Chapter 610

Qin Chu was an eye-opener today.

If she didn't know that this was a real couple in life, she would have thought it was a certain pair of actors on a reality show.

Aunt Wang still whispered to Li Miaolian from the side: "Don't tell me, your son-in-law is quite similar to Mr. Teng, and he loves his wife so much." In one sentence, she praised Tang Xi'en and Li Miaolian.

Li Miaolian blushed, and whispered: "Old Teng is very stubborn in private, sometimes I get angry..."

Aunt Wang only thought that this was a trouble of happiness, and she chuckled softly.

The two of them went to the living room with the baby in their arms. Qin Chu washed the baby bottle and observed the man eating breakfast while looking at the tablet from the corner of his eye.

But after only a few seconds of sizing up like this, Fu Shiyu grabbed the napkin and wiped the corners of his lips, and went upstairs.When he came down after a while, he had already changed into a formal dark suit.

He carried his briefcase and went to Aunt Wang's place, took the child and hugged and kissed him a few times before leaving.

Aunt Wang carried the baby and sent him out, all the way to the car, holding the baby's hand and waving to say goodbye to him.

The black Maybach with a prominent license plate drove out of the villa, and the antique copper carved door was slowly closed.

Qin Chu folded his arms and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the black Mercedes that disappeared from sight, lost in thought...

Aunt Wang came in with the child in her arms. Seeing her standing in this position, she immediately guessed that Fu Shiyu, who was looking out the door, narrowed her eyes, but she didn't say much. When she passed by her, she said something : "Is it time to train the child?"

Qin Chu came back to his senses and took the child from Aunt Wang.

Aunt Wang followed them into the guest room.


Autumn goes to winter, time flies to December.

The first snow in City B is going to be late this year. It’s the beginning of December and there’s no sign that it’s going to fall. The whole city transitions from late autumn to early winter. All the maple mountains are dyed golden.

Tang Xi'en will take the team to Geneva for a new round of negotiations on December [-]rd, and it will take a week to come back. She has started arranging the feeding of the child a few days earlier.

Considering all aspects, she suggested that Fu Shiyu live in the hot spring community for a week, Aunt Wang will help take care of the children at night, and he will go to work during the day, so that Qin Chu can go to the hot spring community to help take care of the children.

Fu Shiyu didn't agree at first, saying that it was fine for him to take care of the child alone at night, and he didn't need Aunt Wang's help at all. Tang Xi'en insisted, but after thinking about it, he seemed to understand the reason for her doing so.

That's right, Tang Xi'en still kept a hand.

Although she trusted Fu Shiyu, she didn't trust Qin Chu.

What if Fu Shiyu was alone in the villa with his children at night and Qin Chu knocked on the door late at night?
Fu Shiyu definitely wouldn't open the door to let Qin Chu in, but Tang Xien didn't want Qin Chu to have such a chance.

So it was the safest and most secure way for Fu Shiyu to take the child to live with her natal family.There is Teng Zhongqian in charge of her natal family, and no monsters or ghosts can enter the house.

Like all men, Fu Shiyu didn't like to live in his wife's natal home, let alone bring his children to live there when his wife was away.But he wanted to understand Tang Xien's intentions, and in order to let her have no worries, he readily agreed.

After arranging everything, Tang Xien boarded the flight to Geneva without worry.

On the day of departure, Fu Shiyu asked Ji Nan to drive their family of three to the airport, and took the child all the way to see her off.

She entered the security check crying, and after she entered, she frequently looked back at the father and son who stood there and waved goodbye to her.

Since the child was born, she has never left him for a day.

On this trip to Geneva, I was reluctant to part with the child and his father.

 The child is sick today. I will be in the hospital in the afternoon and take care of the child in the evening. I will not have time to write until after ten o’clock.

  Tomorrow night's update is still after 11 o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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