Infinite Plane Conquest System

Chapter 171 Your Name

Chapter 171 Your Name (Second Change)

The penetration of the metal-attached bullet is terrifying. One shot directly pierced the head of the huge stone monster. After receiving the fatal blow, the stone monster finally fell to the ground and was chopped up by the team members with their swords. .

The members of that small team did not look relaxed after killing the monsters, but looked at Long Aotian and others who were flying towards them very vigilantly.

They are also freshmen at the same level as Long Aotian, and now seeing Long Aotian they did not take the lead in attacking their own side but "helped" them kill the monster, so for a while they couldn't figure out whether the opponent was an enemy or a friend.

"Could it be that they want to form an alliance with us temporarily? That's a good idea!" The captain of this team knows about Long Aotian. Since the opponent is so strong, he has no intention of attacking for the time being, which means that the opponent may think the same as himself.

Long Aotian and the others saw that although the opponent had discovered him, he did not make a move. Instead, they showed signs of goodwill. They were stunned for a moment, and then they understood. It seems that the opponent misunderstood them. He killed the monster just now. It's just for practicing and not wanting to take advantage of others.

At this moment, Long Aotian and others have already approached each other, and the two sides stood still at a distance of ten meters, vigilant to each other, as for Long Aotian's side, it seems that the captain didn't intend to do it directly!Just waiting for Long Aotian's order.On the other side, they were also waiting for the other party to express their attitude. The two sides were silent for a while, and the scene was once awkward.

"Ahem! That Senior Long! Thank you very much for your help! I wonder if you would like to make friends? If we all form an alliance, the chances of survival will be greatly improved!" Finally, the captain spoke first, talking carefully with a dry smile.

As the saying goes, if you stretch out your hand and don't hit a smiling person, if you turn your back on the other party's attitude, you'd be embarrassed. Long Aotian rolled his eyes and thought about it.

"Oh~ want to make friends? It's fine, but because of my hometown, I have special requirements for making friends!" Long Aotian said slowly.

When the other party heard it, alas~ there is a joke!Quickly asked: "What special request?"

"In my hometown, there is a special custom that must be followed when making friends, that is, when a person really wants to be friends with you, he will tell you verbatim. Then, let me introduce myself next, and I hope we can abide by my custom." Long Aotian's expression was very serious, as if his hometown custom was as important as his life.

"That's no problem! Let me introduce myself first, my name is White! Besides, I know your name, senior, Long Aotian! Isn't that right!" the captain opposite said happily, this is not easy, I already know your name I just inquired about it. Although this custom is strange, it is relatively simple.

"No! This is just the abbreviation of my name, not my full name. Okay, I'll read your name first, and you can see if it's right?" Long Aotian cleared his throat, and then spoke in a correct voice. Slowly spit out the other person's name, "Huai~te~, right?"

White nodded quickly, "Yes! Yes!"

"Okay! Then it's your turn. I'll say my name now. Listen carefully! If you can't pronounce it then, it means you don't regard me as a friend!"

"...Okay!" White's eyes became more serious than ever. At this moment, he was staring at Long Aotian's mouth intently, for fear that the other party would say some weird words or utter some rare syllables.

"My name is... Long Storov~Vladimir~Ivanlov~Stanisto Bratossky~Salyevich~God!" Long Aotian It only took a second to say this long string of endless names.

As soon as this name was uttered, not to mention the other five people, even the other four on his side fell into a daze. .

"噗~嘻~嘻嘻咕~噗!" Liya couldn't help it first, and burst out laughing, and then hurriedly tried to restore her serious expression, but she couldn't help it, and had to cover her mouth with her hands .

Both Rabbi and Bob looked at Long Aotian in admiration, his ability to open his eyes and tell nonsense is invincible, who can come up with such a long name in such a short time and speak so fluently? !
The five people on the other side finally calmed down, and White was sweating profusely now, thinking: "The name of this shit is too long, and I read it so fast, I only remembered the first few words. Is it over?"

"What? White, it's up to you!" Long Aotian said seriously, there seemed to be a sense of expectation in his eyes.


"What? Can't you pronounce my name? It seems that you don't really want to make friends with me!"

"No no! I read... Longstorov. Vla... Vladimi... Vladimir... Ivan... Oops! I forgot later! Brother Long! Can you read it again? Read it again, give me a chance!" White stammered, really couldn't remember the rest, and couldn't help but said anxiously.

"No! It seems that you don't respect the traditions of my hometown, alas! I'm sorry, we can it!" Long Aotian gave an order, and the members resumed their fighting postures and rushed over.

White turned around, greeted the team members and ran!My team has just finished fighting the monsters, and the consumption is very high. In addition, I met Long Aotian's team who defeated Zhao Kun. If they don't run away, they can only be eliminated!

However, run, how can you run away!Long Aotian made up for the bullet that was knocked out just now, and fired five consecutive shots at the five people in front.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

Five emerald green bullets flew out with a slight gap almost at the same time, and the five members of White's team in front fell in response. The crazy growth of grass and vines entangled him for a while and could not escape.

Wood is the essence of life, not the main one. Although the calves of those people were injured, but under the nourishment of wood attribute, they didn't bleed much. I believe their injuries will get better soon after the bullets are taken out.

The team members quickly came close to knocking each other out, gaining five 80.00% energy blocks from them.

"Speaking of Captain, is your name really that long?" Paula asked curiously. She was probably the only person present who would ask such a question naively.

"How is it possible? That's obviously a lie! Isn't that right, Captain?" Rabbi immediately explained.

"Of course not! Now that the words are on the line, Rabbi, now is the time to test whether you are my friend!" Long Aotian threatened seriously.

"Fuck! Captain, you think I'm as easy to deceive as they are! I guess you can't repeat such a long name now if you repeat it yourself?"

"It seems to be the case! Haha!"

"Haha! But to be honest, captain, the moment you finished reading your name just now, I was really inexplicably caught laughing!" Liya couldn't help but feel a little funny when she thought of that moment just now.

In this way, the group chatted happily and headed towards the valley ahead. . .

(End of this chapter)

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