, putting aside all worries and worries, and no longer thinking about what method Shi Feixuan would use to deal with him, but only thinking about the good.

In fact, he and Song Que knew that even with Duke Yang's treasure trove attack, it would still be a very difficult and costly bloody battle to deal with Li Yuan.

Just as Song Que pointed out, Yang Jian obtained the throne by usurping the previous dynasty, so he would be able to defend against his opponents. Yang Guang stepped up his efforts to strengthen the city defense against the possibility of internal rebellion, especially focusing on the power of the imperial city to counterattack.Even though Shen Mu can establish a strong stronghold in the city, the counterattack from the imperial city will still be difficult to resist.One day failed to capture the forbidden guard of Xuanwu Gate, one day Chang'an was still in Li Yuan's hands.

The final victory in the Battle of Chang'an may belong to them, but the casualties must be very heavy and the vitality will be severely damaged.At this time, they will face Li Shimin, who is no longer under the control of Li Yuan. The opponent does not need to rush to counterattack, but can instead expand to the south and north, and build a powerful new empire centered on Luoyang.In this situation, the initiative fell into the hands of Li Shimin, and it was predictable that it would evolve into a long-term confrontation and continuous war.

This thought relieved Shen Mu, and he no longer felt frustrated.What's more, Bashu can maintain peace, and the Song and Jie families don't have to confront each other head-on. Zhi Zhi must be delighted by this, and his perception of him may change a little.

I, Shen Mu, will never lose.

With a long howl, Shen Mu accelerated towards Luchuan.

(End of this chapter)

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