Cultivation Undefeated Upgrade

Chapter 664 Ten Thousand Possibilities!

Chapter 664 Ten Thousand Possibilities!

of course.

Wen has no first, Wu has no second.

If you really want to distinguish between superior and inferior, as one of the three major forces, Mercenary Immortal Realm should be able to rank in the real No. 1!

The reason is also very simple.

Because, among the three major forces, the frontal combat capability of the Mercenary Immortal Realm is the strongest.

The sky is big and the earth is big, the reason is the biggest?
If the truth in this sentence refers to the fist, it is not wrong.

Well, the one with the hardest fist is the real uncle. This principle is correct and not cruel.

In addition, speaking of this mercenary fairyland, in a narrow sense, it refers to a certain starfield located in the great wilderness fairyland.

Pure Yang True Immortal sits on the planet.

Da Luo Jinxian sits in the star field.

Generally speaking, to be called a star field, there must be at least [-] planets with owners in it. In other words, one Daluo Jinxian can drive at least [-] pure Yang Zhenxians.

As for the relationship between True Immortal and Golden Immortal...

Weaker, the true immortals of the first, second and third levels are almost like sons in front of the Daluo Jinxian. They have to do what they are asked to do. Of course, the true immortals of this level generally cannot have a The planet is used as a dojo, if there is one, they can be a bit tougher in front of Da Luo Jinxian.

Even, when faced with a life-and-death crisis request, you can say: No!

Going up, starting from the fourth floor of the real immortals, these real immortals are divided into two categories, those who have dojos and those who do not. the benefits of.

Just don't 'lion', don't take it too far.

Because, to be honest, if you are less than the ninth or tenth floor of the Pure Yang True Immortal, Daluo Jinxian and Chunyang True Immortal, in the final analysis, there is still a big difference in the realm, and they cannot be completely equal. Luo Jinxian, after paying a certain price, under normal circumstances, the existence of the eighth level of true immortals and below, even if they have a dojo, can still be killed.

Uh, that's a bit far-fetched.

Back to the present.

The mercenary fairyland in a narrow sense is also the headquarters of this great power at the same time, with at least ten Daluo Jinxians sitting in it. Therefore, after being connected together, compared with the ordinary star field, the mercenary fairyland is only on the territory. , to be much larger.

Not only that, the mercenary fairyland in a broad sense, as the leaders of the three major forces, is densely covered in the entire Great Wilderness Immortal Realm, almost everywhere, there are faint traces of them.

Oh, right.

Mercenaries, mercenaries, speaking of the business of this mercenary fairyland, it is to provide corresponding 'mercenary services' for those in need in the entire Great Wilderness Immortal Realm. The service content is very extensive, so as to charge a certain remuneration.

In addition to the mercenary fairyland, there are two other three major forces, one is called the money bank, and the other is called Tianzhidizhi.

At first glance, the name seems a bit weird.

actually not.

Wang Feng has already contacted the money bank, a big force, and this cosmic coin is what they made.

The last God Knows is a big force that sells news for a living. Compared with the other two, whether it is the Mercenary Immortal Realm or the Money Bank, its overall strength is slightly weaker.

It should be regarded as the youngest of the three major forces.


As a human being, you still have to see clearly.

As the saying goes, those who get information win the world.

If one day, the boss and the second of the three major forces, the mercenary fairyland and the money bank go to war, even if it is on the front, the currency bank is no match for the mercenary fairyland, if they can win over the heavens and the earth, and get some The key news is turning defeat into victory, not to mention sure, at least there is a lot to do.

Conversely, if the Mercenary Immortal Territory gets the help of Heaven's Knowing, it will be like a tiger with wings added, sweeping the currency bank, it can be said that it is a certainty.

Cough, cough... It seems that I still got off topic.

good cutting.

Let's talk about the present again.

The genius battle mentioned in the bronzing invitation.

The Mercenary Immortal Realm will host genius battles of various times in each era. At that time, the geniuses in the entire universe and the Great Wilderness Immortal Realm, whose strength and realm, as long as they are at the level of the Xiaoyao Tianxian, can participate in it .

The venue is located in the center of the mercenary realm in a narrow sense.

Through some methods, duel one by one.

Then, a corresponding ranking is arranged.

If you can rank among the best, you can get a lot of rewards from the mercenary fairyland.

Among them, there are pure yang magic weapons, peerless rare treasures, and miraculous medicines, which can be said to be extremely rich.

