PUBG Mobile's Thriller Live

Chapter 437 Surrounded

Chapter 437 Surrounded
The four of Han Leyi locked their camera angles, and the opponents hurriedly searched for cover.

But there were two people who were very embarrassed because they happened to run to the side of the road before.

Then Han Leyi's car drove over. After Han Leyi parked the car, they ran to the middle.

So this is a tragedy. They don't know whether to run this way or turn back.

But fortunately, there is one thing to remember, and that is to find a bunker.

So the two chose the nearest tree, but on the opposite side of the road, they ran over madly.

All of a sudden, a team was dispersed, and the two who were running on the road were also hit.

If you don't shoot like this, but give the other party a chance to react, you are stupid.

Especially when the weapon still had the upper hand, Fang Keqing knocked down one with a single shot.

AWM's damage, hit the body with two shots, and the opponent happened to be hit twice by whoever was the first to hit.

So Fang Keqing didn't forcefully aim at the head, but made a prediction and shot the body, falling directly to the ground.

Of course, with AWM, she didn't waste bullets trying to make up for this guy.

It was Han Leyi who did the mending. At this moment, he directly installed an 416x lens on his M[-].

It looks extraordinarily clear, but he is not easy to hit.

Although it was a single shot, the recoil brought by the [-]x lens was still a bit heavy, so he chose to make up for the man on the ground.

Just hit the head with a few shots and kill the opponent directly.

It's just that at the beginning, before the battle, the other side experienced downsizing, which hurt them very much.

Moreover, if Han Leyi's M416 was not fully equipped, even Taohua and others would not have seen the extra M4 stock, this would not be the result.

For the M416, whether it is long-range or close-range shooting, it is not necessary to quickly expand the magazine, but the muzzle, grip, and butt are very important.

And if the shooting is the best, the muzzle compensator is still the muzzle compensator, because the recoil force reduced by the muzzle compensator is indeed too much.

With those three things, the M416 is simply a magic weapon among rifles.

It's just that Han Leyi is very unlucky now, he only has a vertical grip and no other accessories.

As for the magazine, I also picked up a quick magazine to recharge.

Although the quick magazine is not as good as the expansion magazine, let alone the quick expansion, it is better than nothing.

At least he's past the age of turning a blind eye to quick clips.

But the lack of two other very critical accessories resulted in his lack of combat effectiveness.

It's okay to shoot at close range, but at a long distance, especially if he is still equipped with an [-]x mirror, it is difficult to hit people.

If the fully equipped M416 is equipped with an [-]x scope, the first few bullets will be more stable for a single shot.

It is not fully equipped now, which caused the first few rounds to be not so stable.

Coupled with the fact that the damage has been reduced a lot, many people are unwilling to use the M4 with high power as a sniper rifle.

After all, it takes an average of five shots to kill a person, which is a bit too depressing.

Fortunately, the opponent was even more panicked than them, because Fang Keqing's marksmanship was very good.

And she ignored the one running over, but looked at the one opposite.

There are two more people on the opposite side, and the other side is a full formation of four people.

They spread out, so they didn't have many bunkers. If they wanted to fight down, they could only hold a tree by themselves.

And obviously, the opponent didn't want to be beaten directly.

Even if one is dead, they still want to fight back.

So they showed their heads unwillingly, and they understood that through the gunshots just now, it could be concluded that Fang Keqing was the only one who was a sniper.

Or only she has a sniper rifle and is still good AWM.

It is estimated that they saw it just now, but they did not lick it in the airdrop.

They who were at the beach naturally saw the airdrop just now.

It's just that they didn't compete in the past, because they didn't know if there was anyone in L City, after all, the airdrop was a bit far away.

It is obviously not worth giving up so much time searching for things just to lick the airdrop.

Moreover, there is a cliff under the nuclear power plant. It is impossible to refresh the ship on the cliff, so if they want to pick up the airdrop, they need to run far away and run down the cliff to find the ship.

And at that time, it will be close to L City, so it's not worth spending so much time.

So they gave up the airdrop in order to avoid conflict.

If they knew that there was AWM in the airdrop, they probably would not have given up.


Another shot, within 300 meters of the AWM, there is no need to raise the gun, just point and shoot.

The shot was headshot again. Since Fang Keqing only had twenty rounds of .[-] magnum bullets, she didn't like to make up for the enemy.

After all, there are still so many people alive now, even if [-] rounds of bullets are used for one shot, it doesn't look like enough.

So she just knocked people down, and didn't think about how to mend them.

Even if she wanted to make love, the other party directly lay down behind the tree, and she had nothing to do.

Their current terrain is very bad, and there is no other bunker except for the house.

Fortunately, the other party is far away from here, there is also a distance of 200 meters, otherwise Fang Keqing's [-]x mirror will not be easy to use.

But this situation without extra bunkers made it difficult for the two death squads, Taohua and Yiyi.

In their entire team, only Fang Keqing has an AWM.

The other three are all rifles. They found that the chance of refreshing sniper rifles in L City is very small, but the chance of refreshing sniper rifle accessories is very high.

If you want to search for a sniper rifle in L City, you'd better search the three big warehouses first.

If there are no sniper rifles in the three large warehouses, then don't hold out any hope.

They are just a bunch of accessories for sniper rifles, such as cheek rests and muzzles. They searched a lot.

Even Fang Keqing's AWM is fully equipped, but she is the only one who has a sniper, which makes it impossible for them to fight at a distance.

And the two of them are death squads, they are specially used to pull guns, how could they be trapped here.

Therefore, in order to play their role, Taohua and Yiyi got on the car again directly.

In such an unobstructed situation, it was impossible for them to run across the road.

So I had to drive a small yellow car to pull the gun line. Fortunately, there are a few trees on the other side of the road, which can block them.

As the little yellow car continued to drive there, it just went around them, causing the other party to panic.

Seeing the little yellow car start at this moment, naturally they wouldn't think that Han Leyi and the others were scared and wanted to run away.

After all, it is they who should be counseled at this moment, not Han Leyi and others.

In the three-on-four situation, the fallen one can only provide vision, so this is only a two-on-four situation.

They knew instantly that this was going to surround them.

(End of this chapter)

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