Chapter 579

"You, you are the Great General Huben of the Tang Dynasty, the Great General Champion, and Qin Feng, the chief executive of Youzhou?" After being covered in cold sweat, Gao Jianwu came to his senses in a trance, took a deep breath, and did it respectfully. He saluted and said, "Gao has great admiration for the great achievements of the Great General Qin. Today, Gao was convinced by defeat. However, Gao has always been on good terms with the Great Tang, and has never lost respect for the Central Plains Dynasty. Not long ago..."

"Stop!" Qin Feng frowned, and snorted coldly: "Why have you always been friends? Do you think I am a three-year-old child? In the previous dynasty, you Gao Jianwu led thousands of soldiers and horses to defeat the great general of the Sui Dynasty. In the seventh year of Wude, I sent Shen Shu'an, Minister of the Ministry of Justice, to Goguryeo, and canonized you Gao Jianwu as the king of Shangzhu Kingdom, Liaodong County, and King of Goryeo. In order to improve your cultural knowledge of Goguryeo, I also sent Taoist priests to bring Tianzun statues As well as Taoism, I will teach you the Taoist classic "Laozi", but you, you not only did not have an audience, but also closed the roads, so that Silla and Baekje could not enter the pilgrimage, and you never once invaded Xinluo who was loyal to our Tang Dynasty. Ra and Baekje; in addition, not long ago, you and Eulji Mundeok planned to build a Great Wall stretching for more than 1000 miles in the border town. Gao Jianwu, if you are loyal, what are you doing building the Great Wall? Tang, even the past dynasties have never taken the initiative to attack a country loyal to us. You must be aware of it. If so, why are you building the Great Wall? This just shows that your ambition is not dead. on the active offensive side."

In one conversation, Gao Jianwu was sweating coldly. The first two things were easy to talk about, but the plan to build the Great Wall was just a discussion between him and a limited number of confidantes. Qin Feng even knew about it?Gao Jianwu suddenly became uneasy.

"Besides, when did you Goguryeo surrender to the Central Plains Dynasty?" Qin Feng snorted coldly: "During the Three Kingdoms period, when Cao Wei was powerful, you flattered Cao Wei like dogs, but once Cao Wei withdrew, your Goguryeo terminated the cooperation with Cao Wei In 244, Cao Wei counterattacked and destroyed Wandu City. King Dongchuan of Goguryeo fled to Woju and begged for peace like a dog; in 313, King Meichuan of Goguryeo annexed the last of the four counties of Han Dynasty, Lang County, since then, with the help of the civil war in the Central Plains, you have continuously annexed the territory that originally belonged to the Central Plains Dynasty; After the withdrawal, you bastards who don't know what loyalty and shame are, immediately turned your face, and then a flood of water wiped out 30 Sui soldiers. You ambitious people descended from the sky and launched a fierce attack on the Sui army. The hungry Sui The army was completely unable to fight any more, and all the armies collapsed at the first touch and fled. Sa Yazi ran for hundreds of miles until he escaped the pursuit of the Goguryeo army until the Yalu River. Only 30 of the 700 troops who crossed the Yalu River fled back to Liaodong. Supplies are lost."

As Qin Feng reported Goguryeo's shameless deeds one by one like a few treasures, the generals who didn't know much about Goguryeo's family history were blown up. If Qin Feng's military orders were not strict, I am afraid someone would have yelled loudly.

"Hey! Gao Jianwu, our Central Plains Dynasty has given you opportunities again and again, and you don't know how to cherish them. You should never have invaded a large area of ​​our land. What kind of benevolence, righteousness and morality are of no use to you. It's also useless. You have to write these letters if you don't write them, and you have to write them anyway. My patience has a limit, so I'll give you half an hour to think about it. Hey, if you don't cooperate, don't blame me for being rude. Yes. You must be very clear about Jieli’s fate, I have plenty of ways to put you in a dilemma.” At this point, Qin Feng smiled evilly, and said to Hou Zhong: “Mr. Hou, I invite you to check the letter. If he dares not to write, or procrastinates, or deliberately writes a code, then, if he finds out once, he will stab me once, and if the time exceeds a moment, he will cut off one of his feet. If he delays the second time, then give him to me. Castrated."

"I heard that a knife is needed to castrate a man," Cheng Chumo stared at Gao Jianwu's lower body maliciously, and suddenly said, he pointed to the Tang knife on his waist, "Mr. Hou, I can lend you this knife."

"Okay, please ask the general to join me later." Hou Zhong said very relieved.

"Idiot. How creative you are to use a knife! I prefer to use a hammer." Qin Feng glanced at Gao Jianwu maliciously, until the latter turned pale with fright, and said: "You can imagine the appearance of hammering an egg with a hammer, There is a sense of anticipation. By the way, prepare me a hammer and a person, and I will demonstrate it to you.”

"Here!" Cheng Chumo, who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, went out in person, and after a while, brought the hammer and a bad luck ghost in.

"Look out!" Qin Feng took the hammer and asked a few people to push the unlucky ghost to the ground, ignoring the man's struggle and begging for mercy.

With a "bang", the hammer in Qin Feng's hand fell heavily between the man's legs. The man screamed and passed out...

