Chapter 18 Something Happened

There seemed to be dark clouds hanging over Yue's house.

Zhang Ying pursed her lips and hugged Yue Qingqing, sighing from time to time.

I can't bear to blame my daughter, but I still feel a pity in my heart.

The Yue family spends even a penny in half, seeing the opportunity to make money slip through their fingers, how can they act as if nothing happened.

Although Yue Jiandong didn't say what happened after returning home, Lin Chunju guessed it from his expression.

"Don't make a sad face, take a rest after a long time, and go to accompany your daughter."

Yue Jiandong rubbed his face, tried his best to hold back a smile, and went back to the house to look at the naughty little girl.

"Qingqing, what are you thinking, girl?"

Yue Jiandong rubbed his daughter's face with his chin, Yue Qingqing disliked his stubble face, yelled, and wanted to slap this big face away with her small hands.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Ying couldn't help showing a happy smile.

The mother is right, it's not bad to be at home with my daughter when I finally have some free time.

After playing around for a while, Yue Jiandong held his daughter in front of him, and Yue Qingqing stared at him wrongedly with her big eyes.

"Oh, this skin is too delicate."

Zhang Ying patted him angrily, "It made Qingqing's face turn red."

She has always been soft-tempered, only at this time can she see a bit of coquettishness.

With a thought, Yue Jiandong gently put his daughter on the bed, and went to hug his wife again.

"Then I'll rub it to see if your face is red."

"Don't move around! Qingqing is still by her side."

"She's still young, what does she know?"

Yue Qingqing opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling, wishing she could cover her ears with her hands.

Aren't these two old couples already, why are they still so tired.

Fortunately, in broad daylight, the two will be intimate for a while.

Panting, Zhang Ying pushed her husband away and hugged her daughter back into her arms.

Yue Jiandong deliberately wronged: "Now you only have Qingqing in your eyes, and there is no place for me."

Zhang Ying couldn't help laughing.

"Don't make trouble, I'm free today, and the sun outside is not bad, let's take out the sheets and quilts, wash and dry them, and take care of the mother, younger siblings, and the third child by the way."

With such a small episode, the dark clouds above the Yue family's head also seemed to disperse, and the sunny day outside the house was restored.

The men brought a jar of water from the river, and the two sisters-in-law replaced the old sheets and quilts, washed them one by one, and wrung them dry together.

With a sudden sound, the fabric drew an arc in the air and was hung on the clothesline in the yard.

After most of the work was done, Yue Qingqing, who was placed in the small basket next to her, began to hum softly.

Zhang Ying immediately understood.

"This is to relieve."

Wang Xiaoni was full of envy, "Qingqing is so easy to take care of, she can find a way to tell adults about peeing and Dajie, she never peed on the bed, she is really sensible."

Compared with Yue Xiaohu, he spent too much time, and his diapers were all hanging on the other clothesline.

Zhang Ying hugged her daughter tenderly, and before she had time to say a few words of modesty, an annoying voice sounded outside the door.

"You know what, if you're really obedient, you won't do that in the morning. I think it's a disaster."

The one who spoke was indeed the daughter-in-law of the dog next door on Tuesday.

The Yue family's yard is very close to hers, but the relationship is extremely bad.

I heard from Jiandong that it was because after Ergou's daughter-in-law married to the Zhou family, she thought that the widow next door could take advantage of her.

However, Lin Chunju has a stubborn temper and doesn't rub the sand in her eyes. After several back and forth, Ergou's wife not only didn't take advantage, but was caught and beaten twice.

Even if this feud is over.

Usually Zhang Ying wouldn't talk to her at all, but she couldn't stand it when it came to her daughter.

"You are talking nonsense, my Qingqing is not a disaster."

"It's no wonder, if it wasn't for her today..."

Ergou's daughter-in-law crossed her hips and was about to say something arrogantly, when she saw a man running from a distance, panting.

After a closer look, it turned out to be the eldest son of village chief Zhang.

"Something went wrong, who has a man who digs ditches, go to the dam and have a look, something happened over there!"

(End of this chapter)

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