Speaking of it, in fact, money banks and heaven and earth know that in each era, similar competitions will be held, but unfortunately, the initiator and leader of this kind of thing is the mercenary fairyland, and it is one of the three major forces. in Big Brother.

When the two are superimposed, the genius battle in the mercenary fairyland becomes one of the few grand events in each era.

Not to mention the most influential.

For countless epochs, the Mercenary Immortal Territory has also recruited many talented cultivators through this method. Later, some of them became Chunyang True Immortals, and some became Daluo Jinxians...and some of them!
Even, the entire mercenary realm calculated that the current second-in-command of this great force was recruited by a certain era and a certain session of the genius war.


Speaking of this, the purpose of the talent war held by the mercenary fairyland is ready to come out. They select talents for their own sake. Bingxianyu, this great power, that is also possible~~~
After all, the twisted melon is not sweet.

In a mercenary fairyland with a big family and a big business, it doesn't hurt to recruit two or three monks with genius resources, and it doesn't hurt their vitality.

However, those who choose not to join are a minority after all. Under normal circumstances, it is a natural step to be able to perform well in the genius battle, and then be spotted by the mercenary fairyland, invited by them, and then enter it. process.

Thinking with your toes, the genius repair who joined the mercenary fairyland will be regarded as one of his own by this great force.

Since it is one of our own, it is natural to vigorously cultivate it, isn't it?
After thinking through these things thoroughly, Wang Feng has already made up his mind to participate in this talent competition held by this mercenary fairyland. It is even said that Wang Feng wants to join the mercenary fairyland a little bit.

As for the reason... don't take advantage of the bastard!
Wang Feng has enough self-confidence. Speaking of it, although he may not be Jun Ruoxian's opponent, at least at the level of Xiaoyao Tianxian, Wang Feng feels that he should be a rare opponent. If he wants to get a good one in the genius battle It shouldn't be such a difficult task.

The only thing that makes Wang Feng a little worried is...

look up.

Wang Feng looked at Jun Ruoxian.


After closing the bronzing invitation, Jun Ruoxian frowned, looking a little excited.

"Genius battle? Hehe, I was not born in the last genius battle. Unexpectedly, this time I finally caught up. Brother Feng, this time the genius battle, how about the two of us participating together?" Jun Ruoxian said .

Seeing that Jun Ruoxian did not object, Wang Feng was relieved.

Actually, as a member of the Jun family, it is impossible for Jun Ruoxian to ask her to join the Mercenary Immortal Realm. However, to participate in the genius battle they held, and win the first place, and then get rich rewards ...This, you can have.

It is not too late.

Calculated, there are still 100 years left before the start of this genius battle.

Still a long time?

If according to the current speed of the two of them, to rush to the location of the mercenary fairyland, multiply the time by one hundred, 1 years will not be enough, and it will be in vain.

Fortunately, the bronzing invitations sent to them by Jinxian Dapeng and Beiming Taoist are not only a passport to participate in the genius battle, but also a treasure that contains the way of time and space. Just a drop of blood on it can open a time and space. The channel allows Wang Feng and Jun Ruoxian to go to the mercenary fairyland in a very short time.

It is not too late.


After grabbing it, Wang Feng temporarily put Zimo into his system package.

tick tock ~~~ tick tock ~~~
Immediately afterwards, Wang Feng and Jun Ruoxian cut their fingers at the same time, and dripped a drop of blood on their respective invitations.

Changes happen.

Channel now!
At that time, Wang Feng and Jun Ruoxian looked at each other, and walked into this space-time passage hand in hand.



It has to be said that this bronzing invitation is not only taller than others, but the way of time and space contained in it, after being stimulated, Wang Feng sensed it, and through personal experience, Wang Feng came to a conclusion, that is, this opened space-time channel , compared to the space-time teleportation formation that was opened after passing through Taoist Wuya's avatar, it is much more brilliant.

It can be seen from this that the person who made the bronzing invitations is even more powerful than Taoist Wuya.

In addition, what Wang Feng sees right now is actually a manifestation of the way of time and space.

Ordinary people may not understand it.

However, is Wang Feng an ordinary person?
the answer is negative.

Because of this, Wang Feng saw the way from these seemingly meaningless scenes, but because of the reason of "Tao can be done, very Tao", Wang Feng can't say a specific reason, if he really wants to say, it is , Wang Feng saw it - [-] possibilities!

(End of this chapter)

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