In front of Gao Jianwu, he took off the man's pants, looked at the bloody crotch, and all the men present couldn't help buttocks tightened and shrank back.

"Cut it off, it's all broken."

"General, let the future come." Handing over the task to his deputy, Wang Haokai, who hurried over, smiled sinisterly.

Qin Feng waved his hands indifferently, and said, "As long as you don't die."

Wang Haokai's ancestry is estimated to be the "sword and axeman" of Jamsil. He quickly completed the "operation" and then inserted a small piece of white wax into the urinary tract...

Qin Feng watched it with great interest. He has been curious about how eunuchs purify their bodies since hundreds of years ago, and now he has finally witnessed this process. Although the eunuchs did not do it, Wang Haokai's methods must be more professional than those eunuchs!He sighed and sighed, saying that the level of surgical operations performed by the Chinese nation is far higher than he imagined.

After the operation, Qin Feng patted Wang Haokai on the shoulder full of praise, "I really didn't expect you to have such a skill. After retiring from the military, I recommend you to go to the palace to do this kind of thing."

Wang Haokai: "..."

"Gao Jianwu, time is limited, you can figure it out yourself."

Through many inquiries, Qin Feng knew that Gao Jianwu had two major gates of life, the first was greed for life and fear of death, and the second was lust for sex, so he gave a physiology class in front of Gao Jianwu.

Seeing it with his own eyes, Gao Jianwu was really scared, and he said with a trembling voice: "I write, I just write."

A man, especially the king of a country, who urinates incontinently in front of dozens of eyes, is not far from collapse.

Gao Jianwu really didn't dare to be strong, he didn't even say anything about the scene, but according to Qin Feng's intention, he wrote out a few "sacred decrees" that fooled the Biancheng Lord to return to the "Dynasty" and reuse them.

In addition, the person designated by Qin Feng was also appointed as the chief general and chief officer of the border town, not only the border town, but also the chief generals of other strategic fortresses, and he was also transferred back to the inner city to take up "important positions", and the successors were all played by Tang Jun , This also means that once the handover is achieved, the entire North Goguryeo will fall under the control of the Tang army without any accident.

In order to avoid nights and dreams, Qin Feng dismantled the Huben Army and ensured that each strategic point had two soldiers stationed there. The three main cities of Liaodong, Xincheng, and Anshi even arranged 500 soldiers in two ways: light and dark. .

As for Xuantu, Hengshan, Gaimu, Momi, Liaodong, Baiyan, Beisha, Maigu, Yinshan, Houhuang, Jian'an and other cities located in key locations, a lot of manpower was also allocated.

At the same time, Qin Feng ordered his personal guards to bring his handwritten order, Gao Jianwu's surrender letter to the Tang Dynasty, and the letter of request for help, and sent them to Chen Bing at the border. Luotong, who was conducting exercises, ordered him to pay close attention to the three Changes in important towns, once the time is right, let him take down the three cities as quickly as possible, after stabilizing the three cities, quickly go south, and then recover Goguryeo city by city like pulling out a nail.

"Don't worry, since you cooperate so much, I can guarantee your safety. My Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty has always been very kind to defectors! His Majesty can tolerate even Xieli, let alone you Gao Jianwu, you There is nothing left in Goguryeo, go to Chang'an and live your beautiful life with peace of mind."

After finishing his work, Qin Feng enlightened Gao Jiangong who seemed to have aged ten years all of a sudden.After the arrangements were made, Qin Feng asked Gao Jianwu to be taken down to watch the prison.

At this moment, a shrewd and capable general walked up to Qin Feng and said, "General, all four city gates have been taken down now. Because of our adequate preparations, no one in the city escaped, and the subordinates are still waiting." A large amount of gold, silver and jewels were found in the secret room of the palace and the mansions of Ulji Wendeok and other high-ranking officials. After counting, there are fifty large boxes. They have all been sent to a side hall of the palace, and the personal guards are personally guarding them."

"Great!" Qin Feng was overjoyed when he heard that, these fifty boxes of jewels were really a windfall.He thought about it for a moment, frowned, and said to Xue Rengui, Chu Huaizhong and others: "Generals, we have taken the inner city now, and the Goguryeo army has almost been wiped out by us, so there is no news in a short time. It will be leaked, and the domestic city is also safe, but there is no impenetrable wall in the world, and we cannot guarantee that no fish will slip through the net. Now, we only need to leave a thousand loyal soldiers and my personal guards in the city just in case. The defense is temporarily in charge of me and Qiuman, with Mr. Hou assisting. Rengui, Chumo, and Wang Haokai will take all the soldiers away. Your task is to take down the cities around the inner city and occupy strategically important places for the inner city. Escort for Luo Tong and the others to successfully enter the inner city. As for General Chu Huaizhong, please send someone to bring all the [-] soldiers who stayed in Zhongyi City to the inner city. Rebellion. Alright, time is running out for everyone. Everyone has worked hard and strived to win the major strategic locations before the enemy's general finds out. It's no secret that Gao Jianmu and Ulji Mundeok are at odds among Goguryeo high-ranking officials. You can make a big fuss here, and if you can win it without bloodshed, that would be the best thing."

"Here!" The generals said goodbye in high spirits.

(End of this chapter)

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