Zhuangda Tang Juvenile Lang

Chapter 548 Meeting

Chapter 548 Meeting
After another four or five miles, the group came to a huge village.

At this time, the whole village was lit up with flames, illuminating the snowy night like daytime.

It is not appropriate to say that it is a village, because it was built entirely as a licensed military castle.The entire castle is built of earth and stone, surrounded by a moat in front of the castle, like a small military town, above the city gate, stands a huge plaque with the words "City of Loyalty" written on it.

The moat drawbridge has been lowered, and the city gates are wide open.

Hundreds of meters away from the castle, dozens of people lined up, as if they had been waiting for a long time.

"Qin Feng of the Tang Dynasty has seen all the national heroes and national warriors!" Qin Feng stepped forward quickly, one step ahead of others, and bowed to the ground.

"I can't help it, the general ruined a certain family."

A burly man stepped forward, avoiding Qin Feng's great gift, and returned it respectfully. This man's burly body is as stable as Mount Tai, his eyes are like gods, and he is not angry but majestic.

He is Qiu Man's father, formerly named Chu Huaizhong, a captain of the Sui Army. Chu Huaizhong is 50 years old this year and joined the army at 16.Years of battles on the battlefield have made him a man as strong as steel, and because of his integrity and kindness to everyone living outside, he is deeply respected and loved by the people in the city.

Although it was the first time they met each other, they were no strangers. During this period of time, they had been exchanging letters, and they had been known for a long time.

"Why not? You are the heroes of the nation. You have sacrificed most of your life for the cause of the nation. If brother Qiu Man hadn't found Chang'an, the heroes would have died together with the grass and trees. No one would have known that deep in the mountains, there was a group of people who were loyal to the nation." The hero is guarding the loyalty in my heart. As a high-level official of the Central Plains Dynasty, as the royal family's son-in-law, I, Qin Feng, salute the hero on behalf of the royal family and the people living in the Central Plains. You have worked hard! At the same time, I also apologize to everyone, I Qin Feng came late."

Seeing Qin Feng performing nine big salutes in a row, everyone's eyes were moist since Chu Huaizhong, as if the desperate fight with Goguryeo soldiers came to mind...

The flags are flying, the corpses are piled up like mountains, the blood flows into rivers, and the mountains are flying across... This is the heroic style of this indomitable army!
Chu Huaizhong wiped a handful of heroic tears, and said loudly in a trembling voice: "Brothers, did you see it? Our relatives are here. The Master Wang we have been looking forward to is here. You can rest in peace."

On the city wall, I saw countless survivors standing there, old and young, men and women, all of them had surprises and disbelief on their faces.

For decades, this is the first time they have met their relatives in the Central Plains and compatriots.And the arrival of this great general also indicates that they have the hope of returning to their homeland, although some people have never set foot on their homeland, after all, it is the homeland of their ancestors!
"General, please!" After a long time, the iron-like man held Qin Feng's hand, stepped onto the suspension bridge together, and entered the castle with firm steps.

"Long live Huaxia!" Suddenly, these adherents roared loudly at the same time.

The voice is majestic and heroic, going straight to the sky!

"Long live Huaxia!" The four words echoed in the night sky for a long time.

City Lord's Mansion!Wangnan Building,
The guests and hosts sat down, and in order to welcome Qin Feng, the great general, Zhongyi City held a grand banquet, and all the prominent figures in Zhongyi City attended to accompany them.

"The general worked tirelessly and came from Chang'an and Youzhou, which are not far away. It is really, really touched Chu." Although the entourage sent by Qiu Man said that Qin Feng, a famous man, would come to visit in person, but Chu Huai Zhong and the others were still skeptical. They were born in the last years of the Sui Dynasty when treacherous officials were in power, and they didn't think that a high-ranking and noble-born chief executive, general, and son-in-law would risk their lives to go deep into the tiger's den.However, when Qin Feng really appeared in front of them, they realized that this new dynasty was very different from the one they lived in. "Chu has a toast to the general, please!"

"Please!" Qin Feng raised his cup and drank it down.

"Cheerful!" Chu Huaizhong and others pointed their fingers up in praise.

After drinking for three rounds, the chatter was opened.

Because the origin of Qin Feng has been introduced almost, Chu Huaizhong also briefly introduced their situation: It is not much different from what Qiu Man said. They are all refugees left by Yang Guang's three campaigns in Goguryeo. The Yanhuang blood lurking in a foreign country who cannot return home.

In order to survive, they gathered together and formed a self-reliant group tribe, which was commensurate with the clan and was like a family. They overcame the harsh environment and survived tenaciously.It's just that Goguryeo hated the Central Plains, and regarded them as a thorn in the flesh, and constantly squeezed and suppressed them.In the end, they were forced to go to the most dangerous and vast Taibai Mountain.

Taking advantage of the terrain of Taibai Mountain, under the leadership of the leader Chu Huaizhong, they repeatedly intercepted Goguryeo who intended to go to Taibai Mountain to kill them, and gained a firm foothold in Taibai Mountain.Self-reliance and self-improvement have survived and developed continuously, including nearly 3 people, including men, women and children.

