Chapter 1080
It was rare for Jiang Jingze to talk so much.

Every time he said a word, Zhang Qianhai's hand holding the knife trembled a little.

In the end, the whole person was shaking like chaff.

With a bang, the butcher's knife fell to the ground.

Zhang Qianhai burst into tears.

"I hate, hate them!"

Jiang Jingze walked up to Zhang Qianhai and handed over a piece of paper.

"Hate is solved with the brain, not with the knife."

"Not worth it."

Zhang Qianhai took the paper and opened it to find that it was a string of numbers.

"Who is this?"

Jiang Jingze said a familiar yet unfamiliar name.

"Who?" Zhang Qianhai didn't react for a while.

After all, this name has disappeared in Daye Village for too long.

Jiang Jingze reminded again that Zhang Qianhai was like waking up from a dream.

Jiang Jingze reminded Zhang Qianhai.

"Everyone in your village should know what kind of character he is."

"Maybe after all these years, he is also looking for this mother and daughter."

Zhang Qianhai's eyes flashed.

"you're right."

Jiang Jingze nodded at him, "That's all for now, the rest is up to you to choose. Remember, taking revenge with a knife is always the stupidest way. Your life is much more expensive than the other party's life."

Under the setting sun, Zhang Qianhai looked at the back of the man.

Tears welled up in my eyes.

"Thank you."

Although until now, he didn't know the other party's name.

Zhang Qianhai wiped his face with his palm, turned and went back to the room.

The butcher's knife lay alone on the ground, gradually engulfed by the darkness of the evening.


Although she said she was not afraid, He Zhenzhen still kept an eye out.

Before going to bed, ropes were tied on the door and windows of the room, and bells were tied on them.

If someone comes in, you can respond immediately.

Amidst the anxiety, the sky brightened.

He Zhenzhen walked out of the house and looked in the direction of the Zhang family.

"I really thought I was capable, bah! It's scaring people again, Zhang Qianhai is really not a man."

Wang Daming's face was full of sleepiness, apparently he hadn't slept all night.

"Okay, just say a few words less, if he really comes over with a knife, I think you will cry."

He Zhenzhen said disdainfully, "I don't believe he really dared to come."

"Then I'm going to sleep and go back to the cage. Shall we go make trouble today?"

"Wait until that woman comes back from the hospital, and I can't make a fuss now."

He Zhenzhen obviously has a wealth of experience in doing things.

Know where your lifeblood is.

For a while, Wang Daming didn't know how to answer the conversation, so he could only think about staying away from this woman after getting the money.

Li Hongzhuan woke up early in the morning and saw the shameless appearance of these two people, he was so angry that he couldn't even eat.

Go directly to your brother's house to complain.

Village head Li is also full of hair, "Oh, I will definitely drive them out in a few years."

"I don't want to see them for a day. If this continues, I will lose a few years of life."

The village chief was helpless, "But you also know her temperament. If you drive her out of this kind of person today, you will make more troubles for you tomorrow. You don't know what will happen by then. Zhang's daughter-in-law You saw it too."

Li Hongzhuan was so angry that he cried, "Brother, why did you think of getting them here at the beginning? I dare not stay in the house now, and I am afraid of losing money. I have to lock the bedroom door when I go out." Come on, when will such a day end?"

The village head was full of guilt.

"I'm really sorry for you. Zhang Caidie fainted at that time, and I couldn't do anything out of desperation."

Speaking of this, Li Hongzhuan also wondered, "I haven't seen Zhang Caidie in the past two days, so I don't know where she has gone."

"Don't worry about it, alas, you can eat at my side these few days, lest they open their mouths to beg for food again."

Li Hongzhuan shook his head, that's all he could do.

That is to say, Li Hongzhuan's nose is not sensitive after getting old, otherwise he would have become suspicious.

"Forget it, I hope they get out soon."

Although Li Hongzhuan said so, he didn't have any hope for those hob meat.

However, she did not expect that the turning point would come so quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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