Dark sugar is hard to prevent

Chapter 385 Thank you husband

Chapter 385 Thank you husband
Fu Shiyu was frying eggs, and the hangover soup was stewing in the stew pot beside him.

As soon as the fire was turned off and the fried eggs were not out of the pan, a pair of soft arms suddenly wrapped around her waist.

Tang Xien wrapped his arms around his waist, leaned his face on his back, and asked flatteringly, "Making breakfast? Thank you for your hard work, baby."

Without saying a word, he took the fried eggs out of the pan and started cutting toast and bacon for sandwiches.

Tang Xien wanted to please him, and immediately, like a cat, he rubbed his face against his back, and asked, "Did I vomit last night?"

Fu Shiyu still didn't speak.

Tang Xi'en guessed that he might be angry, so he gently withdrew his hand, carefully observing his side face: "Then I'll change my clothes first, and I'll come out for dinner later, okay?"

Still no response.

Tang Xi'en secretly sighed that something was wrong, and hurried to get changed in desperation.

After changing clothes and putting on makeup, Fu Shiyu was already sitting in his seat in the restaurant.

Tang Xi'en walked over to sit down with a smile, fixed his eyes on Fu Shiyu's face, observed his expression, subconsciously wanted to get the milk next to the dinner plate, but found that there was nothing in hand.

"Huh?" She looked down at the table, saw that Fu Shiyu had milk over there, but she didn't, and asked, "Do you want me to heat the milk myself?"

Fu Shiyu raised his face, which was looking at the tablet, and nodded his chin to the stew pot on the side of the dining table: "You drink hangover soup."

Seeing his expressionless face, Tang Xi'en felt even more uncertain, obediently poured himself a bowl of hangover soup and drank it, and began to eat sandwiches.

Compared with her drinking the hot hangover soup, Fu Shiyu, who had been sitting here for a while drinking warm milk, had breakfast soon.

He wiped the corners of his mouth with a tissue, and looked at her lightly.

Seeing this posture, she knew that he was going to lose his temper, so she quickly straightened her body.

Sure enough, in the next second, he asked, "Did I tell you that girls can't drink outside?"

She nodded vigorously and sincerely assured: "Yes! I swear, I will never drink outside again!"

She cooperated so much that the lines he had prepared became nonsense.

He cleared his throat, and then said, "Guarantees are useless, the point is how to prevent such things in the future."

"Huh?" Realizing that he had learned all his routines, Tang Xi'en laughed twice, and said cheerfully, "If there is another occasion like this in the future, I will bring you along and ask you to drink for me!"

When Fu Shiyu heard this, he realized that he was really helpless and funny.

Every time she does something wrong, she has a way to make him reflect and punish him, but when it's her turn, she just stuffs back what he's going to say next in a few sentences.

The main thing is that she still tells you with a smile, so that you can't lose your temper at all, and even with a straight face, you feel a little pretentious.

Facing her like this, Fu Shiyu also lost his temper, put away the seriousness on his face: "Just know, there will be another time, let's see how I deal with you!"

Tang Xien stuck out his tongue playfully as if he was about to receive an amnesty, ran to his side, and kissed him on the cheek flatteringly: "Thank you husband!"

This soft "husband" yelled so that Fu Shiyu's bones were going to be crisp.
After getting Fu Shiyu done, Tang Xien's heart was like a flying bird. After breakfast, he happily went to work.

If yesterday was just the first day at work, and the task was just to get familiar with the environment, then today, you should start to devote yourself to the intense work rhythm.

As soon as Tang Xien entered the office, he just took off his coat and was about to turn on the computer when Director Li's secretary came over and asked her to go to Director Li's office.She hurried over with her business folder.

Director Li should be worried that she will not be able to figure it out when she goes to work the next day, so he specially reminded her that the two more urgent cases are the preparations for the EU to impose anti-double tax on my country's fastener products exported to EU countries at the end of the year. WTO prosecution.

Tang Xien wrote down that after returning to the office, she called the members of the second office for a meeting. After learning about the progress of each link of the case and collecting all the documents and materials of the case, she was going to make a work arrangement for the case.

Most of the documents were in English, and the volume was huge. Tang Xien couldn't read each one carefully, but could only focus on the key points. That's it, it took a week.

During that week, she basically worked overtime every day until nine o'clock in the evening.Fu Shiyu didn't go back to eat at all. After getting off work from "Fu's" every day, he went to the design office to stay until Tang Xien could get off work, and he drove over to pick her up.

It's almost ten o'clock when the two of them get home, and it's almost twelve o'clock after they each take a shower, wash and dry their clothes, and do other things.After chatting in bed for a while, it's time to go to bed.

This kind of life lasted for a week, and before Fu Shiyu could say anything, Tang Xi'en himself felt something was wrong.She found that she had become a workaholic who basically had no time for herself except to eat and sleep.

She joked with Fu Shiyu, saying that she had already found a good partner, otherwise she would have become an old leftover woman if she was so busy.

Fu Shiyu laughed back that she looked like a picky old leftover girl now, she had to be married and have children before she could look like a healthy woman.

Sensing that he was engaged in a secret cheating marriage again, Tang Xi'en did not run away like before. Instead, he figured out when he could take a break from work and take a long vacation to get married.

After thinking about it, Fu Shiyu suddenly asked if there was any movement on Teng Zhongqian's side recently.

It was only then that Tang Xi'en remembered that Teng Zhongqian didn't look for her last weekend, and he didn't call her recently, as if he had disappeared.

Although nothing would happen to him, Tang Xi'en was still a little worried and was planning to call him tomorrow afternoon.

As a result, as soon as I got out of the office at work the next afternoon, I heard a few members of the department discussing in a low voice, saying that someone saw the dean of G Institute coming out of Director Li's office just now.

Tang Xi'en thought he had heard it wrong, so he immediately stopped his steps and asked, "President Teng of G Institute?"

The other party said: "Yes, it is the very young Dean Teng."

Another person asked: "Could it be that you have misjudged the person? What is the dean of G Institute here for?"

"I heard from Director Li's secretary who came in with the fruit that Dean Teng's eldest daughter works in our ministry..."

The people who heard the gossip were in an uproar: "Isn't it? The daughter of the dean of G Academy actually works here?"

"But there doesn't seem to be a colleague with the surname 'Teng' in the ministry..."

"That's weird. We don't know if it's a newcomer..."

Tang Xi'en felt embarrassed when he heard it, and couldn't take it anymore, so he hurried to the tea room to make his own coffee.As a result, the coffee had just been brewed and brought into the office, ready to continue fighting in the afternoon. Director Li's secretary came over and said that Director Li had something to do with her and asked her to come over now.

 Thanks to the following (August 8th) readers who voted monthly for this article: sally_hz20, Chen Jiaoyan, Miss Banlangen, wfmys68, Bumblebee, yvonne.shen! !Thank you very much!

  See you tomorrow!Goodnight everybody!

(End of this chapter)

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