After Qin Feng toasted again and again, Chu Huaizhong didn't say how he overcame all difficulties and survived, but it can be imagined that it must be full of hardships and hardships, and he could only come to this point after paying the baptism of blood and tears.

Chu Huaizhong also heaved a long sigh when he recalled the past.

During the dinner, they also asked about the situation in the Central Plains. It was a lie to say that they missed their homeland after a long absence.

Qin Feng talked about the situation in the Central Plains as everyone wished. He started with Yang Guang’s three conquests of Goguryeo: Compared with telling historical stories, no one in the world is more qualified than him. He who once had the vision of God can know everything that happened at that time. For big events, choose the key points and jump to talk.

The expressions of Chu Huaizhong and others changed with the ups and downs of the story, as if they were in it.

Especially when it comes to the Battle of Hulao, Li Tang was in a critical situation, with Wang Shichong's army restraining him before and Dou Jiande's army pressing down on him, and even more anxious, his breathing became short of breath.He is from Guanzhong, and his personal emotions are also inclined to Li Tang in Guanzhong.

But when he heard that in the end, Qin Wang Li Shimin turned the tide and defeated the [-] Dou Xia army with [-] soldiers, he couldn't help cheering.

Later, he was angry at Turkic madness, happy at being able to defeat Turkic, and listened with gusto.When Qin Feng talked about Datang's policies and the recent series of anti-corruption campaigns, everyone was very happy and yearned for the Central Plains world.After all, relatively speaking, Taibai Mountain is too small.

After the meal, Qin Feng, Xuan Bing and several main figures of Zhongyi City gathered in the secret room to discuss matters.Originally, Chu Huaizhong asked Qin Feng to rest for one night and discuss it tomorrow, but Qin Feng firmly disagreed, and everyone lamented Qin Feng's resolute style of work, and obeyed his wishes.

"Although the Tang Dynasty couldn't raise troops immediately, His Majesty cared about Zhongyi City very much, and he missed everyone very much. He was worried about any harm to Zhongyi City, so he appointed a general personally and transferred me from the position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials to the Chief of Youzhou. Specially responsible for the affairs of Goguryeo and you. The reason why I came here is to have two missions. First, to pay homage to the heroic spirits on behalf of His Majesty; second, to discuss major plans with you; third, to bring Goguryeo Turn him upside down."

Chu Huaizhong bowed deeply and said: "Your Majesty and the general are so kind, we will always remember it in our hearts. Turning Goguryeo upside down is what we have been looking forward to, but we also have concerns."

"Old and weak women and children?" Qin Feng asked.

Chu Huaizhong said: "We almost all have family members. The reason why we have not acted for so long is not because we are afraid of death, but because we are dragged by our family members. In this regard, does His Majesty the Tang Dynasty have any instructions?"

"Your Majesty understands General Chu's concerns very well, and this is the reason why I was transferred to Youzhou!" Qin Feng coughed lightly and said, "To tell you the truth, Qin has deployed [-] soldiers on the border. It is to deter Goguryeo, and secondly, it is to receive your family members. Goguryeo is now divided into two, and the north is controlled by the weak Rongliu Wang Gao Jianwu. Although Gao Jianwu has won certain victories, his strength is far inferior to Yuan in the south Shi, in order to fight Yuan Shi to the end, he is seeking the support of my Tang Dynasty, and my Majesty Tang Dynasty has issued two conditions, first, to dismantle Jingguan; Youzhou. Gao Jianwu was afraid that the Tang Dynasty and the Yuan clan would jointly wipe it out. At present, he has agreed to the second condition, so don’t worry about the family members. As for the demolition of Jingguan? Gao Jianwu has been delaying in order to appease the soldiers. Answer, however, the consensus between His Majesty and me is: do it yourself."

"Do it yourself?"

"How did the heroes come, we have to use what method to welcome back the loyal bones. Only by killing Goguryeo so that blood flows into rivers and corpses pile up like mountains, can the heroic spirits under the nine springs rest in peace. Hmph, let the Goguryeo people dismantle them? Is there no one in China? There is a meaning to being sneaky." Qin Feng's suppressed bravery and blood were all released, as if he had changed into a different person. The whole person was domineering and arrogant. A group of chicken tile dogs.

He is not very old, but he is already a general commanding a hundred thousand soldiers. In the past two years of military career, after these years of life and death, leading the army and leading the generals, he has cultivated a leader's demeanor, and he can subdue others without fighting. .The words came out of my mouth, giving me an irresistible thought.

Everyone was moved at this moment.

"That's right, this is the only way to be interesting and meaningful."

Stimulated by Qin Feng, the young generation headed by Qiu Man all had red eyes,
Mouths open, eyes staring, expressions distorted, all excited and excited.

No matter civil or military, this good man, ten years of hard work, ten years of blood and sweat, what he wants is to let the blood of the enemy wash away the hatred and shame of his predecessors.

Chu Huaizhong also thought of the heroic ambition they had when they joined the army more than 20 years ago for the benefit of the common people. They were all flushed with excitement, tears streaming down their cheeks, and their hearts were like a tossing river and sea, and they couldn't calm down.

(End of this chapter)

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