Zhuangda Tang Juvenile Lang

Chapter 146 God of Gamblers

Chapter 146 God of Gamblers
This table is for dice betting. The dealer rolls the dice, and then the gamblers place their bets. It is simple and clear. This is why Qin Feng came to this table. It is not convenient to cheat in other places.

Qin Feng's gambling skills are seven senses and six senses, and he still doesn't know one thing. Although he can tell the position by listening to the wind, it is still difficult for him to hear the points from the shaking sound of the dice.

Those who can hear the number of points from the sound of dice have either been immersed in this way all year round, or they are masters.

However, just because Qin Feng doesn't understand, doesn't mean he can't hear.

Qin Feng's generous shot, coupled with that school of arty and elegant Confucian costumes, his current image is a standard nouveau riche.

The dealer pretended to look up at Qin Feng intentionally or unintentionally, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, thinking that finally a big fish came to his door.

After rolling the dice, the dealer put the bone cup on the table and shouted: "Buy big and open big, buy small and open small, buy and leave, at your own risk!"

Qin Feng didn't take it seriously, and took out five taels of silver cakes and bet them on Xiaoshang.

"Open!" The banker lifted the bone cup and said loudly: "Four four, it's eleven o'clock!"

After Qin Feng lost a couple of dollars, the banker held the money in front of him with a smile, shook the bone cup, and patted it on the table: "Buy it and leave it, buy it and leave it."

Qin Feng casually threw a banknote into Xiaoshang.

"Open! Six five, fourteen o'clock!"

Gambling with dice depends on speed, there is no technical content, the main thing is luck, and the outcome is mixed.Qin Feng lost even two bets. The second time he bet two bets, as if he had identified a small bet, he ended up betting big again.

With a [-]/[-] chance, Qin Feng lost in a row, so he was really lucky.

In the fourth bet, Qin Feng bet four or two small, but it turned out to be big!

In the fifth bet, Qin Feng bet [-] small, but he still played big!

In the sixth bet, Qin Feng bet 100 taels, and it was big again.

Before betting money every time, Qin Feng would close his eyes.

When it was the seventh round, Fang Yiai smiled wryly and said, "Master, let's go! If we continue to gamble, we will lose all our money."

"What are you afraid of?" Qin Feng said with deep meaning: "It's not our money."

Fang Yiai was speechless, it was indeed not their money, when they entered the door, they met a potbellied businessman covered in copper smell, he was wearing gorgeous clothes, fat as a pig, ten fingers were wearing different At that time, Qin Feng pretended to bump into that person unintentionally, and started a no-cost business!
When the two of them counted it up, good guy, there are hundreds of silver cakes and three pearls.

"It's just..." Fang Yiai thought speechlessly: It's not her own money, nor is it a bet like this!Although he is also a person who gambles and loses nine times, he is not so self-willed!

Qin Feng chuckled, and said extremely narcissistically: "Your master, I was naughty when I was young, and I accidentally became handsome. The goddess of luck will always prefer handsome people, don't worry!" I have known Li Shimin for a long time, that day The narcissistic demeanor is imitated almost exactly.

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was speechless.

I've seen narcissists, but I've never seen such narcissists.After makeup, Qin Feng's face was pale and livid with excessive indulgence, and his outline barely smacked of handsome, chic?Hey, it doesn't match up.

Qin Feng took out dozens of taels of silver cakes and continued to place bets. The banker looked at Qin Feng with a smile and said, "Master, you don't seem to be lucky today. You lost six hands in a row." He didn't care whether Qin Fengying was handsome or not. Chic or not, rich people are the most handsome in his eyes.

"There's always a time for luck!" Qin Feng said nonchalantly: "Besides, master, I have a lot of money, so what is a few thousand taels of silver cake?"

"That's that, that's that." The dealer nodded again and again, but his heart burst into laughter, thinking that since you said that, then I will not be polite, and I will not be named Zhuang if I don't kill you today!

This is a small bet every time, obviously a stubborn one. As a casino veteran, it is okay to use a little trick when rolling the dice. Lose again.

"Small!" Unsurprisingly, Qin Feng really bet on Xiao, and the result is self-evident.


Lose again!


Still lose!
After more than a dozen handfuls, the silver cakes in Fang Yi'ai's hands were clean and smooth, not even crumbs.

"What's the price of this pearl?" As soon as the crystal clear pearl came out, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The dealer took a look, and there was a flash of greed in his eyes. He suppressed the greed in his heart and said, "80 taels of silver cake!"

"Fuck your mother, this is a top-quality South Sea pearl, at least it's worth three hundred!" Fang Yiai, who had endured for a long time, was furious.

The dealer didn't take it seriously, and said indifferently: "At most one hundred."

"You!" Fang Yiai ran away, almost getting up and beating someone.

"Oh?" Qin Feng stopped Fang Yiai with a wave of his hand, and said, "Calm down, we are rich people, we just want to have fun when we come out to play. Don't care, don't care. One hundred is one hundred, and here I am Pearl Three A total of three hundred."

"Enough is refreshing!"

The dealer praised him while rolling the dice happily, and asked, "Remand?"

Qin Feng smiled slightly, and drew half a circle on the gambling table with his big hand, betting the three pearls to the other side.


Various gasping sounds came and went.

Because of Qin Feng's strange flower and his big bets, until now, only Qin Feng and the banker are in the game.

This time, Qin Feng bet pearls worth 300 taels of silver cakes in one go, which is a rare gamble even in Wanjia Casino.

Before they knew it, there were hundreds of people around them, and the gamblers booed for a while. It seems that gambling is more interesting than gambling by yourself.

The dealer's mouth twitched slightly, and he forced a smile and said, "Why did the master change his mind?"

Qin Feng shook his head and said: "Master, I am happy, can you control it?"

The dealer nodded with a smile, opened the bone cup, and shouted: "Four five six, fifteen o'clock!"

"Yeah!" Fang Yiai yelled from the side, threw herself on the gambling table, and hugged a large amount of silver cakes to her chest. Seeing that Qin Feng had finally won, she smiled and clapped her hands and said, "Master!" You are amazing!"

"Master, do you bet big or small this time?" The dealer rolled the dice again and looked at Qin Feng with a smile.

"Gaoyang Green..." This is Qin Feng's temporary name for Fang Yiai. Fang Yiai doesn't know what it means, but she also knows that it's not a good thing. Although the objection is invalid, she also objected for a long time, and now she hears Qin Feng like this Salutation, the face is green.

"All bets..." Qin Feng leaned back and said casually, "Small!"

Fang Yiai had no choice but to push out a pile of silver cakes and pearls that hadn't been heated yet.

The dealer twitched: "Why did the master change again this time?"

"Master, do I still need to ask you if I bet big or small?" Qin Feng sneered, licked his mouth, and said: "The goddess reminds me that betting small will win!" The bone cup opened, one or two, six o'clock small.

"Haha!" Qin Feng laughed wildly: "I said that the goddess of luck favors you, but you still don't believe it. The heights are extremely cold!"

Through the previous ten or twenty, Qin Feng has already heard what he knows by virtue of his extraordinary ears.

Ever since, the silver cakes in front of him piled up like a snowball. Every time Qin Feng made a bet, he would put all his capital and winning money on it, and he would get a silver ticket of the same value every time.

From six hundred, to one thousand and two, then to two thousand and four, and then to four thousand and eight...

After playing a few times, the banker's forehead was covered with cold sweat, his hands shaking the dice began to tremble, and his eyes looking at Qin Feng were like the most terrifying nightmare.

Seeing how brave and lucky Qin Feng is, the gamblers at the nearby gambling table also ran over to play Qiufeng.In this short period of effort, the gambling house has already lost tens of thousands of taels of silver cake.

Although the banker in front of him has some unique skills, but after all, he is working for others, and a monthly salary of a few taels is not bad. Now that he has lost so much, if his boss finds out, he will definitely not be able to get it right.

After playing two more games, the bank notes in Qin Feng's hand increased to more than 3 taels of silver cakes!At this time, Qin Feng found a person walking out of the gambling hall. He was about fifty years old. He had a thin face, a tall and slightly hooked nose, and a clear outline. It was an unusual figure, and the two met each other's eyes, and the latter showed a friendly smile.

Qin Feng whispered to Fang Yiai: "Who is that old man in the upper right corner?"

Fang Yiai glanced at it and nodded, "He is the shopkeeper of Wanjia Casino, Feng Buping!"

Qin Feng smiled slightly. It seems that this gambling house is more stingy than imagined. He has only won more than 3 in a row, making the dealer unable to control the game, and has already attracted this big boss.

Wait for the dealer to roll the dice!
Qin Feng asked Fang Yiai to directly suppress the 400 taels.

This extravagant handwriting directly caused the surrounding gamblers to scream.

The dealer's face was stiff. So far, he has lost no less than 5 taels of silver pie.Knowing his own family affairs, he knew that this game was another gamble that he would definitely lose. Thinking of the huge amount, he had already lost the courage to open the cup.

"Open it! Why don't you open it?" Qin Feng said with a joking smile: "Is there something shady?"


"Why not open?"



The gamblers who followed Qin Feng to place bets started booing one after another, and the whole scene seemed to be out of control.

"Sun Xing! Why don't you open the cup? We are clear and clear, winning is winning, and losing is losing." Feng Buping walked over and took the place in the family village.

"Feng Ye! I..."

Feng Buping waved his hand and said, "You're tired, you should rest long ago."

"Yes, yes, yes... Xiaodi is really tired." Feng Buping made a pun, which made Sun Xing's complexion turn pale.After walking a few steps, he fell to the ground with a bang and passed out.It's just that people are paying attention to the gambling game, and no one cares about the life and death of this unlucky ghost.

"If everyone doesn't mind, how about Feng X coming to drive?" Although Feng Buping was asking everyone, but Feng Buping stared at Qin Feng, everyone knew that he was asking Qin Feng.


"Okay!" Feng Buping smiled slightly, and lifted the lid of the cup.

"Wow haha!" Fang Yiai let out a strange laugh when she saw it, yes, Qin Feng won again.

That's right, Qin Feng won again!Thirty-eight thousand and four, doubled all at once, becoming seventy-six thousand and eight!

(End of this chapter)

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